MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > This film SUCKED!!! 'Butterfly Effect '...

This film SUCKED!!! 'Butterfly Effect 'rip-off

Man, did this film sucked!!!!!
I felt cheated of my precious time wasted in front of this co called "original" sci fi picture.
There was nothing original about this story.
I felt as if I had already seen this story, or treatment in films like "The Butterfly Effect" where things, events & time paradoxes happen-take place over and over, and over again.
Or borrowed heavily on a few "Twilight Zone," "Outer Limits," 'Ray Bradbury' Novels.


Back to the future the only decent time travel movie? What about terminators 1 and 2, yeah 3 sucked but the first two were great


Never came to mind since they take place is the present and time travel isn't a constantly recurring topic... but yeah, they were great. On its own I don't think T3 was that bad, but of course it's light years behind 1 & 2.

And still, they didn't make any sense where time travel is concerned.

Mind you, I DO like the concept of "area swaps" between time periods. That's why the T2 book was sooooooo much better than any of the movies, due to its in-depth explanation of what the heck was going on. Basically, in traditional time travel stories, you are removing matter from the universe (present time) and combining it with other matter (in the past). Two things can't occupy the same space at the same time, even if one of those things is a lump of air. So whatever gets sent back through time is swapped with whatever happens to be there originally. That's why you see sphere-ish dents in the ground when the terminators appear--the concrete/sand/trailer/chain link fence has been transported to the future to replace their space. That's the only measure of logic that I've ever seen where time travel is concerned, so I gotta give The Terminator props on that one.

Thanks for the memory boot frontiersmantanis.


There was a Twilight Zone where a plane in the "jetstream" flew over New York and saw dinosaurs.
This movie truly did suck. Sean Astin was a pathetic idiot. Plot holes and continuity goofs abounded. The premise was ridiculous.
The only good thing about this movie was the Rob Lord soundtrack. Everything else was dreck. 2 out of 10 stars.


I love bad Sci Fi but this was bad trying to make you think it was trying to be good. I turned it off after an hour. Astin is better than this.
