What's with all the hate?
I'm getting this movie and I usually browse through it's boards here, and it's safe to say, I never seen a board with so much hatred towards the movie.
I'm confused, since it has very good critics.
I'm getting this movie and I usually browse through it's boards here, and it's safe to say, I never seen a board with so much hatred towards the movie.
I'm confused, since it has very good critics.
Viggo is excellent. Ed Harris is a loser of an actor and horrible little human being.}Toronto Film Festival fiasco|
shareit could have been a lot better, the sex scenes were unneeded but hey they got bikini girls holding cards at a boxing match. sex sells but if i was making the movie i wouldnt use sex to get more revenue or whatever. it kinda had a dry eyes commercial feel to it too, like everyone was on Xanax or some drug to keep them leveled out. i was thinking it was going to be pretty good, i rarely get to the theaters since im in a wheelchair and buy a lot of dvds. i watched it then 2 years later was like hmm why havent i watched this again, I didnt remember much about it.then after halfway through I was like ok thats why I keep passing it over each time Im looking for something to watch. Same with the new Robin Hood with Russell Crowe I watched it then a month later forgot id saw it already and was like hey I wonder if this is any good.
Maybe he doesn't answer to Chuck. Call him Charles. Charles!
It seems to have divided audiences.
Especially Americans. We are taught to worship and to prefer formulas like babies that never tire of peek-a-boo. We are a nation of nine year olds, systematically taught to hate art, to hate serious conversations about anything, to express everything through hostility and hatred and to believe that every thing that pops into our stupid heads is of interest to everyone.
<b><i>Well, Hip-Hop-Hooray for your cheap climax!</b></i>
Hey thormn8
Even though it is negative, you have an interestingly accurate point of view of people today.
I guess what you are saying, is to openly enjoy what we like even if it isn't popular to do so or if it doesn't fit the usual formulas. Love the art you love, or appreciate art for what it is. Even if it's not for you. Have serious conversations from every once in a while. An express our selves with thought provoking reason and passion. Also consider others ideas and listen to their point of view. It maybe valid and open minded people grow the most in their life.
At least this is my understanding of what you are saying.
If the film had a 3.2 rating and barley anyone saw it the film would be hailed a masterpiece. Its quite common here with that.
The original Saw comes to mind. Solid film. Wouldn't make my all time favorite list, but when it first came out it got over, but as it started to rake in cash than of course sequels its now one of the worst films. Head over to the Walking Dead board. Apparently its the worst show ever produced. So many people claim to hate it yet its one of the top rated shows and the people who say how horrible it is keep watching.
Take away the popularity and all those idiots would praise it.
Plus its the imdb I don't put much stock into what people say.
I thought this was a wonderful movie. It was very suspenseful, thought-provoking and all the actors did a fantastic job. Not to mention it has the typical Cronenbergian feeling. I don't get the hate either! :/
shareSome people have short attention spans and if things aren't blowing up every 2 minutes on the screen, they can't stayed focused on it.
shareBecause the Internet gives every self important opinionated dumb dumb who doesn't understand what a plot hole really is the illusion that their opinion on film means jack sh-t.
Every quality film gets ripped apart by keyboard warriors on the Internet. Fact of life.
Officially Canadian for 26 years. Never heard "aboot."