MovieChat Forums > Derailed (2005) Discussion > Be honest, did you see the twist coming?

Be honest, did you see the twist coming?

There are 2 types of people who watched this movie.
1. Everyone who did not see the twist coming.
2. Liars.

I don’t believe in ghosts but I’d pee myself if I saw one


Something irked me when she gave him the money. I think she was at her work place, but I was'nt really concentrating. Then when they were in the apartment I knew straight away what was happening.


No I honsetly did not see it. I first watched this movie really late and it was intresting and quite good.

"I have so many questions. My mind wanders".


Saw that sucker from miles away. Come on, that was 'easy' if you paid attention. Also if she wasn't involved in the scam, we would've seen her family portrayed at some point in the movie. But I agree that the movie was very well constructed in that sense that all the locations and events we are presented with, never "cheats" to make us believe she is genuine. IE. her apartment is pretty empty, aside from furniture - We would think that someone lived there, and they didn't cram a bunch of personal items in the apartment to fool us.

So to conclude, there are 2 scenarios here:

1. Some people are smarter than you.
2. You're a moron.

It doesn't pay off to be cocky, especially when you're wrong. You're just gonna end up looking dumb.

I was surprised by the last one though. We were made to believe that the movie was over when it really wasn't. When LaRoche was in the laundry room I got annoyed thinking that they either staged an open ending or cliffhanger for a second movie (gotta hate those) or that it was some lame freak coincident. That would be so pointless "Uhlalala I survived, let's fight so you can kill me again!". But I liked the "I chose this prison"-twist. Very nice!


"Also if she wasn't involved in the scam, we would've seen her family portrayed at some point in the movie."

Fine that you predicted the twist but if this was part of your reasoning, then it was a case of dumb luck as well being smart that led to your correct prediction.

"Ah! Strip clubs: where all men are created equal."

-The Philanthropist (NBC)


"Lucinda" never said she had an apartment. She said she lived in the suburbs with her husband and he had a "crash pad" in the city. So a sparsely furnished apartment made perfect sense, and it wasn't farfetched to think that she'd come by the apartment occasionally as well.


Wrong (and I don't appreciate being called a liar, bub).


The "twist" that Aniston was involved was REALLY easy to figure out (and I don't generally figure out twists in movies - mainly because I don't try - I prefer for the movie plot to unfold).

The other "twist" that Frenchie was still alive and in prison? Silly Michael Myers isn't dead twist? Way overplayed and didn't fit with this movie.

Charles' silly actions for MOST of the film I found horribly annoying (him not realizing Aniston was in on it is NOT what I'm referring to - but giving Frenchie all that money and NOT going to the police).

Finally Charles got smart with the Hotel showdown - and then the jail thang was just unnecessary.


that makes me #1. i had no clue about this movie, went to see it on a whim and it did not disappoint.



I realised he was being conned and i thought the froggie may still be alive.

What I didn't see coming was when Clive Owen said he chose that prison as well in order to exact revenge.

Very good movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

And Clive Owen's wife was very attractive. Lord knows why he wanted an illicit affair with Jennifer "$300 hairdo, and I scrub up OK" Anniston.



How could you not have found Aniston attractive?

"Ah! Strip clubs: where all men are created equal."

-The Philanthropist (NBC)


Cheaters don't cheat because their wives are ugly. They cheat for variety and because the new woman feeds their ego.


I saw it from the begining. I found it weird that she paid for his ticket without even looking at him. I also found it weird the guy bust in the perfect room, not to mention he never blackmailed the girl. Then the abortion scene.

I didn't know the guy was still alive. Clive was stupid throughout the whole movie, until the end.

Death smiles at you, All I can do is smile back.



Nope. Did not see it.

No refunds, consider your refund escaping this death trap with your lives!
