MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > Any other men feel ashamed while watchin...

Any other men feel ashamed while watching this?

This movie made me ashamed of being a man. The things some men do to women...
Any other guys out there who felt the same way?

Fetchez la vache!



I'm more ashamed to be a human being.


I don't feel ashamed at all because Holywood is filled with liberal *beep* so I can recognize their propaganda.


Yes, I felt ashamed for having rented the film and watched it in its entirety. What an incredible load of dribble ... and how about a waste of a cast? Gee wiz, it was straight-to-tv, standard oppressed woman fights the narrow-minded, arrogant corporation stuff. In all seriousness, men can do horrible things to women and the true story behind this regurgitation of a film, no doubt, holds similar tales of woe, but this movie is just lame. LAME. I'm sure there was an attempt to give this film some subtlety by making the characters have interesting histories and making their stories multi-layered and all that sort of jazz, but what they ended up with just struck me as lazy rubbish. The highlight of the lowlights for me was the whole story-line involving the father. Holy moly, how much of a backflip can they do? Did they not think that we noticed how much of a shocking bloke the Dad was? Did they think we would see him stop being a prick of a man and become a saint in two seconds and not say, "Um, that's a little unlikely"? He hated his daughter for 15 years for very little and then he suddenly has a rush of the Hollywood hero because his wife leaves him ... righto!!!! This is a man who watched his daughter treated like a particularly vulgar spider in a Mortein factory and did nothing but continue to hate her. Don't you think it'd be more likely that he would then begin to disregard his wife, rather than doing a huge about face and start hugging his daughter in the kitchen?

I don't feel ashamed for things that I haven't done, as such, I didn't feel ashamed while watching fictional characters commit awful sins on a fictional character. I could have been more emotionally involved and felt a lot more empathy for the characters had the whole affair not been terribly cliched. It is the people behind this film that should be ashamed, for it is they that belittled the factual story behind this movie.


I am ashamed that men were capable of such disgusting and horrid behavior. However how Hollywood the movie is though, I'm sure it's all happened in other places since then.


its also a true story




I guess I could go with elgreedo and say that I don't feel ashamed for things I didn't even do. However, we do have some sort of power to change things. I realize that this movie took place at a coal mining company in Minnesota, and not in a more accepting environment, but this stuff does still happen. No, I've never raped or harrassed a female (or male, for that matter), but that doesn't mean men shouldn't do anything about it. No, I'm not telling you to become an activist, I'm just saying we can still tell the bad guys to stop their behavior, or at least keep ourselves from becoming the guys in this movie.

And as for the movie itself, hey no matter what there will always be inaccuracies. I do agree that the characters seem to change a bit drastically, but I find it to be pretty subtle, especially since a movie is about two hours long. Sometimes you just need to condense things a little. Overall, I think the movie was quite good. Most movies based on/inspired by a true story are extremely overdone and dramaticized. I thought the actors in this film were very believable and had great lines and body language. I found it to be emotionally moving. I'm man enough to say I cried the first time I saw the scene of the raping.

If you really want to see an over-the-top movie, see "Paprazzi" lol.


I hated it, you liked it, fair enough. We all take different things from films and stories in general. It struck me as a TV movie, but a particularly weak one where the director was banking on the willing submission to silliness and thoughtless emotion by the viewer to make it acceptable. Your crying at the film shows that you made an emotional connection to it, I didn't feel anything other than bored throughout it, so I've made an attempt to understand why that was so. My thoughts in my earlier post are some of the conclusions reached in my ponderings. It doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong I suppose, and my views may have been overly aggressive, but that is just the way I saw the movie.

I still don't in any way feel ashamed from watching the film. I was nine years old and living in a different country when the story of this movie was concluded, so I could in no way effect the people portrayed in it. I am the sort of person who would step in to make sure people aren't being treated unfairly, so my conscience is clean. Maybe you feel that there have been moments in your life when you could have done more to help oppressed women from your evil co-workers, I, however, don't feel that way. As such I can happily state that I, in no way, felt ashamed while watching North Country.


No, thats like saying do I feel bad for being a man because jeffery dahmer killed a bunch of people.


It doesn't help that these men were predominantly white guys. I myself am white and live in the south. But in all honesty some of this film struck me as almost satirical because of how few people were unkind to the main character in light of the circumstances, not just men but also women. It seems like cruelty not for the sake of it even being convenient for the other characters, but cruelty for cruelty's sake.


I only did for the sexist men who are really *beep* up. But there are alotta real men out there who woulda stuck up for thier women.


Yes, I felt so ashamed I'm getting a sex change operation and changing my name to Shirley. I cried myself to sleep over just how evil some men are in the world and how ashamed I am to be one, because obviously I must be just like them.

I'm also getting cosmetic surgery to turn my skin colour black. Even though I'm not from the USA, I feel ashamed that white people enslaved black people over 130 years ago.

Maybe this way, I can finally get some peace. There's no such thing as personal accountability.


Yep.. Its a shame for humanity, I have personally seen things like this happen.I am angry, ashamed of this stupidity. Is it natural for men to be dominant ??

people say this is hollywood/fiction...overdramatization but Worse things happen in real life... This imbalance in our society is the actual Evil power that strives to disorient, confuse and create havoc in our lives. All this can be attributed to the 'illusioned' personal relationships between the people in a society. I cannot see Love, compassion or care but money, sexual appetites and alcohol.

I will not blame a single person but the society... the constituents of the society...lets learn from these atrocities channeled from and toward humanity and endeavour to make this world a bettr place for our children...


No, because I'm not responsible for anyones actions but my own, and I wouldn't behave in such an intimidating manner.

I'm gonna take this itty-bitty site by storm... I'm just gettin' warm.


I wouldn't call the men in the movie who did all those vile things MEN. Animals maybe.

If you're truly a man, then you have nothing to worry about :)
