The fridge scene versus the train scene in Dial

If you hate this movie mainly for the infamous fridge scene and you rank Dial higher than Crystal, you're not being consistent.

What Mads Mikkelsen gets in the opening of Dial is no less ridiculous than that.


I always defended this film. The countdown of the nuke going off in that scene was stressful nonetheless. Anyway it is now far more realistic than the entire 5th film.


Both scenes have the same problem in that the characters are invincible and took no damage from the incidents. The Nuke the Fridge scene would have gone down a lot better if they had thrown Indy's arm in a sling, wrapped bandage around his head and had him limping around for a little while. You don't gotta break his bones or nothing, but you gotta beat him up a little bit. And Mads should have had some crazy grotesque scar on his head. Like oh, yeah, he definitely got his skull split open but it looks like he survived. Crazy things like that do happen. Instead we got Looney Tunes cartoon people bouncing around the movie like pinballs.


The fridge scene was far more worse than the train scene as bad as it was.


Crystal Skull jumped the shark with the jungle (Tarzan scene specifically), the nuke the fridge scene is just a better example of the ridiculous decisions in the movie. Also the other movies had silly moments, just that these never went overboard with it.
