Soooooooooo one-sided.

Did it occur to anyone besides me that there were a grand sum total of two decent men in this entire movie? 99% of the men were portrayed as rapists, wife beaters, hateful harassers, raging disrespectful sons, emotionally absent and vindictive fathers, creepy leerers, and weak silent observers. Does that seem like a fair portrayal of our society to you? I know that the story was based in some part on a true story, with a whole lot of "artistic license" applied to make it a more interesting movie. But are we supposed to believe there were no decent men in that mine? Hell, in that town? A few more decent male characters, who did the right thing when they had the chance to do so, would have made this a much more realistic and interesting movie. As it was, it was just an offensive caricature of males. Imagine the outrage if Hollywood offered up a movie where every man was honorable, decent, and deserving of admiration, and every single woman was an evil, lying, violent, vindictive, careless, and murderous bitch.

Is a little fairness in the retelling of the facts of the incident too much to ask for? Oh yeah, I forgot, that wouldn't have been as popular.


For some people real life is like this, there is people in the world who dont get a break with meeting people who are good to them.

Her father grew up worked in an environment where the worst was assumed of women, so he disrespected his daughter when she was pregnant early and it took his wife to leave him, to see straight. After that he turned it around and we assume he was a great dad from that point until he died.

There was also good men in the mine's we see a few of them, but the movie concentrates on the bad one's it has a limited time to tell a story. You could even argue the owner of the mine's was been brainwashed by the manager who he relied on for day to day information, I think in the restaurant he was been genuine, then she turns up for the meeting and the manager has already briefed him with lies. With that said though we do find out later by the way he talks to the female lawyer he is an arsehole. Although at that point he is likely just wanting to protect his company's reputation and money.

You have the husband of Glory and of course Bill White, her son also is a good male.

There is a reason for every law/policy, ask yourself why would a company have a sexual harassment policy?



poor men *tears*
