top 5 quotes and scenes

mine are:

1."you gonna gargle mayonaise"

2.young JB:"if you *beep* with me, then i shall *beep* you too"
"get it on when the parties on"

3."he can suck a cock"

4."were just flesh and......bone"

5."to be your little.......bitch"


1.the whole sasquatch scenes
2.master exploder
3.the devils song
4.young JB hahaha
5.The gig symulator

many others


Lol good stuff.

1. "This forest is so...Juicy"

2. "I'm just a baaaaaabbby! waaahhaaa"

3. "No you do not know Dio!"

4. "Give us one chance to rock your socks off"

5. "I'll take the shoelace express"


1. JB and KG's first meeting "He is going to kick your f_ing arse and you know his name is Kyle Gass"
2. Sasquatch is my father
3. Storm the gate
4. Gig symulator
5. Rock off

If someone needs to be killed, you kill 'em. That's the way.

Lestatic #2


1. *KG presses a button* "Sing something, douchebag!"
2. I'll take the *beep* shoelace express!
3. Huh huh, wee baby!
4. ...Yeeeeeeah! ...Duuuuudes!
5. We are The D, We are The D, We are The D, We are The D...


1. Gig Stimulator
2. Final Showdown
3. Opening (Kickapoo)
4. ...Power slide!
5. Cock Push Ups.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


1. You are the Devil, we are the D!
2. What'd you spend the money on!? an official professor bull$#!t degree!?

"Ford, I feel like a sofa."
--Arthur Dent


1. Lets blister this *beep*

scene showdown


"*f* a lack a ding dong"

"sweeeet babies!!"


Your training begins the crack of noon! (KG to JB)


1. You Guys Rocked
Yeah We Were So Awesome!
Yeah It Was Awesome....compared to *beep*


KG-We've been through so much *beep*
JB-Deactivated lasers with our d.icks


"Tenac. I've had it since I was born. I looked it up in the dictionary. It wasn't there."

ALL the songs (except sasquacach) (
-Especially "This History of Tenacious D!" & "Master Exploder"... those were so funny!!!)

"Hoes before bros"

"Yeah it was awesome... compared to *beep*

... and many more I'm sure I'll remember as soon as I hit SUBMIT ;-)


I remembered another one:

"We are as the shadows. They cannot find what cannot be seen."


I'm fabulous




JB: What do you want non-rocker? This line is reserved for rockers only so I can't really talk to you right now.

KG: I'll have the chicken, the steak, and the chicken fried steak.

JB: Two air vents on the roof, that's what the guy was talkin a-sh*t!

JB: Give me that fu*kin remote!

Paul F. Tomkins:...and they're here to come (cum) again in your ear pussies.

The gig simulator
The rock-off with the devil
Master Exploder
JB in the bathroom (the pick of destiny! *JB poops*)
JB breaking in

and I hate the sasquatch scene.


After watching it many, many times - I hit on one nugget yesterday that totally cracked me up!

When they are in the Guitar Gods room, Jables says

JB: Come on helmet-head - get it up!!! Ooooh!!!

with a choir in the background singing - cock! cock!


"So shines a good deed in a weary world"


1.) Every second with Ben Stiller at the Guitar Center.
2.) The open mic comedian with an armful of drinks.
3.) The waitress' reaction when Rage Kage gives her a wink during their first performance.
4.) The gig simulator.
5.) Their open mic intro: "Since the beginning of time twas written in the stones that one day a band would come. Well, that band has come and now they're here to come again in your ear p*ssies."

"Why didn't you just get a translator?"

"SuPRA-natural! That's like a whole other level above super."


"dio can you here me im lost and so alone, im asking for your guidence would you come down from your throoowaooone. i need a tight compadre who will teach me how to rock, my father thinks your evil but man he can suck a " best part of the song


1) The reality of the strawberry river
2) The car crashing down a flight of stairs, while JB explains the movie is "really scary, I'm shaking right now"
3) JB getting the sh*t scared out of him, literally
4) The audience reactions to Master Exploder
5) The medieval guy's face (cartoon) rockin' on his lute
