MovieChat Forums > Mean Creek (2004) Discussion > did anyone else feel that george didnt r...

did anyone else feel that george didnt really qualify as a bully

I couldnt stop crying When georges mom starts crying when her sons body was found.
And then that part at the end when george is narrating his film about how he wishes people will understand that lots goes on in his just made me cry, and made me see that he was just a lonely kid who struggled with learning difficulties. He wasnt really a bully at all. I think marty was the bully. But then I think that was the whole point of the film.



They definitely didn't make it black and white, which, as you say, is one of the points of the film. That said, one thing I think they could have done better was to make George seem worse in the first scene. I mean, SAM messes with GEORGE'S camera, then George reacts by pounding him. And George said that he had warned Sam before! So I didn't feel like George came across as a bully at that point. However ... later we find out that George hit Clyde (who wouldn't hurt a fly) in the FACE with a BAT. Not good. And we hear how completely cruel George can be, as well. So, he is a bully, but there are reasons behind it. A lot of nuance in this movie!


I'm sorry but there's no excuse for bullying.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


He was definitely a bully, he was just a bully that was also a nerd.


He was known for beating up kids who were younger and smaller than he was. That qualifies as bullying to me. He was a lonely bully but a bully nonetheless.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Exactly. Just because we can sympathise with George, doesn't mean that he was innocent.. He made those who were smaller, or weaker than him suffer over the years and that makes him a bully, justifications don't change that!

However, Sam and his friends (other than Marty who obviously had his own problems) seemed to see that underneath it, George had quite a vulnerable and thoughtful side (with the birthday gift) and so realised that stooping to his level wasn't going to make them feel any better. They came to realise thay they got much more enjoyment from befriending him..

Had he survived, I hope George would have become a better person after that



I actually think he was. Remember when they were talking about him hitting the other kid for no reason. I think he did stuff like that a lot. I have a feeling that he was mentally impaired, but lacked discipline. Some retarded children can get dangerous if they don't have careful discipline. I think he would have gotten worse in his tantrums and violent behavior.


I think he was a bully, but it was totally un-realistic that he went on the trip with them. Bullies don't go on boat trips with their victims!

There were actually lots of bullies in the film. Marty, I think, could certainly qualify. Also the two older kids (can't remember their names but they hassled Marty and Rocky in the shop at the start of the trip).
And I guess the whole gang were bullying George by.... you know... killing him and all!


"Maybe I should go alone"
- Quint, Jaws.


At the end of the day, he just wanted to be accepted/have friends, so yes, it definitely was realistic. Especially kids who are as idiosyncratic as him


George was a bully, he didn't deserve to die but he wasn't entirely innocent or a saint. He was a flawed teenager, like most of us were. I'm sure none of us were bullies but we messed up on things that we look back on and wish we never did.

That's why I love the scenes in the room with George on his own with his Video camera, just saying how he felt. There was a good side to him as well as his asshole side. I like that it leaves it up to the viewer on how you feel about George. I think he was probably spoiled by his parents looks like he was a only child, had some learning difficulties that made it tough for him to make friends and that that he had a caring side by buying a present for Sam and telling Clyde he made nice sandwiches. But he also had a mean streak to me and got off on been nasty to people and beating them up so it made him look powerful. I do agree with Marty when he said that George was probably only been nice cause he thought he'd get something out of it going to the party. That's the film biggest plus that they don't make George out to be entirely perfect.


He was a bully but was also kind of retarded or had slight mental problems so he doesnt understand / know when to talk or not, and what to say or not during a precise situation.


He had a mean streak though and knew what to say to get under people's skin, as well as inflict physical punishment
