making up ages as you go along ? THis film came out when she was 10, this film started filming when she was 9. Other than that,while cultures differ,and in Estonia for ex,back in the 90s and early 00s,kids did not know such words and did not hear teenagers use them either,because that was before the internet became more accessible in the mid00s and early 10s now. Nowadays however,starting from kids born in the mid-late 90s,like Dakota,they would hear such words much more often on the internet and as such from the mouth of teenagers,which means they would find out about these words at a young age,and thus,NOW, kids know these words as kids. This was not the case in the 1990s nor early 00s, at least not in my country,and my country had computers,internet access,computer saloons, western media,tv etc allover the place in the city, yet,no kids knew and no teens used such words.
I guess Norway maybe had parents who cussed to each other etc all the time,so the kids grew up knowing the words and teens cussing etc. Here,this was not the case,not for Russians,nor Estonians living here.