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Off topic: Thoughts on banning dodgeball at school?

My little brother in middle school told me they stop playing dodgeball because the coach said it's too brutal. Anyone else think that's crazy?


Dodge ball was hands-down the best sport in school gym class. It taught you that you have to duck and dodge in real life, all the while biding your time so as to make a killer strike. I guess they're gonna' replace it with some sort of liberal feel-good bullsh!t course on how to crawl on your knees and suck other peoples' butts. Yuck.

"A little old lady got mutilated late last night… Werewolves of London again."


Welcome to the pussy generation.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


"Welcome to the pussy generation."

Sad but true.

No refunds, consider your refund escaping this death trap with your lives!


"They" are always trying to ban things at school. Most of the time it's things like recess and gym activities which are things that kids should actually be doing. It's not like they will ever ban math or other subjects, no matter how badly it damages the confidence of some kids, and no matter how many flunk out.

Never rub another man's rhubarb


That's just crap. I played Dodgeball every year I went to school and it only got "too violent" once, and that was a freak accident where no one even got hurt. Modern schools are wusses because they're too worried about a lawsuit from parents of kids who cry at the slightest scratch.


Speaking of which did they also recently ban Tag. I heard something about it hurt kids feelings if they weren't "It". I disagree because I tried very hard not to be it. I was a chubby kid and didn't like the idea of having to chase people.

Dodgeball teaches great skills like agility and quickness not to mention accuracy. Its ashame the liberals are taking away the good things we hold dear and make us men.


I just want to say this is a pretty stupid conversation. I'm as liberal as they come and I don't care about banning dodgeball or anything that teaches kids how the real world works (hint: Sometimes it sucks, and people won't always like you, or pick you to be on your team. Deal with it).


"Modern schools are wusses because they're too worried about a lawsuit from parents of kids who cry at the slightest scratch. "

I think that's the point, the USA is becoming the Disney Land of frivolous law suits. It's not that parents are afraid to tell their children "take it like a man", they are just after the easy money.

"That was a courtesy flush. I'm not actually done yet"


No need to ban it, but they should make it optional. Kids who don't enjoy it shouldn't be forced to play it.


That's a good idea, but a little much I think. I hated PE when I was little. I had no interest in it, and I was even the kid that "rolled" my ankle to get out of it sometimes. It was never so bad that I had pyschological damage, which apparently everyone is really worried about nowadays.

I think some little kids need to get hit in the head with a dodgeball, maybe it will knock the neuroticism out of them :/

"I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it."- Jack Dawson <3



Doesn't surprise me. When I was in elementary school we used to call this sport "slaughter" or "war ball."


I think that is crazy as hell.


In my country we're not familiar with this game, do US kids really play this game at the schoolyard? I can kind of understand if some schools would ban it because it seems to be quite brutal. And I'm not exactly soft of heart..


I learned five important things from dodgeball

and Dodge


I LOVED playing dodgeball growing up. I think the only "rule" was no aiming for people's heads. Which made sense to me at the time.


This is what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum.
