MovieChat Forums > Constantine (2005) Discussion > Cars in hell?? Really?

Cars in hell?? Really?

So hell is basically LA after a nuclear explosion A-La- Terminator, now I know for a fact its exactly where the director got the idea from but I still had trouble thinking Hell is pretty much a junkyard with flames...Overall entertaining movie, watchable, just knit picking...


I always felt like that car scenario in hell that we see is actually Constantine's own personal hell, just he sees it that way because he died in the car on its way to the hospital and I always thought it's simply that highway where he died the first time as a teenager. Maybe I am totally wrong but that's how I have understood it. :-). Sadly we never see how other people actually see hell.


I actually quite liked that image of hell/limbo. It was interesting and thought-provoking - because we always think of hell as fire and stuff. It was interesting to see it portrayed as Earth, but destroyed.



I've always liked the look. It is... different and haunting.

You want something corny? You got it!


Loved the look too, but it puts a "time frame" or date to it. How was hell/limbo in the 40s, 20s, before sky scrapers and cars?
