Would you ever pose nude?

Theoretical question for anyone who saw this.

If the situation presented itself would you ever pose nude? Say you saw an ad on a bulletin board somewhere? Or a friend asked you? Or you were at the local art center and you overheard an instructor saying they can't find a model?

If the opportunity was there would you jump at it? Would you run away? Would you say yes in some circumstances but not others? Is is something you thought about but would need a nudge to do it?

Just curious what responses would be.


Probably not though nude drawing class was definately memorable.



I did it once. Partly to challenge myself because back then I was still pretty shy, partly because I was a struggling painter myself and a painter friend asked me to.

The only awkward part was when I first took off my robe. During was fine, because I know what it's like once you get into drawing or painting mode. After was very slightly awkward, but that dissipated quickly.

I don't think I could do it in front of a class, although I've taken life classes before and drawn quite a few nude models. It is hard work to keep a pose for any length of time.


Only in front of my wife! 


It would depend on the maturity level of the class since I'm not a slim girl. I'd be happy to pose though since it's important to draw a range of body types to be well rounded in art, not just one type. I'd probably be more comfortable with my clothes on though.


At one art school I attended, I was asked to pose, but I would only do costume poses. Was fun.
