Would you ever pose nude?

Theoretical question for anyone who saw this.

If the situation presented itself would you ever pose nude? Say you saw an ad on a bulletin board somewhere? Or a friend asked you? Or you were at the local art center and you overheard an instructor saying they can't find a model?

If the opportunity was there would you jump at it? Would you run away? Would you say yes in some circumstances but not others? Is is something you thought about but would need a nudge to do it?

Just curious what responses would be.


i just signed up haha

but im waiting until i have the time to fit it in, as im a full time student


Good luck. After you do it post on how it went.



$25/hour, flexible hours may sound good but sitting still in 1 position for 3 hours is extremely difficult. First time was embarassing but it's like jumping in cold water. A shock to the system but the body and mind eventually acclimate.

Dear Mr. Newman, Short people DO have a reason to live.



the first college i went to had a big art department, and a couple of my friends actually DID pose nude for classes. a couple said it was the scariest thing they had ever done, a couple said it was really relaxing and fun. it all depends on how comfortable you are with your body and everything blah blah.
i personally don't think i could EVER do that. maybe if i lose like 10 lb or something lol


Probably, if no one I knew was in the class! I wouldn't mind posing clothed or costumed though, since I love dressing up and drawing clothing is something that lots of people need practice on.

One of my friends did pose nude for my class though, and neither of us had much of an issue with it. He'd posted nude self-portrait photos on his art website so I asked him if he'd like to pose for my class (we're in different schools) and he said yes. He was a bit too enthusiastic with his poses for his first time around (crazy warrior-style action poses) and walked away pretty sore but $200 richer for a 6-hour session.


If I was somewhere where nobody knew me, I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. Right now I'm an exchange student, and I might do it if the opportunity came up.

-Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded-



It’s true & I know this from a personal experience ! I posed naked with an attractive 19 year old nude woman for an hour while students draw us in a ‘life drawing class’. My ‘partner’, bless her soul, giggled and did the best she could to ‘hide my affection’ but it was to late. Understandably the teacher asked that I not return for the next class. I did get some though! (lol).

Seriously, acting is acting and you are either comfortable & confident with your body or you aren't.




I wanted to do this, as I'm really good around people, really open, not shy, and know I look good naked. I contacted a local art school, and they never got back to me, I think they wanted an older person.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


Its tough work to get. In big cities they have tons of people. In smaller cities not a lot of art schools around. I had to call a few places before I ever got a gig.


Er - well, since I'm a girl, the risk of "something else coming up" isn't really an issue!

However, since I'm back in my own university town now, I'd never do it - the risk of me knowing someone in the class would be far too big.
I'd still like to try it some other time, though. Like someone on here said, I think it might feel pretty liberating.

-Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded-


Absolutely! I've been a nude model for almost 27 years now. I did take offense to the way the male model is portrayed in the movie (as a selfish exhibitionist). The models who do those actions usually aren't models for very long.

Here's a video clip of me talking about being a nude model (among other things)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUlFCRDuceg
