Ignorant fourth grade politics? You are right, everything America does is right and for freedom, nothing wrong ever happens. The reason we have military bases in 140 different countries is because we are helping them, the federal reserve is falling not because we keep printing out money but because other countries are jealous of us, laws that take away our natural rights are a myth, gas prices are going up because of evil gas corporations, the FBI doesn't kill innocent people or torture them, the constant unconstitutional tax increases are to protect our liberty, 3,000 American troops and millions of middle eastern children die because we strive to protect freedom, correct? Stupid forth grade politics that say otherwise.
And whe it comes to the richest country in the world you are not. According to "CIA - The World Factbook" Luxemburg is in first place(when looking into GDP per capita) with 71,400 USD while USA have 43,800 USD in GDP. reply share
Only ONE person has argued well. I don't care about the nobels, they gave one to al gore. As far as the I.Q. tests go, I couldn't find any proof in that. All the research I did pointed out that the tests are flawed by standards set differently in each place, and not comprehensive or representative of nations. I'll give you the luxemburg one. That's kinda funny, actually. As far as my original post goes, I stand by it. I'm not denying the brutal nature involved in becoming the america we are today, all nations are born in war and strife. The results of culture are measured by it's deeds. We COULD rule, basically, the whole world if we wanted too. We decided a long time ago to not be a conquering nation. There have been numerous times throughout our history when the chance for a world empire were there for the taking, but instead, we chose to let the world decide it's path for itself. Every now and then, like in Iraq, we have to remind people to be nice. As far as russia and china are concerned, in the post above, let's see how long they want to fight when they're not getting food from us. Without us, manufacturing in china would come to a standstill, and their soldiers would starve, along with it's people. At least to the point that domestic agriculture production caught up with the population. So, bascially, like over half the population would have to go. Russia? Come on now. They couldn't win a paintball fight right now if they tried. The entire military complex in Russia is in shambles. Iran would implode on itself once we stopped them from having their oil refined into gasoline. It could all easily be done. See? We're still on top. Look, I understand the need to think YOUR country is the greatest, after all, I actually live in the greatest. It's gonna be o.k., little buddies.
jpaulb5150 bases his understanding of history from watching years of G.I Joe. I believe they're even making a movie on that tv show, so jpaul has something to look forward to.
I grew up watching G.I Joe, History Channel documentaries, CNN, Independence Day (film). It makes the US govt sound real hunky dory, until I grew up and began to see the facade around me.
If there is any American reading this, you have to understand, that most of the world dislikes the US Govt, not American citizens. Afterall, it's not the average individual's fault.
But it should also be known that evil men and tyrants exist in other parts of the world too and throughout the ages.
hey paul, great arguement... i totally agree that the US occupies a central role in the world, be it politics, economics or anything else. But does it give them the right to sponsor fighting in other parts of the world?? Does that give them the right to kidnap a wanted person from another country? Does that give them the right to destroy a nation just so that they can control the oil supply in the world? But I would also like to point out... might is always right. ALWAYS. And sooner the rest of the world learns to live with that, the better it is
I dont think my country is the greatest, in some ways perhaps but not even close to all ways...
If USA would try to conquer the world it would be a world not worth ruling, because of the high probability of using weapons of mass destruction.
And dont be foolish with saying that the Russian is weak, remember all the times it have been attacked by a more skilled and more advanced enemies but what happend, the russians still ended up on the top... (for example, WWII, Napoleon, multiple Russia-Persian wars, multiple Sweden-Russian wars)
PS. I know that most of the statistics i collected for my previous post wasnt realy top notch, but hey I was tierd...
why blame it for being anti american. you dicks should be put down a peg so you can get a more equal opinion with the world.Since the rest of this world pulled for the movie. It reminds me of how good war is for america. U.s would be in the broke if it wasnt for war. and try and prove me wrong about that point(1930's)