MovieChat Forums > Hide and Seek (2005) Discussion > Why Dokata's parent let her to act in th...

Why Dokata's parent let her to act in this film?

This film is so disturbing that it may potentially affect sub-consciousness of young actors. I really do not understand why Dokata's parents let her to perform such a characters. Is it only for money?

That being said, her performance is so good that I suspect that her psychological age is larger than me....


Achance to work with DeNiro?

No matter how hard you try you cannot baptize a cat.


The film may be a little disturbing to some, but when you think about it, most of her scenes never really centered around anything violent or disturbing. It's not like she was performing around a bunch of prosthetic corpses or anything, the majority of her scenes were just with De Niro in and around the house. Dakota was well aware what the film was about, but still. She seems pretty mature for her age anyway, so I highly doubt it affected her at all. Not that I can tell from personal experience, but it seems like acting in a scary movie isn't scary, you're just acting. It's scary to the audience, but for the performers? - doubt it, especially for this movie.



Although she did actually say the F-word in the sense of its meaning.

When love feels like magic you call it destiny.WhenDestiny has a sense of humorYouCallItSERENDIPITY


I have seen the movie several times and the deleted scenes and do not ever recall her saying the F-word. Robert Deniro said it near the end, but she was not even in that scene. I guess she would have heard it if she saw the movie at its premiere though and I don't like that either.


You must have seen an edited version in that case because in one scene Dakota's character clearly asks Robert Di Nero's character if he enjoyed ---- another female character. The audience in the theatre in Australia where I watched it gasped when she said it.

When love feels like magic you call it destiny.WhenDestiny has a sense of humorYouCallItSERENDIPITY


Here in Norway, all the kids are saying words that are way worse than these, all the time. We did it too when we were kids. We also knew about the human reproduction organs and how they worked when we were kids, and that our mums and dads did it in their bed - when we were 4-year-olds, and kids today know it too. None have yet to take any harm from it. It's not dangerous knowledge. Not knowing about it would be more harmful, I believe. Dakota was 13 when she acted in this movie, 13 YEARS OLD! She was a teenager for crying out loud.


Dakota was 10 or 11 years old. She was born in 1994, the movie came out in 2005 so it was made either in 2004 or 2005.

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Very WELL SAID!!!!


making up ages as you go along ? THis film came out when she was 10, this film started filming when she was 9. Other than that,while cultures differ,and in Estonia for ex,back in the 90s and early 00s,kids did not know such words and did not hear teenagers use them either,because that was before the internet became more accessible in the mid00s and early 10s now. Nowadays however,starting from kids born in the mid-late 90s,like Dakota,they would hear such words much more often on the internet and as such from the mouth of teenagers,which means they would find out about these words at a young age,and thus,NOW, kids know these words as kids. This was not the case in the 1990s nor early 00s, at least not in my country,and my country had computers,internet access,computer saloons, western media,tv etc allover the place in the city, yet,no kids knew and no teens used such words.

I guess Norway maybe had parents who cussed to each other etc all the time,so the kids grew up knowing the words and teens cussing etc. Here,this was not the case,not for Russians,nor Estonians living here.


Actually, she was nine. Filming took place early 2004. She turned ten on the set. I kid you not. Truth. The kid was amazing.


In some of these cases, they dub the F word in, said by foley or someone else. This girl is way beyond her years anyway and sure she has used that word before in her private life at one time. That girl is so grounded anyway, good, sound, up bringing. These actors get exposed to so much in the movie industry, words are just lines written on a page, nothing more!! She is one great Actress at her age, just amazing!!


@jcckids, you have to be joking.

Do you have kids? Do you remember being a kid?
Personally, I think neither.
Kids Dakotas age swear all the time, (I'm not saying she has a dirty mouth, but surely she has at least heard other kids swear...) and I am sure she has been exposed to the 'f-word' long before seeing that movie. Long before. Especially for a child that appears to spend 95% of her time around adults.

Are you saying that as a 10/11 year old you'd never seen a movie with a swear word in it? Somehow I find that hard to believe....

On and back to the topic, why wouldn't Dakota's parents let her be in this film? It's acting, I'm sure it didn't scare her in the slightest. She seems extremely mature for her age and probably understood the film and every single scene perfectly.
It's not like her parents really went and left her alone with a schizophrenic (spelling?) psychopath ;)

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.


for the actress its not scary as you see it.
she act with so many people around her,probly her parents too.
and maybe they didnt tell her everything about the movie (what he truly about) like they did in the remake to the omen,when they didnt told the kid that did Damien role that this movie is about the son of the devil.
it isnt so scary on the set,
but on the screen,it is.



I don't know. She seems pretty mature and she was in Man on Fire and is going to be in a movie where she gets raped! I think she can handle a psycho playmate!


People tend to under-estimate kids...I mean, we act as though anything scary or such will scar them for life. Puh-lease. Most of us, as kids, saw scary things. Maybe we should unclench a little. Besides, on a movie set, Dakota would see how any of the "scary" things were fake, AND with all the crew around, it's not like she would be going through what he character was going through.


It's not scary for an actor like it is for the audience. Dakota knew what exactley was going to happen throughout the film and she will know all the "scary" objects on set weren't real anyway. Like someone previously said, Dakota Fanning starred in Man On Fire and I hear that is worse than this.

No guy is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry


When they make movies like this, it's not as scary as the final product. There are people on set everywhere and the musical score (which adds to the tension) is done post-production. Plus, scenes are done in very short segments. So a long, tension filled scene in the final product, probably took days to film. Besides, it's just acting. It's not real and Dakota is a smart girl and knows the difference.

I read that the little boy that was in The Shining had no idea he was in a horror/thriller film. The director would tell him stories and that's how he got the reactions from him.

By the way, it says "balls" on your face.
~Garden State


If you think this is bad you should Elle Fanning in Door in the Floor

I agree, I think that Dakota is really mature for her age and can handle this type of material even though she is young.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live"


In the film she's meant to be nine, but in real life she's 13 already. I think she is mature and level headed enough not to let this affect her in any way.

T- BAG: Not that hot? When this guy woke up, he was white!


dude(ss), this film came out when she was 10, filmed when she was 9. The info is right here,on imdb.



just for general knoweldge, actresses don't get messed up because of the roles they play.This is never the reason.THe reasons always go back to mostly the lifestyle they choose to pursue as teenagers, getting involved with the party scene,where there is always the option of drugs/alcohol etc addictions,or at the very least the ''rebel'' attitude becoming something they choose to follow and indluge in. This is not because of any roles they play,there are laws and restrictions on set,in contracts,that don't allow kid actors to be effected in any way,and even if they are,this does not effect a kid down the line,because being scared once or twice on set...being a kid,and kids forget and flow forward,move on really easily.I know,because I was a kid and remember my mentality well. It differs from the current one,where adults are more rigid.


The only thing disturbing is her acting which as usual is pap. Little tard that she is.


Only read the first post...

But to be honest. It really doesn't matter if the film is filled with blood and guts, as long as the child is introduced to the set & other actors/actresses/crewmembers properly. All it really takes is to tell them that, i.e. this is fake blood, that is a fake torn of hand (you can shake it if you want) and they stop worrying, really. If they're really hooked, it's almost like throwing a kid into a candy shop; they go nuts with the questions. You'd be surprised how professional many of them actually are. From my experience, I've had more problems with hysterical teenage girls... that's moviemaking hell right there.

Been making movies since 1997.


I was watching stuff badder the this at a younger age. Staring in it, please. You should be telling this to the kid in the last freddy movie.

You Can't Spell Success without U.




It might be like the kid who played Danny in the shining - Can't recall the name right now sorry.
He didn't find out he was in a horror film 'till he was old enough to understand it. Then again, she's older than he was.


Dakota Fanning has been acting since she was a very small child. I am sure she earns alot of money, pescos, euros, plus doing this film provides her with alot of exposure with other quality actors/actrsses as well.


One thing we are forgetting here, and everyone says it in Hollywood. Making a horror movie is the FUNNEST and most relaxed atmosphere out of any type of movie. Romantic comedies, dramas, etc. everyone is so dead serious off camera. But not with a horror film. Everyone is loose.


children in general are always udnerestimated, just go out and have a conversation with any kid,boy or girl, and up until a certain age kids are really intelligent, this is due to,in case of overall human behavior analysis etc,due to the soul memory of the spirit consciousness that entered the new life/body,and still some of that wisdom is there.The older people get,for most,that wisdom is forgotten until they go back(die)

And then of course most adults forget how wise and intelligent they themselves were as small kids. Of course there are some not too bright kids,but still lots are.


I agree with you: a lot of young actors are used in horror films, or in films where they are forced to use bad language or references etc:
i wouldn't let my child be open to such things (even though im 16 at the moment myself, i still think it's really disturbing that they do it)

"Lying's The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off... But It's Better If You Do."


why do you find it personally disturbing that kids use curse words,especially in a movie,for reasons that the script requires to make the story work,where it makes sense to use them. Add to it that she knows the thought process of her character she is playing and knows that she is playing someone else,not herself using the words etc.

And rule of thumb: context is everything .Words are just sounds you do with your throat/mouth, it is the intention that has the energy behind it. Intention and context are key. But being 16,maybe by now,being 21,you understand the concept of context/intent as opposed to simply words.

But I am interested why you would limit and control another soul if the child is an actor and the role calls for it. Words are just words. Why do you find it disturbing ?


I personally think it's stupid not letting your child be in a horror/thriller movie.

It's a movie! It's called acting!

Get a grip!
