What happened to Lucy Liu?
I don't thnk she;s that good, but she used to be a major hit in tons of moves first billing, now shes in crap films or low budget unknown works.
what happened?
I don't thnk she;s that good, but she used to be a major hit in tons of moves first billing, now shes in crap films or low budget unknown works.
what happened?
I guess Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever was the beginning of the end. Hollywood is a jungle, one bad movie, that's it for you. See Wesley Snipes. Blade 3 failed at the box office, BANG, only straight to video from there on.
blade three actaully made like 120 million dollars in combined domestic and foreign box office. twice what it cost to make. thts not exactly a failure.
Ben Stone: If any of us get laid tonight, it's because of Eric Bana in "Munich."
I dunno, But I gave this movie a 1, 'cos of Lucy.
shareAre you serious? After Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever Lucy did Kill Bill, Charlie's Angels, Lucky # Slevin and Domino. None of those were low budget and most of them were good... but I do agree she isn't as much in the spotlight as before.
shareBig difference is supporting versus lead roles - she works fine in support, which is what she was in all the films you mentioned (or ensemble player in the case of the Angels, but can we really call much in that movie acting?).
I haven't seen her anything that suggests she could carry a film. I'm curious to see this one primarily because vampire flicks are a guilty pleasure.
Lucky Number Slevin was great, though, no doubt.
I just think reality is catching up to her. Most of her roles revolve almost totally around her either being feisty or bitchy or fiesty/bitchy/sexy... its gotten old and tired. She's not really called upon to act or carry complex characters, plus as her role choices from end of last year to now show... she doesn't seem to know how to pick good projects. I'm hoping that this isn't the end of the line for her.
shareLucky # Slevin BOMBED, Charlie's Angels was BEFORE EvS, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle was a trainwreck that didn't make its budget back, Domino BOMBED because it was a bad movie, and Kill Bill was in production before EvS released. And to call most of them "good" only shows your low standards in entertainment.
"At least the black box survived"-Joel
"Why can't they make THE PLANE out of the black box?!"-Crow
There were some scenes where you can see some nipples. Was that really her?
shareNo offense tool4205, but just because a movie makes "millions of dollars", doesn't mean that it was profitable, or even that it made its money back.
CHARLIE'S ANGELS:FULL THROTTLE's budget was $120 million, it LOST money domestically, and only made a profit in worldwide release.
LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN Worldwide box office: $56,308,881. Willis makes over $20 million a picture (although obviously will take less when he feels like it, and if he does, he usually makes it up as points on the gross), and neither Hartnett, Liu, Kingsley, nor Freeman make small salaries. Pretty hard to imagine it turned a profit at all.
DOMINO Worldwide box office: $22,904,376. Its budget is estimated at $50 million, so no profit there.
BALLISTIC:ECKS VS. SEVER Worldwide box office: $19,924,033. Budget: $70 million. Serious loss of cash here.
KILL BILL obviously made big chunks of money.
As far as whether any of these were good or not, that's all up to personal preference. Only ones in this bunch that I've seen as of yet are the Kill Bill movies, which I enjoyed, and the Charlie's Angels movies: I thought the first one was okay, but when watching Full Throttle I couldn't sit through it although I tried three times. By my third attempt I wanted to hunt down McG and skin him alive with a potato peeler.
"Oh, I thought you wanted us to murder the children and harvest their organs for beer money"
I agree with you. People often do not understand the acting biz very well. Really big name actors do low-bidget movies even after they have made "blockbusters".If an actor is finding steady work they are "successful",without a doubt.The money does not have to be huge paychecks and the movies,Tv,etc,to not need to be at the top.I worked with Lucy in March and April on ROCKETT here in Jacksonville,Florida and she was a delight to be around. I should only be so lucky to work with her again.
shareI'm sorry, but he's right. They may have made millions but they did not make the large profits needed to recoup their budgets. The critics hated them, but these days that means nothing. The point is, they were not profitable ansd that makes them bombs, whether you liked them or not. I liked "Zardoz," but I admit it was a critical and financial failure. I like Tom Selleck, but I must concede most of his films were flops. I like Lucy Liu too, but that doesn't make her a great success.
Acting is a cannibalistic, man and woman-eating business. If your films do not make significant profits, you share the blame, unless it's "artsy" or a "cause celebre" film like "Aileen." You must be bankable, not just talented.
Besides, Lucy Liu is getting older and she just can't play the Asian kick-butt sex-kitten any longer. Maggie Q has replaced her. Hollywood still considers female sex goddesses through at 40 or so. She's no Jane Fonda, so that's pretty much it unless she pulls a Raquel Welch, improves her talent, and changes her image.
"Besides, Lucy Liu is getting older and she just can't play the Asian kick-butt sex-kitten any longer"
Liu looks little different than she did 10 years ago, looks young, looks very attractive, and at 40 is hardly physically over the hill. Just because "Hollywood" may (or increasingly may not) have some unwritten rule about women at 40 doesn't mean she "just can't play" the role.
As for Lucky # Slevin, it was a surprisingly good movie. I'm sure I can guess as to the types of movies on the "good movie" list of those who felt it was crap.
Lucky # Slevin was a critical and financial failure. Josh Hartnett was way too young to play her romantic interest.
Like it or not, you can tell Ms. Liu is no longer in her 20s, and as attractive as I admit she still is, time has caught up with her. I freely concede that it is totally unfair that male action stars still get work into their 50s because most of them look ridiculous. At least Bruce Willis make concessions to his age, which the others don't.
Of course she's not physically over the hill, but the unwritten rules of Hollywood control casting and always will. She "just can't play" the role anymore because the filmmakers won't let her. Like it or not, and at 58 I don't, age matters. Most regular moviegoers are under 25 and they don't want to see 40 year-olds playing roles for people in their 20s. I know I didn't when I was young.
In Hollywood, not everyone can be a star. People who lack that "it" appeal can either spend their careers in supporting roles in major movies, or star in low-budget films and have a cult following.
Take Bruce Campbell for instance. Most of his fans REALLY love him and his films. But the overwhelming amount of moviegoers never heard of him. He's carved out a niche in the B-movie market, but will never headline a major Hollywood movie.
Her hair looks cute in this though? If nothing else? :P
shareLucky # Slevin was amazing.
Charlie's Angels Full Throttle was not a trainwreck. Geez.
shareproducers *beep* up the release. and the movie. i'm just waiting for the director's cut. the good stuff in the movie was obviously Gutierrez's work. i hate how people categorize him by Snakes on a Plane. he, like, rewrote the rewritten version of that for no money. and after, it got rewritten again. so to answer your question: lucy didn't hit rock bottom, the producers sunk the movie.
shareIt wasn't a trainwreck? Okay, it was a plane crash. Sorry, but it was BAD!! The ending made no sense at all.
PS: Hail Bruce Campbell. In Hollywood, a "modest" success works often, makes $1-2 million a year, and often outlasts the stars, both professionally and physically. I should have such "modest" success.
Lucky # Slevin was amazing.
Charlie's Angels Full Throttle was not a trainwreck. Geez.
I agree, they were awesome. She was amazing in Slevin, it should be a crime that a film like that is underrated. It just makes no sense whatsoever.
"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
maybe she cares more about playing parts that are interesting to her and working with people she admires than being third billed in blockbusters like Transformers? Just guessing....
For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
I guess she's being picky and not hunting for how succesful a film might be.
Saying that, The Gene Generation is out very soon, she's in that and there's no way on Earth that's going to be a bad film.
She has definitely taken a step back but this movie was alot better than i was expecting. It was entertaining and didnt have those annoying moments where the hero has to cheat or do some major miracle to beat the bad guys (that always annoys me when something stupid happens just so they win). I thought it was well done and her acting didnt suck in this
Edit - Michael Chiklis is a champ
She only had a few succesfull movies (Kill Bill and Charlies Angels 1 & 2), so I don't consider her to be THAT big a star. I agree that Ballistics: Ecks vs Sever seems to be the turning point in her career. After that she just wasn't able to get back on the horse.
Furthermore she is clearly past the 'Hollywood-prime'. In other words: she is getting to old for Hollywood movies. As long as you are young and look hot it doesn't matter if you can act, but as soon as old age hits (even slightly) you better have some talent or it's out of the major leagues. That's what happened to Lucy. Too old to be hot and not good enough an actress. It's a cruel world...
except she wasnt even that hot to begin with..
shareI'm sorry, but give me a break. If you had never seen Lucy Liu before, had no idea who she was, and someone asked you how old she was most people would guess late 20s to early 30s. It blows my away that anyone thinks she looks to be even remotely showing signs of "old." Do you guys not get out around real people a lot? Do you spend all your time in college dorms? She looks little older than of the seniors I see every day in college, she looks younger than many grad students.
You forgot the film, Chicago.