I Liked it!

Say what you will about DOA, but it was FUN!. The Girls are cute and fun and sexy as hell, the fighting was great, and the direction and crazy camera angles were great too.

Anyone going to this movie looking for some mental massaging won't find it. This movie is meant to be FUN! A great movie to watch with your buds on a big screen TV.

My girlfriend watched it too and she thought it was fun.

And Jaimie Prestly is ultra sexy. Yum.




Are you 15 years old?


I loved this movie, just an action movie to enjoy. Action, pretty girls, a videogame theme... could be a better movie? Of course, but this is not the movie style what i see when i want to see a "good movie", this is just a good visual enternaiment.
I've seen this movie about 8 times...and never got tired of it.
I always loved "tournament movies", like Bloodsport, The Quest, Best of the Best, etc.
I give 7/10 to DOA: Dead or Alive.


Great movie!!!! I remember going to the cinema to see it I was so exited.



"Say what you will about DOA, but it was FUN!. The Girls are cute and fun and sexy as hell, the fighting was great, and the direction and crazy camera angles were great too."

It wasn't a 'good' movie (acting wise, special effects wise, budget wise, etc.) but I totally agree that it WAS fun and enjoyable. Which is what they were really going for, I imagine.

Having said that, I will almost certainly never watch it again.


Eye candy galore and a somewhat decent movie.
