Alice's Plan?

Okay, so after reading some of the other posts I'm not sure that there is a general consensus. But IMO Alice loved but on some level knew she couldn't live a life with Dan. I say this because umm...she gives him a fake name. Generally, you don't tell lies when you're trying to make a genuine connection.

Now here's where I get confused. She plans a trip where she will be traveling with him. Out of country. Passports needed. Was she just planning on hiding her passport and ID until she could get her name changed? Was she planning on saying "Surprise! Now that we've made it to 4 years, you can know my real name" ? Or even in the final moments before a trip, did she still know that they would not end up together?

I'm probably overthinking things waaaayyyy too much. But I think this story was told with the intention to evoke thoughts. Has anyone else considered this?


I don't get this either especially since "Alice", Jane is the most honest character in the film. She lives with Dan for years! Years! Yet she is lying about the most basic thing, her name. And for what reason? Doesn't seem to be a reason.

She said she once loved Dan enough to be with him forever so it was her intention to lie forever?


Thank you! Exactly. Idk that it's supposed to make sense, but I want to know what her characters intentions were. It just boggles my mind. Maybe it speaks to her characters trust issues. Even though she loved this person, she couldn't bring herself to allow him the simplest truth; her name.
She was also going to lie to him about sleeping with Clive Owen. That's a more understandable lie and she thought he would never be able to find out.


She said she once loved Dan enough to be with him forever so it was her intention to lie forever?

Good question! There is so much to love and question and analyze about this movie, I could do it forever.



People may not have liked him, but how was Larry not to the most honest. Came clean right after his trip to the states and came clean to Dan. They all used one another, but I'd think he was the most "honest".

If you have to title and author your quotes, they aren't worth quoting.

I don't get this either especially since "Alice", Jane is the most honest character in the film. She lives with Dan for years! Years! Yet she is lying about the most basic thing, her name. And for what reason? Doesn't seem to be a reason.

She said she once loved Dan enough to be with him forever so it was her intention to lie forever?

If you have to title and author your quotes, they aren't worth quoting.


So happy you brought it up.. That bothered me, too. At the time I thought Alice was her reall name and that's what got me crying at the end..
So there was no reason uctually :O
The wierdest thing she used her reall name as her stage name and like Lary I was sure she was making fun of him. And by the look on her face it really seemed like she did.
Now, fake your everyday name and give the real name at the striptiz??
What was the point??
I really liked the movie but that whole thing made it kind of pointless.
And yes the most truthfull person exsept Lary lied to her love of her life about her name.. So .. That kind of rewiened the movie for me.
That's too bad because the movie had one of the most powerfull moment's I've ever seen
in a movie.. And now.. Apperently the whole movie was a lie :(


That's so true about her job! I forgot about that. I thought for sure she was putting him on too! I know what you mean. It kind of makes the whole movie less impactful knowing no one was telling anyone the truth, really.


Perhaps she was taking a break from her relationship with Larry, so she took a break from the name.

Perhaps it was just a name she wasn't known for there and was using it to hide in plain sight.

Perhaps that's how she truly saw herself, as she'd been a stripper before this story starts.

When folks fall in love, often they want to know about the other person - the details. He clearly wasn't paying that much attention to her and used her. The first time they broke up, she said that she loved him and he really only say it back in a vague form.


they lived together for nearly four years. Alice/Jane would have gotten some official letters in that time (at least from registration/work/tax office) and those letters would have been addressed to her real name. So either Dan was blind to what was going on or he returned all those 'wrongly addressed' letters...


Good point. Maybe fake ID/name for some reason? Weird.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


It really shows the commenters on this thread never lied about their names, even though the answer to the question posted in the OP is so obvious. She lied about her name in the beginning because she thought they were not going anywhere. Then as time went on and things got more serious, the more time passed, the harder it would be to reveal the truth. Because it begs the question why did you lie all this time. So it is simply easier to keep the charade up. I am living the exact same situation right now, no joke. I am together with my boyfriend for 3 years now. He still is not aware of my real name, or what my actual hometown is.


Yes, this. And claimed she would not let him see her passport because she was embarrassed by the photo.


Sorry for your boyfriend.


We broke up since then and he never found out the truth.
