Next to Devon-I-Can-Scatter-A-Leper-Colony-With-My-Smile-Aoki, a puddle of rat piss would be a vast improvement. So thank you for the compliment. It doesn't make you any less of a goddamn moron for insulting someone because their opinion differs from yours, but thank you anyway. Furthermore, the thread was started by someone who does not all find her attractive. I was minding my own business, stating my opinion in agreement with the OP and others who agreed with him. YOU on the other hand, obviously do find her attractive in some regard, felt compelled to come and slam people who don't find her attractive simply because that differs from your POV? That just makes you even more of an idiot than you are already and whats worse is, you're not just an idiot. You're an idiot that can't mind their own goddamn business and leave people alone. You're one of those self-righteous jackoffs that has to poke their nose into everyone else's business and then belittle people for thinking opposite of you. GG Captain Jackass, your idiocy shines like the sun this day, Congratulations.
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