The lamest Bond villain death I've ever seen
Dude walks in a caps him. Extremely boring. Thanks for nothing.
shareDude walks in a caps him. Extremely boring. Thanks for nothing.
shareHeck no, Mr. Big's death in Live and Let Die was the worst Bond villain death ever filmed. It was so ridiculous.
Le Chiffre's death was in the original novel so I appreciate them for sticking with it.
I didn't know they stuck to the script. I can also appreciate that. But it just seemed so sudden and non-eventful. I like seeing the bad guy go out with a bang. (no pun intended)
shareThat's understandable. What makes this movie so great is that it doesn't follow the standard Bond or action-movie formula too closely. It was a novelty for its time to see a Bond villain dispatched before the third act.
shareThat's exactly what happens in the book, but I think the movies are typically way better than Fleming's books, so I don't typically agree with sticking too closely to the source material. This movie seems to get lamer with every year and every viewing. I was a huge fan in 2006, but it's in the bottom half of my rankings now.
shareI always think of the movies as caricatures of the books. It's not meant to be a literal translation.
FYI: That's not meant to sound bad, just can't think of a better word to use.
It seems like that happened in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker. Didn't the villains get shot before they saw their creations and plans get ruined?
shareI appreciate the film makers and producers had balls to do it the way it was in the movie. Its definately one of the highlights of the entire series.
shareYeah. I've always figured there were basically two James Bonds. The Book Bond and the Movie Bond. I like the Movie Bond best when he resembles the Book Bond and my favorite movies are the ones that most resemble the books... So From Russia With Love is my overall favorite but Casino Royale has a lot going for it, and keeping the Le Chiffre death matters a lot. The story was a bit awkward in a contemporary setting, having to lose the cold war, but I think it works.
shareIt’s pretty much straight out of the book, in fact after they get to Montenegro it’s pretty much exactly like the book except the movie takes place in 2006 while the book takes place in the 50s.
shareIt’s actually a nice subversion of expectations, because Bond talks his way out of being castrated again. He gets Le Chiffre to admit he would betray Spectre by becoming a rat, which is when Mr White walks in with silenced pistol and decides he can’t be trusted anymore.
Speaking of, it was rather rude of Bond to kneecap Mr White after just saving Bond from being fed his own wedding tackle