Jeerome is just lke any 13 year old who copies every popular person. That was the message about the average beginning art school student --- that is how they are (immature to the max -- like Vinny pretending to be tough guy film director) and their teachers can't stand them. They don't know who they are. they are more immature and lost than the average young person.
Jimmy (the older crazed artist who feels betrayed by life) or Jonah ( the practical hard working innocent whose "inner child artist" wants to get out) are central characters in the movie. Loved them both.
Audrey had a classic problem with her artist father who has never had time for her (artists are often lost in their art) --- so she poses in the nude to get attention and to get even --- and then ends up kissing the newest "great artist" through a plate of glass -- symbolic of her inability to have a partner.
The movie slams the gallery owners!! They are all predators who only look for their next dollar -- note how the gallery owner wants to sign Jerome and keep him in jail! Of course, Jerome is willing -- he has no self esteem. A great movie -- a dark comedy. Got to try some Slivovitz! Saw it in the liquor store and burst out laughing -- Polish plum brandy. so what is art really?