MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Did you feel sorry for Andy?

Did you feel sorry for Andy?

When Andy illegibly tries to rape her again in the janitors closet did you feel bad when she basically blinded him? I know what he did was terrible and he was abusing her but she could deff damage him forever...i felt bad even though what he did was HORRIBLEEEEE

what do you think?

I can levitate birds but nobody cares


If somebody started physically attacking me, I'd pull out my gun & shoot the guy in the head. People like that deserve DEATH, because they are worthless pieces of humanity.

In that situation, if you don't kill him first, he might kill you.

Totally, agree.
This kind of people shouldn't deserved sorriness.


Yes, a bit, because unlike everyone else you and I actually have hearts and feel sympathy even for people who do horrible things, something these selfish people wouldn't know about because they don't like opening their minds that much. I knew he probably wasn't going to be given a second chance, which is sad. I was glad justice was finally served, though.

Your Swedish eyes and Ingrid look and German soul dance in the silver-winged rain


Yes, a bit, because unlike everyone else you and I actually have hearts and feel sympathy even for people who do horrible things, something these selfish people wouldn't know about because they don't like opening their minds that much. I knew he probably wasn't going to be given a second chance, which is sad. I was glad justice was finally served, though.

So, we don't have hearts because we feel sorry for the actual victim that was brutally raped and permanently scarred by this guy? And when exactly should people have given him a second chance? When he tried to attack her AGAIN? Really? You don't even seem like you feel sorry for the actual victim here. You show more sympathy toward her attacker...REPEATED attacker no less. Good grief. It is because of people like you that many rapes go unreported. The women who are raped already feel like it was their fault...they don't need to see people like you giving sympathy to the attacker and essentially blaming the victim. BTW when she hurt him she was defending herself, and she grabbed at anything that was near her for protection. If she blinded him, it was not done intentionally. But he did intentionally rape her.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


Rapist don't deserved second chances

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


No I didn't


This post is all that is wrong with the world. People are completely misguided.
Why in the hell would I ever feel sorry that a woman in defending herself may have hurt, even permanently her attacker?
The guy RAPED her and was going to hurt her in some way again. Why in the f* would I ever feel sorry for a POS like that?!
Do you feel sorry for him because he was an attractive guy? I'm sure if he was an unattractive unemployed minority you would be hoping he was imprisoned for a very long time for what he did. The way a RAPIST looks, acts, or talks does not matter. A RAPIST is a RAPIST & I would never feel anything other than disgust at such a person.


No, I didn't feel sorry for him at all.


When Andy illegibly tries to rape her again in the janitors closet did you feel bad when she basically blinded him? I know what he did was terrible and he was abusing her but she could deff damage him forever...i felt bad even though what he did was HORRIBLEEEEE

what do you think?

I think he damaged HER forever when he raped her, and no I didn't feel sorry for him. He got off easy.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


i think I understand what u mean, it is not like u don't feel sorry for her or think he did nothing wrong
it was self defense, not revenge
it would've been worse if she did that b4 he attacked her, like she planned it and wanted to take revenge
but like someone already mentioned in the first few replies she was defending herself so I didn't actually feel sorry for him coz he is stronger and he wanted to hurt her at that time so she had every right to do whatever she could to avoid it whether being raped or just attacked or bullied
Revenge is bad, it is no self defense and I don't believe in stealing what was stolen from u or killing someone who killed one of ur relatives
an eye for an eye should only be applied by law and police, not individuals
I've seen a lot of revenge incidents in my country, it was a total chaos and it is not always that obvious
for example: for many years in certain places when someone kills someone else he is not accused by the family of the murdered one
they just let him go away and try to carry on justice with their own hands, they might even kill his son and then the son of that son would come back later to kill the son of the person who killed his father and so on for many many years
so I didn't feel sorry for him and I agree with the director abt making him a nice guy coz a nice guy could do wrong, much wrong things in his life
a rapist is usually a nice guy, he would treat his victim nicely to get her trust so girls shouldn't just trust a nice guy that easy and that goes for every criminal so doing one bad things doesn't mean u do every bad thing u could and also doing a good thing (like being nice to her on couple of occasions) doesn't mean he didn't or wouldn't do a bad thing
but I don't understand how he didn't get what he deserved after that? why was he free? is it coz they wouldn't be able to prove it and he would deny?
I would've liked the movie more if he went to prison and paid of what he did.


NO. NEVER. He deserves more than that! Those people who rapes must burn in hell! What he did is too damaging.

I know one movie a little similar to this, Trust (2010)


x 2

Didn't feel bad for Andy at all. I was glad Melinda accidentally blinded him. Triumphant moment for her.
