MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > This film SUCKED!!! 'Butterfly Effect '...

This film SUCKED!!! 'Butterfly Effect 'rip-off

Man, did this film sucked!!!!!
I felt cheated of my precious time wasted in front of this co called "original" sci fi picture.
There was nothing original about this story.
I felt as if I had already seen this story, or treatment in films like "The Butterfly Effect" where things, events & time paradoxes happen-take place over and over, and over again.
Or borrowed heavily on a few "Twilight Zone," "Outer Limits," 'Ray Bradbury' Novels.


Or... it just wasn't good.

"For I am surrounded by incompetence"



Groundhog Day, now there's a good movie.

And calling Slipstream a Butterfly Effect ripoff isn't exacly a great insult, as BE sucked also.

You can "rip off" another idea and not come up with a bad movie. In the history of film and literature, all the ideas have been taken. Now all you can do is subtly rework them and update them for new generations and sensablities. Slipstream did nothing except introduce the idea that PDAs and String Theory can somehow let you travel back in time, with the aid, of corse, of an electified, low-watt radio antenna on top of some non-descript building.

It makes me sad that MST3K is gone. This is the perfect movie for them.


Butterfly effect was a ripoff of Donnie Darko. Btw, wanted to smash my tv after watching slipstream. What a waste of 2 hours.


There should be a law against even mentioning Butterfly Effect and Slipstream in the same sentance as Donny Darko.

Damn, now I'm guitly of it. Sorry Donny.




There should be a law against mantioning Slipstream, period. They gotta rename the slipstream effect aswell, it can be the... ehhh... streampush effect from now on. Slipstream is now banned.


Full IMdb voting profile:


If I could back in time, the first thing I would do is prevent Slipstream from being made! It's so bad, it might destroy the space-time continum.



I don't understand. What did this film have in common with Butterfly Effect?

... Besides the obvious fact that they both involved time-travel. (And the fact that events happen over again, is silly ... *most* time-travel movies explore the idea of events happening again.) If that's the only thing in common, then, my friend, I hate to say it, but Butterfly Effect was a "rip off" of a *lot* of other movies (not to mention books, short stories, comic books, campfire stories, etc.)

I.e., this movie had a *lot* of story problems ... but being a rip off of anything you mentioned is not one of them ... it had very little in common with them.


I agree. Completely.


Yeah. Sorry, but I find "X is a rip off of Y" comments to be the one of the lamest forms of criticism. It rarely adds anything of substance.

First, it's usually some superficial similarity (like in this case, where "X is a rip off of Y because they both involve time travel").

Second, if someone has not seen both films, then the comment tells you nothing. And if someone has seen both films, then they already are aware of the similarities, so the comment tells you nothing.

Third, if a movie X really had enough similarities to Y to make the comparison worthwhile, then chances are the similarities are deliberate ... an homage. E.g., Apocalypse Now is not a "rip off" of Heart of Darkness, and Ran is not a "rip off" of King Lear.

Bottom line. This thread SUCKED!!! A rip-off of every "X is a rip-off of Y" thread on IMDb.


never mind butterfly effect, it rips off Retroactive, the jim belushi movie, directed by... Louis Morneau, who wrote this film. Hmmmmmmmm...


yeah this moovieie defeneently hurt worse thanfrozenballs .

Like what is shaean Ashotn thinking cuz he could have done anither Lerd of the rigns moveue cause those make some money whilse being camel good.

Like how cna toy travel back in time with a motorazr phone because its not really fiar to hte ppeeps in the hood with the PDA phonei mouse thingya.

I wont see this movie again; I paid 17 buycsk to see it in theatres only because i thought it wouldnt suxk. My friend Zutroy beater tridckemd me and then some more times.

Can anype esplaim this plot hole to me?


The first 5 minutes looked great and then......well you know the rest....

Barry McMullen: "I like being a pessimist. It helps me deal with my inevitable failure."


Yes, it did suck. Vinnie Jones was the only person I remotely enjoyed watching, but probably only because he's so animated. The story was terrible, most of the acting was terrible, and I think I only felt satisfied when the bus driver exploded into several airbourne body parts.

Butterfly Effect is a poor comparison though. There's a growing number of peope out there who see BE as not involving time travel at all, but rather glimpses into the future from when he was a boy. In his "blackout" instances he's forming a decision on how to react based on how he feels his actions will affect his future. But that's a matter of point-of-view.

Anyway, I don't know why I even bother with time travel movies... the concept is overwhelmingly impossible and there has never been an accurate tale of what would happen if it WERE possible. You CAN'T change the past because that would change the present, and if the present is changed then you have no reason to change the past... INSTANT paradox.

Back To The Future is, and forever will be, the only decent time travel movie out there (and not because it made any sense, but because it was merely fun).
