MovieChat Forums > Art School Confidential (2006) Discussion > Jerome is Impossible to Like or Root for

Jerome is Impossible to Like or Root for

And that's probably the main reason this movie wasn't good. I thought there were some entertaining moments and characters but when I didn't give a crap what happened to Jerome, who happens to be the main character. The undercover cop and Malcovich were the best parts.

"Anybody Wanna' Waste Some Time?"


I completely agree.


Jeerome is just lke any 13 year old who copies every popular person. That was the message about the average beginning art school student --- that is how they are (immature to the max -- like Vinny pretending to be tough guy film director) and their teachers can't stand them. They don't know who they are. they are more immature and lost than the average young person.
Jimmy (the older crazed artist who feels betrayed by life) or Jonah ( the practical hard working innocent whose "inner child artist" wants to get out) are central characters in the movie. Loved them both.
Audrey had a classic problem with her artist father who has never had time for her (artists are often lost in their art) --- so she poses in the nude to get attention and to get even --- and then ends up kissing the newest "great artist" through a plate of glass -- symbolic of her inability to have a partner.
The movie slams the gallery owners!! They are all predators who only look for their next dollar -- note how the gallery owner wants to sign Jerome and keep him in jail! Of course, Jerome is willing -- he has no self esteem. A great movie -- a dark comedy. Got to try some Slivovitz! Saw it in the liquor store and burst out laughing -- Polish plum brandy. so what is art really?



i couldnt stand that little coksuker. such a whiny bitc for almost the entire movie. first he's gettin his arse beat as a kid which is just pathetic to watch, then he's kinda funny when he's goin on the dates with crazy chicks and kickin it with Bardo, but after that he just becomes such a puss again when we have to watch him hella awkwardly go out with audrey a few times and just mopes for the rest of the movie.

Bardo put it perfectyly:
"I just figured out who you are...the class douchebag"


Too, too right! Said it before I saw the thread..... No guesses for how he got this part (nepotism, anyone?). This kid totally ruined an otherwise ok movie.

p.s. 5'10"??! dream on, little man...


Couldn't have said it any better!Jerome was pathetic throughout the film and his character had no growth at all.When u re protagonist is this boring,he brings the whole movie down with him..


I didn't mind the detached hero/anti-hero/whatever, but the shifting tone of this film was a drawback: from comedy to murder mystery to romance to satire. It does a decent job with each, but it spend so much time redefining itself that it's hard to put too much stake in anything.


I completely agree. His character was exactly as described-- a douchebag. There was really nothing redeemable about him. He basically stole and lied his way to the "top" without regards to others. Self-centered, mopey, and a total drag. I preferred any other character to him-- even the terrible film maker roommate.


but he was hella


I thought Max Minghella did a decent job in the role and that Jerome's character started out as sympathetic and appealing, but over time he did become more difficult to root for.


watched it on netflix and thought the same thing even when he was in jail and they were showing some of his paintings Jimmy's paintings of the murders were in there as Jerome's he was still lying. This is NOT about reality or something deep. It was about a douchebag who when he didn't get his way fell apart and took the rap for a serial murder. If he wanted to be with Audrey so bad why not fight for his innocence. Obviously he didn't just want to paint because in jail he primarily painted Audrey

I don't have a signature


Watch the bonus scenes, he's even worse, if you can believe it. He's getting coffee with Audrey and is all "WHY DO YOU LIKE THAT TALENTLESS *beep* MORE THAN ME?? ......will you be my girlfriend? .....No? If you see that guy tell him I'm going to kill him and bury him."

Pathetic character BUT a very real character. Gotta say you rarely see a protagonist that's as realistically flawed as this.


I agree with you wholeheartedly.
He's weak, spineless, and so easy to influence. His little moments of trying to be -cool- and up front about what he thinks of his classmate's art are not mirrored in any of his other actions. Also, him using Jimmy's art to win the stupid college competition... That was pathetic. He went from wanting to be an artist to doing anything so that a girl would like him.
