Before anyone calls me a racist, I AM BLACK.
what difference does that make?
But the comments made by CKZ are true.
Half truths .
First of all, if you call him ignorant for the content of his posts (black people) ask yourselfs one thing: How did his opinion of us get like that in the first place? Every stereotype comes is fabricated from some truth,
Yes but why. what was the catalyst ??? Thaat is why this a a half truth.
and no stereotype is more palpable than this ridiculous 'gansta/ghetto, thug-life' mentality made popular through 50 Cent and other gangsta-rappers;
lmao 50 cent lmao .. he was way way late in the game.
a stereotype that is degrading the image of ALL black people.
Because only one black person has ever stood up against it. The rest go along with it and use it to their advantage.
Second, today so many black people yell racism where it doesn't exist it is ludicrous (no not the rapper). Black's are using racism ("oh its cause I'm black") as an excuse for failure throughout life, and those people are the ones that will amount to nothing "are going absolutely no where in life and will more than likely end up on the welfare system with 7 or 8 illegitimate children...that or on Jerry Springer". Those type of people are not black but n*ggas (something that they're apparently proud of),
wow just wow. You could not be more wrong if you were from that planet .
and instead of wanting equal treatment they want special treatment. If you are really determined to succeed some balding white guy in a suit can not stop you from reaching your destination (Hell, a whole committee of em can't stop me).
It is sad that you believe that. I mean it is inspirational , but it is delusional .
And if the you're black and the smartest thing you have to say is "Don't call me black, I am an African American. You know what I'm sayin?" then you're in trouble. (by the way an African American would actually be someone who was born in Africa and became an American citizen.
arguing with the naacp now.. okay.
Charlize Theron is African American, not you LaFonda.
Third, just cause I white person does not like a particular group of blacks (gangstas/n*ggas/thugs) does not mean he/she is racist.
even if they do not like all blacks that still does not make them a racist .
I don't like Nazis and I'm not racist against Germans.
lmao german is not a race lmao . it is a nationality . Nazi is not a race nor a nationality . It was a political party .. People really really need to read more. and talk less.
Finally, stereotypes are hilarious (at least in my opinion). My friends make black jokes against me (to which none of them apply) all the time, you know what I do? I come back with my own kick-as$ cracka joke, or wetback joke, or *beep* joke, or jew joke, hell even another black joke. Stereotypes are nothing but a big joke to us therefore we never get offended by racism, we just laugh at how ignorant it is (or in CKZaibatsu's case, hilarious). So stop being n*ggas all you morons out there, and try being black.
Try being human and never mind your background . I am glad that you find these sort of jokes funny. I do not. They do not bother nor offend me but They are not funny.
P.S.- If I hear "You know what I'm sayin" one more time, I'm gonna give somebody a colon cleansing.............with my foot.
Thats mature.
I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate