Part 5 has been delayed.

Again. Yeah I'm thinking this ain't gonna happen. Not that it was a surefire guarantee.


I agree. The last one was pushing the limits of credulity as far as Indy's physical capabilities. Fifteen years after that? It would be hard to buy into the conceit.

It's too bad Shia Leboeuf (sp?) was jettisoned from the series after burning bridges. He had a certain resemblance and the same sort of cocky attitude as a young Indy. They might have been able to do something with it. Whatever the problems of the last movie, he wasn't one of them imo.

I think it's time to let this franchise go. I'd hate to see them go the Terminator route trying to re-capture the magic long after its past due date.


At least in this one Indy will have another weapon to beat up the bad guys with to lend it more believability - his walking stick.


Reboot the series but this time either use a black actor for the lead role or make it with a female lead


How about a black AND trans-female vegan who is wheelchair confined and suffers from bipolar disorder?

Y'know... just to cover all the bases. ;)


I think adding opiod-addicted to the mix would help cover the bases better...


I agree that an 80-year-old Indy should be allowed to rest and not be lead actor in an action movie.

Either let the franchise go or recast Indiana Jones and go back to the 30s. Harrison Ford has said he is Indiana Jones, and that the role dies with him. He may be right, because he is very difficult to replace. His charisma in a likable rogue role was a big part of the success of these movies. Replacing him as Han Solo did not work too well for Disney.

On the other hand, who knows, maybe it will work. James Bond's role did not die when Sean Connery left.


Lol. If it can make money it won't die. I assure you Indiana Jones will reboot as soon as Ford is gone.


I agree. The question is not whether they'll eventually try, but whether the reboot will be successful with a different actor. Will it still feel like Indiana Jones when Ford's roguish grin is no longer there?

Also, take into account that because of cultural changes, many of the pulp adventures that inspired Indiana Jones are no longer considered acceptable nowadays. Imagine making Temple of Doom today, there would be controversy because of the stereotypical portrayal of Indian culture. The problem is, pulp adventures were all about that, exotic settings depicted in a very sensational way. Probably they will have to always use the nazis as antagonists.


Yes I agree. They should really try and tempt Shia back for the next one, he was really good in Crystal Skull.


Yeah, they should really try. I mean really hard.


Who wants to see crumpy old Ford anyway...


Honestly, for an 80 year old cat he's not in bad shape. But regardless, if this ever happened, he was more than likely to have a sidekick to handle the action scenes.


Even from the get-go, I never thought this film would ever be made. People thought it was too far fetched to have Harrison Ford portray Indy back in 2008. Now we're aiming for 2021-2022. We thought seeing a 66-year-old Indiana Jones was too unbelievable, but now we're expecting to see an Indy who's pushing 80-years-old? I can't even really see grumpy ol' Ford wanting to play the part anyways.

Plus, the fact that Speilberg backed down from directing and Lucas backed down from producing, I don't even get how this could even remotely feel like Indiana Jones at this point. Clearly, nobody wants to do this film anymore, so just cancel it.


Not to be morbid, but I think they're just waiting for Harrison Ford to kick the bucket, that way they can reboot or or something. It's too bad since I think an Old Indy story could be interesting, but it'd require creativity which Hollywood just doesn't have in abundance right now.


Lucas being absent would be great, but if Spielberg’s not directing then this should not happen. There’s also the danger that modern Hollywood will make sure the film is just a vehicle for yet more woke propaganda, which is the kiss of death for any film series.
