MovieChat Forums > Constantine (2005) Discussion > Cars in hell?? Really?

Cars in hell?? Really?

So hell is basically LA after a nuclear explosion A-La- Terminator, now I know for a fact its exactly where the director got the idea from but I still had trouble thinking Hell is pretty much a junkyard with flames...Overall entertaining movie, watchable, just knit picking...



My husband used to have a Chevy Cobalt to use for his hour-long commutes to and from work. That was the most uncomfortable car I've ever been in. If there are cars in Hell, you can bet that little red Cobalt is blazing down there!!


The devastated Landscape was just a kind of Limbo.

The real Hell was seen then the camera switched below the surface, were thousands
of people tortured by demons (44:54)


I thought it was pretty good, what makes an eternity in heaven better than an eternity in hell if you are just sitting on a cloud for a trillion years? You'd get bored. Thankfully we don't see Heaven as a cloud with a big gate on it, we always imagine Heaven as being close to what we have now but with no bad things, just brilliance, so why not have Hell exactly the same but with no good in it, just pain and fire?

You got to see skyscrapers in Heaven in this movie so I reckon Heaven and Hell are just meant to be an image of our world if everything was bad or everything was good, one world in flames, one world as a utopia.

Just my opinion...

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!


Yeah I didn't love that image of hell either.

I like the idea of it being really hot and dry but to have it looking like a junk-yard after a bomb blast? Eh, not so much.

I would have preferred it to look more 'other-world'-like.

Everything I've ever told you has been a lie. Including that - George Spiggott


This is one of the ideas of the movie that I liked MOST. First I never had seen this idea before, that heaven and hell are like parallel places occupying the same space. Second it makes hell much more real, like the worst possible future or outcome for a place is hell. It's one the reasons I really like the movie. The idea that there are gateways between these planes and you could travel between them.

And btw don't you know the famous song?

Ooh hell is a place on earth
They say in hell hate comes first
We'll make hell a place on earth
Ooh hell is a place on earth


Hell is a devastated earth. The film just takes place in LA, so we only see devastated LA.

Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.


I thought it was a great idea. It gives it a certain "reality" feel to it. Also when Constantine is going up to heaven you also see a city on the clouds. But a heavenly city.


Yeah I love this idea as well. Two kinds of alternative reality and our world "smack in the middle".

This would make a great video game where you could cross between hell/limbo, our world and heaven.


Devil May Cry 5?
