MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > Funniest part of the movie

Funniest part of the movie

You guys might not agree with me but i think the funniest part of the movie is the look on Fritos face right after he asks Joe "If you gave me 30 billion and the time machine is 20, whats minus 30 20" and Joe says 80 Billion.


The hospital check-up - "this one goes in your ear, this one goes in your butt, this one goes in your mouth...oh wait, no, that's wrong...


Collins' speech about gaining the pimps confidence......and the look he gives them when the military brass tell him to get on with amazing.
And when Collins remarks that "....It is a fascinating world though?" has me in hysterics.

"If you're lying.....I'll be back"


The part about the nuclear power plant leaking and how Georgia is located in Florida.


The Time Masheen.


At the end when he's President:

"And there was a time in this country a long time ago when reading wasn't just for fags, and neither was writing... people wrote books and movies; movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was, and why it was farting, and I believe that that time can come again!

**Crowd Cheers**


There was a funny part? Mmmm. Must have dozed off during that.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.



Secretary of educasjun, sitting in a corner of the oval office, playing with a rifle, peeking into the barrel.
Joe flinches a little when it goes *click*


The teleprompter that starts the president's speech with "s***.."

What's in my VCR:
