before Eben injected himself, there was a discussion of how the other infected characters had behaved after they had been infected and before they had become dangerous. Eben made an educated guess that if he injected himself that he would have enough time with his own mind (and freewill, to a certain extent) to save his wife and the child before he truly "became" a vampire. I do believe the time between Eben killing the vampire leader and the sun coming up was still the amount of time it took the other guy who was bitten or scratched by the little girl to start to turn. So, this makes sense when watching Eben and his thought process when injecting himself with vampire blood. Plus, the guy (John, I think) who was found under the house by Eben, but he had been infected but still was part himself, but obviously was turning and dangerous at that point, but he said he had been under that house for a while ( I can't remember exactly, but it seemed like he said 2 weeks, which seems ridiculous since nobody could live in the snow under a house for that long, but maybe it was because he was mostly vampire at that point. Just some thoughts. I agree that most movies I like, especially horror movies, have gaping inconsistencies but for the most part, we just have to right those off to enjoy the movie. I would love, love, love for someone to recommend a few truly good horror movies that have no inconsistencies and everything makes sense and falls into place.