Why I loved this film

From the first moment, I knew that this was a film made from a comic book - it had a comic book look and feel about it. I thought, "Yeah - if you're going to make a film from a comic book, make it LOOK like a comic book!"

Once I accepted the "comic book" look, I suspended my critical mind and just held on for the ride. And what a ride it was - non stop from beginning to end.

During the anti-gravity motorcycle chase, I lost all sense of up, down, etc, just like I was supposed to. (I'm a bike rider, so that meant a lot to me.) I found myself wanting an anti-gravity belt, just for the motorcycle ride!

At first I thought the "little dying boy" was just TOO manipulative, but the way in which it was used quickly won me over.

Using Null-void space to store weapons and ammo was such a great idea! I love that - can we have that next instead of a new type of glue?

Let's face it - Violet was hot!

[Never look too deep into the mind of a lawyer...]


AAAAMMMEEENN!!! Thats it and thats the way I feel, too.


I agree.
I want a sequel!


From the first moment, I knew that this was a film made from a comic book - it had a comic book look and feel about it. I thought, "Yeah - if you're going to make a film from a comic book, make it LOOK like a comic book!"

Except the movie WASN'T based on a comic book! All of those covers you saw during the opening were created FOR the movie.

Paul R.



Really? How amazing - it looks like you're right: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060820235808AAIiTZQ .

However, the statement still stands. The movie was obviously intended to look and feel like a comic book, and that worked for me.

[to be continued...]


the Reason that I loved this Movie was because Milla was in it! If she wasnt i probably wouldn't love it that Much!! :)


I just watched it again. Yeah, I thought it was a really good movie, alot better than the Spiderman movies. Some of the last fight scenes I didn't think were done as well as they could have been, but as far as artistic direction goes, and the whole idea of clothes changing color, disposable phones, storing objects in null space and changing gravity were just AWESOME. A long for a director's cut version.


I like the shooting scene with the asians on the rooftop. Thats what dodging bullets in matrix would've looked like without the Bullet-Time. I also love the comic book look and feel to this movie.


Man you totally nailed it. This is a great flick because it's supposed to be cartoonish, and it succeeds with flying colours (literally)! The critics need to stop taking it so seriously. I grew up on comic books, and i thought this was a great nostalgic throwback to that style. While other movies attempt to put comic book heroes in a real world context, this movie stays true to the original art form: total fantasy, idealism, suspension of disbelief, picture perfect choreography & exaggerated moves, and Milla with a superhero bod better than any drawing.

If it's true that this was not based on a comic book, and it was in fact reverse-engineered, then wow, I really take my hat off to the filmmakers. As far as capturing the style, this is the 2nd best I've seen (the 1st is the Japanese film Cutie Honey).


This movie has taught me a valuable lesson. I've learned to take critics with a fine grain of salt when dealing with B-movies, which is what this is. A glorious B-movie!

The only way I trust critics is when your dealing with a movie meant to be judged critically. Ultraviolet is not one of them. Equilibrium was panned as well, the "spiritual" brother of this film, and I thought it was great.

I always avoided it because the trailer was a tad confusing (at least for some of my friends who see movies with me), and the fact that a lot of people claim this was the worst movie they ever saw.

However a few days ago Netflix recommended the movie to me, so I figured what the hey. Queue it up. I trust Netflix. Sure enough, I really enjoyed the movie. I don't know if it was Cameron Bright's amazing performance, or the fact that Milla Jovovich kicks serious ass and in my opinion, one of the most underrated actresses out there right now. Plus, as bad as he is, I love that actor from Invasion/Prison Break, he always makes me smile.

Of course, I'm a big B-Movie fan, read Comics pretty much all my life, and watch and enjoy the occasional Anime/Manga. I think this movie would do well serialized on Adult Swim.


isn't there an anime based on it out there somewhere?
wiki says so...


Is Null-void space (I have also heard something to the effect of "flat dimension space") what they call that? I have been wondering if that has been used before in other sci-fi/fantasy movies/books/shows because I thought that was the most creative scene of the film.


That's one name for it - it's not only been used in Scifi, it's also used in Physics. According to the math, there's more energy available to us from null-space than this whole universe uses. Which might explain the problem we've discovered about energy pouring into our unviverse from someplace currently unknown...

["When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." ]
