MovieChat Forums > You Got Served (2004) Discussion > People who can't dance hate this film

People who can't dance hate this film

I think this movie is highly underrated. People just hate on it because they don't appreciate good dance moves. I snuck a cup of orange sherbert into the theatre when I saw it on opening night and I was so blown away by the first dance scene that I dropped it all over the floor(what a mess). But I also had an extra large popcorn. This guy sitting next to me would get an erection everytime Omarion did a spin or a knee-slide and that was a bit uncomfortable, but it didn't ruin the overall experience. I think everyone should watch this movie again and then vote 10.

P.S. Does anyone know if they will be filming a sequel.


Hahaha, as they say in this stupid movie. You got served... GOT SERVED... this movie sucks


I'm no that bad at danicing always at competitions and that but a loived the film hip hop is the dancing a like best!!tht is wat the film was!


i can do the Robot, but still, I didnt like this movie


Some movies I hate:

The Godfather - I hate this one because the Mafia rejected me
The Shawshank Redemption - I hate this one because I was never in prison
The Lord of the Rings - I hate this one because I'm mad jealous of hobbits
Casablanca - I hate this one because I wasn't alive during the Nazi expansion
Schindler's List - same reason
Shichinin no samurai - I hate this one because I tried to be a samurai but I kept hitting myself in the head with the sword
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back - I hate this one because I couldn't do the Kessel Run in less than 3 days
Pulp Fiction - Hate this one because I never had a Royale with cheese

And of course I hate You Got Served because I can't dance.


this movie sucks.
you got served = not that good dancing(espacially those dudes from b2k they cant dance *beep* REALLY BAD ACTING
and i know how to dance
if me and my boys where suppose 2 batlle those losers we'd beat the crap out of them.

dont get me wrong there are some good dance moves in this movie but not THAT good.


Ain't that stupid?? You hate a dancing movie coz you just can't dance?? what *beep* *beep* is that?? So you don't watch Harry Potter coz you can't do magic??No musicalmovies coz you sing like a duck?? Get a life!!! It's just a movie after all..!!

Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven.


The whole thing with responding with comments like
"I don't like Casablanca because I wasn't around during NAZI expansion" and "Harry Potter b/c I can't do magic" is really old.
Everyone said it.
The movie was bad because it was just...bad. Bad acting, directing.
It's funny, a lot of people on here seem to think they are better dancers than them. Yes some of you might, but I doubt all. The best dancers are from NEW YORK and California anyway!

Baby born with two heads...must be from Brooklyn


This guy sitting next to me would get an erection everytime Omarion did a spin or a knee-slide


Let he who is without sin


sorry i can dance but i still despise this movie. the dancing was amazing! but you can't base a movie on dancing alone. The script and the acting was absolutely digusting i wanted to rip my ears off everytime i heard some of the actors especially jennifer freeman. people hate this movie because it was stupid not because they can't dance. the only way i'll watch it again is if someone fasts forward to all the dancing scenes.


wildyokel, is English your first language?

Go on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care


This movie was a piece of *beep* and can suck my ass. These made for BET movies need to stop coming out and ghetto children need to stop spending their drug money going to the movies. Also *beep* Omarion I hope he gets cancer and dies.




One of the best movies ever, and yes very underated. CKZaibatsu u can go suck yourself cause no one gives a fu** what you think, stupid cracker!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA homes ova here be frontin ! i'd better watch my back so i dont get busted with a cap in my cracker ass, oh i love race relations.



You see thats the beauty of it though. You cant do anything ::points at you:: HAHAHAHAHA I sure am a geek too, although i have yet to name my xbox. So what did you name your glock ? wait wait let me guess...ebony


no I don't have a gun cause violence only begets more violence, and I ain't down for that. Yer your a little b1tch, huh where do you live then, if you ain't scared?


HAHAHAHAHA !! cmon over to the US. We have Kool-aid here.


wow you think


It's not the tool that causes the violence, it's the user of that tool. It's probably one of the few wise things you've said, I wouldn't want someone as dumb as you to possess a lethal weapon.....unless you were going to do us all a favor and help speed up natural selection.


Nig*a please. I don't need a weapon, I'll kick your ass. I'm Islander b1tch, represent!


What no Glocks or 45s, i'm insulted...atleast use a shank.


Nig*a please. I don't need a weapon, I'll kick your ass. I'm Islander b1tch, represent!

Congrats, you've just made yourself appear even more ignornant.


Is that even remotely possible?!?




Lol ... love your screen name too.

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


It's not so much as the cheesy dancing was bad. It was just that they wrongly portrayed the style of dance. From what i've seen, they're trying to sell choreography as bboying. And as for it being set in LA, the city's known more for it's abundance of poppers than breakers. It doesnt really help that they pretty much had someone come in and show them dance steps instead of them actually learning what a battle looks like. I saw absolutely no footwork, not enoguh powermoves, and i didnt see any actual toprocking. Overall, it'd be better if they'd left out the whole underground theme.


I would say that, as long as your not some sort of hip-hop dance expert who the movie is trying to portay, its quite good. You dont watch this movie for great lines or story, its about seeing some wicked moves and there are some.

I have seen battles where the two teams do some choreography so, I didn't think that was out of place.

I did try to show the movie to a friend of mine - he isn't the best dancer (or to be more frank, Im not the best - he's crap) , he thought it was a rubbish movie. I think think the poster has a point. If you dont appreciate the dancing, you will hate this movie.

Tell me your Secrets !


I'm white. I'm not a professional dancer, but I do review movies for a living, and this film? When I was finished watching it I not only wanted my money back, but also every second of my life spent watching it. Yet another poorly written, stereotypical, insult to the moviegoer's intellegence.

The dancing was fun to watch, but the story surrounding was so awash with bad acting, obvious stereotypes and cliches that I found myself snickering or outright groaning whenever the characters weren't dancing. And what was the message? The final lesson learned? yes, that's friendship is important, but also that if you're black and poor, your only options are to deal drugs or dance for a living.

Wildyokel, read a book, in fact read a few. Maybe then when you pour hard-earned money down the drain on a piece of crap movie like this you'll at least have the mental capacity to realize that what little intellegence you have is being insulted and you'll refrain from starting retarded threads like this.

PS- CKZaibatsu: Just because you can speak (or in this case type) proper English, doesn't mean you're intellegent. In fact your posts have without a doubt been the most ignorant things I've read in a long time. I was raised in southwest DC, and the thought of you repeating your ill-advised hate-speech in public in my old neighborhood makes me chuckle. Of course we both know you lack the balls to say anything scathing anywhere besides your nice safe computer. Isn't that right?



anyone who says this movie is underrated is brainless. i can dance.. and im offended by this movie for taking it so seriously. if you honestly think people who cant dance dont like this movie... your an idiot... almost everybody doesnt like this movie... literally the worst film i've ever seen... there is no way 22 movies are worse than this.



Cheshire writes movie reviews for a living, was raised in "the hood", and comes to the You Got Served board to try and prove his intellectual superiority. Bravo, sir! The joke is on you. Good day.


"PS- CKZaibatsu: Just because you can speak (or in this case type) proper English, doesn't mean you're intellegent. In fact your posts have without a doubt been the most ignorant things I've read in a long time. I was raised in southwest DC, and the thought of you repeating your ill-advised hate-speech in public in my old neighborhood makes me chuckle. Of course we both know you lack the balls to say anything scathing anywhere besides your nice safe computer. Isn't that right"

Well Cheshire I'm sorry you’re not a fan of my work. Yes I love sitting behind my "safe" computer spewing forth internet hate. I find it amusing and it makes time flow oh so swiftly. What's even funnier about it is that you can do absolutely nothing about it...except talk about my balls. To be perfectly honest with you, I don't really care where your from (east coast or west coast DOG?) or what you do for a living (is it selling crack?, please tell me its selling crack) and while you chuckle at how a bunch wiggers and "G-dogs" would beat me up for what I say on the INTERNET, I laugh and chuckle at how they are going absolutely no where in life and will more than likely end up on the welfare system with 7 or 8 illegitimate children...that or on Jerry Springer...that is if they can even read or even get on the internet. Also because I can speak proper English does make me intelligent, how many times have you ever had a coherent conversation with a black person from "da hood"? Every time I've tried all I get is "ya know what I'm sayin" and "say N#gga!!" and the ever so popular "MAAAAN hold it up". To you my post may have been ignorant but to many people I'm just pointing out the obvious stereotypes that these people actually live up to and then claim that "da white man are bringin us down!!!" Don’t get me wrong I know and have plenty of black friends who are very good, decent and hardworking people, but the ghetto thing...its got to go and its getting old fast.

On a side note thank you wildyokel I couldnt have put it better myself.


Before anyone calls me a racist, I AM BLACK. But the comments made by CKZ are true. First of all, if you call him ignorant for the content of his posts (black people) ask yourselfs one thing: How did his opinion of us get like that in the first place? Every stereotype comes is fabricated from some truth, and no stereotype is more palpable than this ridiculous 'gansta/ghetto, thug-life' mentality made popular through 50 Cent and other gangsta-rappers; a stereotype that is degrading the image of ALL black people.
Second, today so many black people yell racism where it doesn't exist it is ludicrous (no not the rapper). Black's are using racism ("oh its cause I'm black") as an excuse for failure throughout life, and those people are the ones that will amount to nothing "are going absolutely no where in life and will more than likely end up on the welfare system with 7 or 8 illegitimate children...that or on Jerry Springer". Those type of people are not black but n*ggas (something that they're apparently proud of), and instead of wanting equal treatment they want special treatment. If you are really determined to succeed some balding white guy in a suit can not stop you from reaching your destination (Hell, a whole committee of em can't stop me). And if the you're black and the smartest thing you have to say is "Don't call me black, I am an African American. You know what I'm sayin?" then you're in trouble. (by the way an African American would actually be someone who was born in Africa and became an American citizen. Charlize Theron is African American, not you LaFonda.
Third, just cause I white person does not like a particular group of blacks (gangstas/n*ggas/thugs) does not mean he/she is racist. I don't like Nazis and I'm not racist against Germans.
Finally, stereotypes are hilarious (at least in my opinion). My friends make black jokes against me (to which none of them apply) all the time, you know what I do? I come back with my own kick-as$ cracka joke, or wetback joke, or *beep* joke, or jew joke, hell even another black joke. Stereotypes are nothing but a big joke to us therefore we never get offended by racism, we just laugh at how ignorant it is (or in CKZaibatsu's case, hilarious). So stop being n*ggas all you morons out there, and try being black.

P.S.- If I hear "You know what I'm sayin" one more time, I'm gonna give somebody a colon cleansing.............with my foot.


That was very well spoken, the world would be a better place with more people like you.


Well said, I only wish more black youths would follow you. You can notice the difference between me hating ghetto ass blacks as opposed to all black people. I know plenty of black people and most of them are decent folks who work hard and want to make it in the world like everyone else. Then I know the *beep* people in the world: people like bally. Disgusting vermin who ridicule their respective races with their incessant stupidity and constant references to how "street" they are. I love how stupid these people are. Always talking about gawdy jewelry, big asses, AK-47's, "gats", *beep* "ho's", etc. These are not just black kids doing it, it's also Mexicans, Whites, and Asians. Why would you want to emulate such a stupid lifestyle? That makes you a *beep* and I'm not just talking about the connotation, I'm talking about being a *beep* an ignorant person. Regardless of your race, you can easily be a *beep* It's not a badge of honor to wear, it's an insult. That's how it started out. What irritates me is the black people I have heard say, "That's our word!" Do they know what the word means? It's like Mexican embracing the word "Retard" as some sort of term of endearment. Anyway, Bally, please just do mankind a favor and don't breed/breathe.


Well said, I only wish more black youths would follow you. You can notice the difference between me hating ghetto ass blacks as opposed to all black people. I know plenty of black people and most of them are decent folks who work hard and want to make it in the world like everyone else. Then I know the *beep* people in the world: people like bally. Disgusting vermin who ridicule their respective races with their incessant stupidity and constant references to how "street" they are. I love how stupid these people are. Always talking about gawdy jewelry, big asses, AK-47's, "gats", *beep* "ho's", etc. These are not just black kids doing it, it's also Mexicans, Whites, and Asians. Why would you want to emulate such a stupid lifestyle? That makes you a *beep* and I'm not just talking about the connotation, I'm talking about being a *beep* an ignorant person. Regardless of your race, you can easily be a *beep* It's not a badge of honor to wear, it's an insult. That's how it started out. What irritates me is the black people I have heard say, "That's our word!" Do they know what the word means? It's like Mexican embracing the word "Retard" as some sort of term of endearment. Anyway, Bally, please just do mankind a favor and don't breed/breathe.

The funny part is that you do not see the amount of bigotry prejudice and ignorance in your statement. For the record . The n word is their word because they reclaimed it so it would have no effect on them. It has nothing to do with you so I am sure they do not care what irritates you. That makes you self centered that you think they should care. what irritates you.

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


Just incase you wanted to know, since you think you're imparting some kind of wisdom on us all, Nazis were a group of Germans, but not all Germans were Nazis. And I read through all of CKZ's comments and it looked as though they were being directed to the Black community in general. He didn't say anything about gangstas or thugs. And he may be right about some of the things he said and some of the things that you agreed with, but who is he/she to mention them in the manner that they were mentioned. Its great that you can take what he says so lightheartedly, but don't expect everyone else to do the same.


on my father's side, alot of my family were forced into the Nazi army.
when pie becomes more than a pastry!


Okay, your family. But that doesn't count for the millions of Germans there are and were at that time. You can't say that every German was a Nazi because its not true.


i know tha. but alot of germans were forced into the party. well, duh, not every german was a nazi. alot of the germans were jews, they wernt in the army of course.

who said every german was a nazi, by the way? thas racial profile
when pie becomes more than a pastry!


Yeah but germans can dance,
Nazi's can't.

Its how the british snipers used to tell them apart

"Don't aim for the guy doing the head high spin kick flowing hands move, shoot the dude with the gun .. damnit."

As the old saying goes :
If you don't have anything nice to say,
Go online and flame everyone.


i know tha. but alot of germans were forced into the party. well, duh, not every german was a nazi. alot of the germans were jews, they wernt in the army of course.

who said every german was a nazi, by the way? thas racial profile

lmao Germany is a country , not a race . Nazi is a political party , not a race. Somebody needs a refresher course on WWII

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


Before anyone calls me a racist, I AM BLACK.

what difference does that make?

But the comments made by CKZ are true.

Half truths .

First of all, if you call him ignorant for the content of his posts (black people) ask yourselfs one thing: How did his opinion of us get like that in the first place? Every stereotype comes is fabricated from some truth,

Yes but why. what was the catalyst ??? Thaat is why this a a half truth.

and no stereotype is more palpable than this ridiculous 'gansta/ghetto, thug-life' mentality made popular through 50 Cent and other gangsta-rappers;

lmao 50 cent lmao .. he was way way late in the game.

a stereotype that is degrading the image of ALL black people.

Because only one black person has ever stood up against it. The rest go along with it and use it to their advantage.

Second, today so many black people yell racism where it doesn't exist it is ludicrous (no not the rapper). Black's are using racism ("oh its cause I'm black") as an excuse for failure throughout life, and those people are the ones that will amount to nothing "are going absolutely no where in life and will more than likely end up on the welfare system with 7 or 8 illegitimate children...that or on Jerry Springer". Those type of people are not black but n*ggas (something that they're apparently proud of),

wow just wow. You could not be more wrong if you were from that planet .

and instead of wanting equal treatment they want special treatment. If you are really determined to succeed some balding white guy in a suit can not stop you from reaching your destination (Hell, a whole committee of em can't stop me).

It is sad that you believe that. I mean it is inspirational , but it is delusional .

And if the you're black and the smartest thing you have to say is "Don't call me black, I am an African American. You know what I'm sayin?" then you're in trouble. (by the way an African American would actually be someone who was born in Africa and became an American citizen.
arguing with the naacp now.. okay.

Charlize Theron is African American, not you LaFonda.
Third, just cause I white person does not like a particular group of blacks (gangstas/n*ggas/thugs) does not mean he/she is racist.

even if they do not like all blacks that still does not make them a racist .

I don't like Nazis and I'm not racist against Germans.

lmao german is not a race lmao . it is a nationality . Nazi is not a race nor a nationality . It was a political party .. People really really need to read more. and talk less.

Finally, stereotypes are hilarious (at least in my opinion). My friends make black jokes against me (to which none of them apply) all the time, you know what I do? I come back with my own kick-as$ cracka joke, or wetback joke, or *beep* joke, or jew joke, hell even another black joke. Stereotypes are nothing but a big joke to us therefore we never get offended by racism, we just laugh at how ignorant it is (or in CKZaibatsu's case, hilarious). So stop being n*ggas all you morons out there, and try being black.

Try being human and never mind your background . I am glad that you find these sort of jokes funny. I do not. They do not bother nor offend me but They are not funny.

P.S.- If I hear "You know what I'm sayin" one more time, I'm gonna give somebody a colon cleansing.............with my foot.

Thats mature.

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


Doesnt anybody study history anymore???

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


Wow, Chesire, just to point out to the professional reviewer: "yes" was supposed to be capitalized. One would assume a person who spends much time writing would have done a little thing called "proof reading" before posting. And we don't care where you came from, especially a shi.thole city like DC. That doesn't give you "street cred" or something, on the same token you have been guilty of all the stuff you inaptly accuse CK about. I also bet your movie reviews suck. Go talk about balls somewhere else.


I just registered tonight, but I must say, even though i'm black, yet listen to (and play) metal, and am an avid writer, I just love to read about all you people quarreling and turning a movie thread into the ultimate race/sterotype debate. I'm up here, three in the morning, when I should be writing ('cause i'm a writer) something good, but I just can't help but read all this. Please, PLEASE don't stop. All of you freakin' rule.

(LP) DF '06

(Yea, ask me about that some other time.)


I am also writer. Such a pivotal movie must always incite heated discussion and make one question beliefs. Three important issues: racsim, stereotyping, and dancing. I practice Michael Jackson's moonwalk twice a week in mirror, but does that make me a better person than the rest? Will Hollywood decide my future? Will particle board eventually completely replace natural wood? Time. And faith in the Almighty. Underrated movies raise these provocative questions. Answer them.


Hey man... i'm not arguing, that's the last thing I want... i'm peaceful. I just want YOU guys to keep arguing. 'Cause it's freakin' awesome, and it's almost as funny as the crazy stuff that I watch.

*Teeters towards everyone, shaping a gun with his fingers...* ...Bang. *falls on the steps, dead.*


Could not have said it better myself.

I have realized you can't make a difference. You must accept your fate


I am both smart and intelligent and I don't see this message board as being a source of humour for any sort of rational person. Email me a diagram of your steps and then everyone can have a legitimate debate. In late '96-97 I was a regular on "The Grind" hosted by Eric Niese. I shook his hand twice and he always had a winning smile. Not to brag, but I know the game, and I buy new shoes every other weekend. Just some free advice.


This is why its important (now more than ever) keep our streets drug free. Talk to your local politicians, and you too can help save the lives of poor drug-abusers like yokel here.


:) and people who can't drive hated "The fast and furious", people who can't sing hated "Viva las Vegas" and people who can't spin their heads 360 degrees hated "The Exorcist"


Well, actually I think people that can dance dislike ( I don't want to offend anybody so I use dislike instead of hate ) this movie more then people that cannot dance. Even if it may still sound stupid to some I have a good argumment: People that cannot dance are more easily impressed by the moves they see in this movie.


Wow, who would've thought the thread would've kept going this long?

OK, for the record, I grew up in Prince George's County, a suburb of Washington DC, which is roughly 85% African American. Never said I was from the 'hood'. It was more middle to lower class actually. My only point was that some of the things CK posted, if uttered in actual public, even if he wasn't in the projects, would get his ass kicked. You're right of course, I can't do anything about it, but then again, you've already proven yourself to be well-read moron who seems to think negative stereotyping is hilarious. Why try to make an ass out someone when they're already doing such a good job of it themselves?

The movie still sucks.

Incidentally Macon, it's spelled 'Cheshire'. Dumbass.


Speaking as a trained breakdancer,the only thing I found acceptable about this movie was the dancing.Everything else stunk.


Um, I as white as they come and cant dance but thought this movie was great and was surprised to see that people ranked as #22 of the worst movie theyve seen

i thought the dancing made up for the mediocre acting so the original poster is wrong




and again wrong

~I'm Just Saying~
Visit me yo


Yep this movie definitely sucked balls. Big ones. Who the hell dances in the *beep* rain all alone like some retard. I was amazed by that scene. I am also amazed that someone would even consider saying that whoever didn't like this movie just can't dance. Grow up. Can't dance? No, I definitely can't and am proud that I am able to spend my time doing much more productive and worthwhile things. While you might dance circles around me I would knock you on your ass in about 2 seconds. Get a job and get a life.


Sometimes I dance nude on the lawn. But My mother yells at me. And then i go back to her basement and play counter-strike.

Oh yeah. You got served sucks more balls then the n00bs I own at counter strike.


If you Dont like replies, Public Forums may not be for you...


Uh, Gene Kelly?

"You see this? This is this. This ain't somethin' else. This is this!"


Well retard, I never claimed I wrote for a living. So any mistakes I make here are not really a big deal. It's like a locksmith who locks himself out of his house or something for you. And don't care if you come from Zimbabwe where it's almost 100% black people. That doesn't change anything, idiot.

Now back to wildyokel. An accident involving electricity? What the hell? Did they stick a fork into an outlet? I bet they did. Harsh? Eh, such is life, idiot.
