MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > Has Covid prevented Idiocracy?

Has Covid prevented Idiocracy?

It seems that the less intelligent Americans are those that refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks.

Covid seems to be wipping the less intelligent through natural selection.

Has Covid prevented Idiocracy?


No, look how ornery it's made everyone. That's just how the people in Idiocracy act.


naw its the less intelligent people who are taking this mcfranklenshot that will make em crippled or put em in the grave once the goverment send out the kill shot strain to population cull all the sheeple who took the shot. ur brain has a calcified pineal gland from all the fluoride in the water supply. if ur third eye was operating properly u could see this is a sinister plot from a mile away. smoke some dmt and wake up, become actually woke not the pc sjw term of the word it is used as today


Lol! This was good.


Bill Burr had a great bit about this on Conan... Why would the goverment kill the sheeple... think about it... It is all the morons who say no to the vaccine that is fucked...

It is all the tin foil hat wearing mofos... who will be gone if you really believe the goverment is behind this... Ask yourself this... Why would the goverment kill the people who do as they are told...


maybe they wont kill you maybe they just want more control of you and want your money so this vaccine will keep u alive but fuck u up and then u will have to be reliant on them to fix u. i watched my mom die from cancer and saw doctors do all sorts of fucked up shit just to make more money. her ankle was hurt and they convinced this dying women to get serious surgery on her leg with a plate and screws in it. this ended up getting infected and they just took it out. after charging her a fortune and putting her thru so much pain. if she didn't listen to the doctors she might have had the energy to live a bit longer but they scared her saying she would walk like a cripple if she didn't listen to them. they just want the money so they can buy the newest dumb car or spend it on a hooker since that is the only way these evil people can find love. the vax will shrivel you balls and ur gonna need to go to the same science bitch who injected you and pay them a million dollar for each test tube baby they create for you. u listen to ur hollywood shill comidians i will listen to my heart and gut


But if you really believe this conspiracy... wouldn't the easiest way to get rid of all you who have "figured everything out" just create a virus that kills everybody who has said no to the vaccine;-) I think Bill Burr makes a great point:-)

And I do not live in a country where I have to pay when I go to the hospital... so maybe you should fight for a better health system instead of being worried about a vaccine...


I have a suspicion that most of us who had opted out of the experimental jab program would reconsider if we started seeing people drop dead right and left.


" vaccine will keep u alive but fuck u up and then u will have to be reliant on them to fix u"

Again , why would the government fuck up the loyal obedient ones?
they have to fix them then .

dont tell me "its all about big (whatever) making money
The governemnt is in it with the doctors right?
The doctors said to the governemrnt , "we want some fucked up people to work on to make money.
can you fuck some people up for us?"

gov: "yeah sure , lucky theres a world wide virus on the loose (wink ,wink ) we'll make up some bullshit cure that actually just fucks people up and does nothing to help the situation , then you doctors can make some more money renting out your ICU beds, hows that work for ya?"

is that about the size of it?


doctors are nothing but sad nerds who stuck with school their whole lives, selling their youth for $$$ gainz, much like whores (but much more dishonest than whores). they listen and do what they are told, they are professionals at being mindless follower drone, remembering and regurgitating directions, that is all. back in the day doctors would inject ur dick with mercury if u had syphilatic dick. doctors still try to chop off and mutilate dicks of newborn babies to this day lmfao just so they can fuck up the murican populations dicks and sell em more boner pills for thousands a year in the future. i thank my Holy Mother for not letting that evil doctors chop off my dick even tho they tried to convince her right when i was born. i would rather lose an arm or leg or even one of each before losing my foreskin. u can trust your friendly neighborhood meth dealer more than ur average doctor


You are a funny troll. Lol!


what makes u think im trollin? i am dead serious


just . wow.


the only dr i trust is my Eastern European immigrant doctors who was my childhood doctor as a kid. he was always a bro to me and when i asked him if he took the vax he said "no i already had covid i dont need the vax " i will take his advice. he always had my back and was always against prescribing drugs i asked for as a kid like adderall. i trust that dude not some fake news tv doctors sponsed by israhel


Do you have statistics to back that claim up as all the studies I've seen including the ones coming out of the UK and Israel show the vaccinated are worse off.


Please share.




Well, here in the U.S., the unvaccinated are dying at 11 times the rate of the vaccinated.


what u fail to realize is the average murican is 11 times more likely to be a total fatty mcbumbalattie than the average israhel citizen. israhel is the richest country on the world they eat the best food meanwhile USA is cucked so bad we feed 600 banned chemicals in EU to our citizens so we can save our money to fight these israhel wars for them and keep them at the top at our own populations expense


Actually, I just looked it up. Turns out those numbers are false.

The Twitter post uses those numbers to falsely claim the data shows people who were vaccinated had a 0.69% chance of dying and people who were unvaccinated had just a 0.08% chance of dying, and the difference between those is 745%. But experts say that form of analysis is invalid because the data does not take into account age of patients and other underlying illnesses

The math used to interpret the data in the Twitter post “doesn’t make sense,” Cennimo said. “You have no idea how comparable the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups are. It’s not a controlled group. We don’t know who had cancer, who was immunocompromised.”

More than 90% of people over the age of 50 have been fully vaccinated in Britain. The report states that no one under the age of 50 who received two doses of the vaccine died from the Delta variant.

“This same point has been debunked multiple times,” Luke Weeks, a spokesperson from the British agency told The Associated Press in an email. “The data should be interpreted taking into consideration the context of very high vaccine coverage in the UK population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated.”

Some of the people who died after being infected with the delta variant may have died of other causes, Weeks explained.

“Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-Covid-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with Covid-19 rather than because of Covid-19,” he said.


This "Twitter post" debunking refers to the image I posted? As that article is from July.


It’s the same topic and argument. People have just been repeating the debunked argument.

No, vaccinated people are not dying at higher rates.


Right, people have been debunking, but this particular data has been debunked?


It’s the same data and argument. You are just regurgitating it several months later.


Yeah, idiot, the most intelligent sheeple spend their lifes as Guinea pigs for the pharma industry. Unpaid! How clever...


They spray brawndo on the crops in that movie over and over and over again, and it does not work. Sounds a lot like taking a vaccine over and over again which does not prevent infection. Plus the FDA FCC and USDA are all owned by the company pushing the brawndo spray. Sounds familiar.
The mask thing is pure idocracy, that was proven to do nothing a long time ago and we are still told to wear it. When in the movie do we find out that pfizer also owns all the little separate companies that make these masks?


It is a proven fact that the vaccine works and it is saving lives.

It is not even debatable at this point.

In Idiocracy, intelligence was rejected. Which is what those that refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks do.


When you are wearing a mask and someone next to you farts, can you smell it?

I'm also sure that Brawndo was proven to grow plants by the same people making it and the individuals who they paid off in the government bureaucracies. A lot of money being made by these vaccines.
They say infection is up 300% from last year at this time, so how are the vaccines working exactly?


^^^This proves my point, lol.

Covid is flushing the idiots from the planet.


Prevented? I thought I was living in it.


Yup. MovieChat is Proof!


You may be right based on the responses to this thread.


Take off that stinky mask, breath fresh air and come back to reality.


Fucking morons like you that can't read the CDC reports but listen to the psychopaths on CNN.

Fuck Off.
