MovieChat Forums > Ne le dis à personne (2006) Discussion > Did anyone else find the music distracti...

Did anyone else find the music distracting?

Is it just me, or did the three (and a half) music segments really bother anyone else?

It just didn't seem to fit the tone of the film that all of sudden we're in the middle of a music video. Personally I didn't even really feel that the songs were all that appropriate, especially the U2 track. We've established that Alex can't get on with his life wothout his wife, and suddenyl he's one step closer to putting the puzzle together, and we've got Bono warbling "I can't live with or without you" in our faces.

Call my cynical, but it just seemed liked the director wanted to fit these songs in somehow so he shot some overlong, indulgent montages and/or epiphany moments to accompany them. I don't know the director's other films, but this felt very much like someone's first film.

I thought this snag went some way to ruining what was otherwise a very fine film. It made the film seem very self-conscious, like they were trying to appeal to that MTV-generation mentality. I know that comment makes me sound old and pompous, but I am actually of that generation myself. I just can't stand MTV movies.

Anyone agree? (no trolls)


I was fine with them, but happy there was not impossibly heavy-handed music over every other scene. If I hated the three musical interludes, I'd still take it over contemporary music to tell you what to feel that seems it's in every US produced film and TV show now.


Yeah it was weird, esp. when the U2 song came on, I thought he was sitting outside a concert or something!


by nick-1036:

How is it that so many non film makers and non film scorers know more about film music than anyone who worked on this film? And specifically, on this film, how do you know what a good or bad score is for this film, and none of you worked on it or any other film? Seriously, why do imdb posters know so much more than the film makers, how can all of you be so right about the score when the film makers are so wrong? Really, I want to know how? How do all of you so clearly see the missteps, and the gross use of a U2 song and they didn't? Tell me, how?

i totally agree with you nick!!!!!!!!!!

we're surrounded by a bunch of 'professionals' lmao

Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a mystery to be lived... so live it!


Ca'mon! U2 goes with France almost as much as surrendering does!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
