MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Which scene did you cry the most at???

Which scene did you cry the most at???

I love this movie with a strong passion and everytime I watch it I choke up at the scene when Melinda shows Mr. Freeman all the tree artwork shes worked on over the course of the year. It just makes me happy and sad at the sametime especially when Mr. Freeman starts to tear up. Anyone else feel like this whenever they watch a certain scene in Speak??


From the mentioned scene onwards.



a lot of parts really got to me but after he rapes her and leaves the car she grabs her face and looks at the ceiling of the car and then just lets out this scream that really really hit me hard. it was so sad and hard to even watch. kristen did a greatt job in this movie.


First off, Speak + Kristen Stewart = AMAZING! :)

I found myself crying during the rape scene (I was really upset watching it), and then the scene towards the end of the movie where she sticks her head out the window and then proceeds to tell her mother what happened.

Robsessed Fan Club Member#11


the part when she was being raped, the part where she tries to tell her ex-bffs, and they dont listen...

stupid girls. that was a sad movie! the whole time, i was trying to think "its gonna have a happy ending, its gonna have a happy ending.." and that calmed me down a BIT.

and what the hell did Andy mean she wasnt attractive enough for him to want to rape her? Kristen Stewart is gorgeous!


I found myself crying at the rape scene, and then, for some weird, insane reason, when she was in the hospital, just laying there. It made her seem so much more helpless than usual.


I cry at all the parts that have been mentioned. I think one of the aspects of the film that hits me the most emotionally is when you see the comparison of her life before and her life after. She's not the same girl afterwards. She's a completely new person. And seeing that portrayed on screen so powerfully in it's simplicity. It's astounding. I imagine Melinda remembers those times, remembers hanging out a car window and shouting in freedom, and wants to get back to that girl. To be free again.


I agree completely. I lost it as soon as they showed the way Melinda was before the party. There's such a huge difference. I'm glad we get to see the damaged Melinda before we get to see her happy. Seeing how much pain she's in, then getting to see how she used to be, makes it even more heartbreaking. It was eerie to see how much she changed. You're right, it's like she's a completely different person. I loved the scene where she sticks her head out the car window at the end. It seems like she's finally learning to live with what happened, without letting it destroy her or dictate her life anymore.


I'm watching this in school, I hope I dont cry lol.


The part in one of the flashbacks where she's walking across the overpass with her heels in her hand affected me the most.



the bit where she sticks her head out the window, and yeah the bit where she walks along holding her shoes and when she gets inside. also when she shows the art teacher her work. it was so emotional.

I dont know what to do about this dream with you?



that scene makes me cry, too. i also tear up whenever they show that flashback of her on her way to the party and leaning out the window of that car. the contrast of how happy/normal she was back then is very poignant.



I never like cried but the flash back scenes every time one of them appeared from the rape scene on to the end I got a sick feeling in my stomach and I thought I was about the throw up. Not in a bad this movie sucks kind of way but the emotions that it stirred up were so powerful no movie ever made me feel that way before. you know what I mean? its weird I know

But the ending did make me smile so it was worth the stomach ache lol


