MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > Are you getting tired of Vince Vaughn pl...

Are you getting tired of Vince Vaughn playing the exact same character?

I'll admit, he plays it well, and its not like all other Hollywood stars have exceptional range, but Vince seems to have the easiest job in the world.

I don't think he has to actually do anything other than show up and memorize some new lines (a lot of the scenes are probably improvised anyway) - its the exact same speech, delivery, facial expressions and mannerisms.


The sad thing is, he is really talented, but I agree, this character is old. I understand he is being paid well to do this character over and over again, but it's really time to move on.


Hell no! it works for every comedy out there. I hope he does 100 more movies with the same kind of humor. He's hilarious!


I don't mind him playing the same character in every comedy he does but I wish he would mix in a few more drama roles also. So at least when he does serious movies he would be playing different characters.


He can change up when he wants to - check out when he knocks on Witherspoons door and does the 'get back together' speech ... if he isn't doing a dead on Owen Wilson - to the 'T' IMO.


You are so right. Name one Drama he has been in? He's always the BIG TALL "man child". A little of him goes a LOOONNNGG way..and with that said, I do LIKE him. He was interviewed on ELLEN a few years ago and he impressed me about how important his family is to him. He was even in the delivery room when his nephew/niece was born..and so was my brother when I gave birth to my daughter (As was her father) So I get it!!

Want to change the world? Go home and love your family. Mother Teresa.


I honestly can't stand the guy, and I usually avoid his movies. Still deciding if I want to watch this one. I like the other people in it, but since he is a lead character that creates a huge aversion for me.

Silence is the best reply to a fool.
