Hoodoo Magic Real?

I was wondering if Hoodoo magic is real? I know it's a real thing but does it work?
I've heard that its very powerful and very dangerous especially if you don't know what you're doing.
Has anyone ever practiced it or know where I can learn it? I wanna learn for religious experience, I love learning about other cultures and their faiths. I have nothing but respect for them.


I don't know, you could give it a try, and tell us how it works. :)




Surely you're joking?


Who are you calling "Surely" ?
Just being 'frank'.



Not only do I believe in it, I practice it. It works


It works. Ive tried it. But you must be very very careful. Everything I put out I got back tenfold. I would suggest you use it for positive things and not to hurt others. Darkness will find you if you put darkness out there


Actually the OP answered his own question.

I know it's a real thing but does it work?

If you know it's a real thing how can something that's real not work?


If one wanted to learn it, what's the best way?


http://www.luckymojo.com is a great hoodoo resource. Good luck.
