Your top 8 of the series

Just thought it would be fun to see :-)

Heres mine :
1: Hellraiser
2: Hellraiser: Hellbound
3: Hellraiser: Inferno
4: Hellraiser: Bloodline
5: Hellraiser: Deader
6: Hellraiser: Hellseeker
7: Hellraiser: Hell on Earth
8: Hellraiser: Hellworld


Now . ;) Ive shown you mine , show me yours :-D

Be Good


my top 8:

1) Hellraiser
2) Hellbound
3) Hell on Earth
4) Inferno
5) Hellseeker
6) Bloodline
7) Deader
8) Hellworld



Hell on Earth


Hell On Earth

Haven't been able to sit through any of the rest all the way.


1: Hellbound
2: Hellraiser
3: Bloodline
4: Hell on earth
5: Deader
6: Inferno
7: Hellseeker

I don't know where to put Hellworld because I haven't seen it yet. I've ordered it on Ebay but it didn't come in yet. I really hope it's in my top-4 cause the stories Inferno Hellseeker and Deader are good but they're more movies for your mental capabilities then real messy horror like the first three....



1: Hellraiser. period.

2: Hellbound. It's not nearly as good as the original, but the story works.
3: Hellseeker. The story works, even if it wasn't originally intended as a Hellraiser story. Also, it reintroduces Kristy into the canon. Even Barker liked this one.
4: Bloodline. As a stand alone movie, it's OK. Doesn't have very much to do with the original movie. Story barely works, but at least it has a decent ending.

5: Hell on Earth. This just doesn't work, and it has a lot of holes in the story. Just because Pinhead became so famous doesn't make this movie a good idea.
6: Hellworld. Teenie slasher meets classic. The story has a few large holes, but I imagine a few people will watch the original after seeing this.
7: Deader. With a bit of wishful thinking, this one works. Being part 7, not a lot of people will know who Lemerchant is, because they haven't seen part 4.

8: Inferno. The only good piece of these 90 minutes are the last 5. It doesn't run smoothly, steals a few unconnected lines from the original story, and generally leaves a bad impression. If I'd watched this movie first, I'd never have bothered with another of the series.


1. Deader
2. Hellworld
3. Bloodline
4. Hellseeker
5. Hellraiser
6. Hellbound
7. Inferno
8. Hell on Earth

I don't see what all the fuss is about the original,sure it's a good horror movie and it's a fresh idea. But I enjoy the back stories to it all and I like actually seeing Pinhead. I read on imdb that he appeared for like less than 3 minutes in inferno! Deader was the only one in the series I actually found scary and for that it is my favorite....The scene in the bathroom creeped me out!



Jag har en stor fetta!

Hell on earth


Hellbound: Hellraiser II - a masterpiece of horror-fantasy.

Helraiser - gothic horror at its best, a family drama twisted into new forms.

Hellraiser: Deader - closest to the first two in themes and style, an intelligent film with a complex story and amazing gore effects.

Hellraiser: Hellseeker - Kirsty returns and Pinhead has just the right ammount of screen time.

Hellraiser: Inferno - saved the franchise after Bloodline and brought it back to the basics.

Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth - Pinhead reduced to a joking slasher but saved by Elliot and a fairly interesting story.

Hellraiser: Bloodline - False back-story that contradicts previous Hellraiser lore from the comics (created by Barker) and a confusing mess that was butchered by the studio so that it has no logic or plot. Still, Angelique was cool.

Hellraiser: Hellworld - An abomination that tries to be a love letter to fans and ends up more a piece of hate mail. Hopefully not the end of the series!

- Scarecrow


Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth - Pinhead finally let lose and not taking Clive Barker's artsyfartsy crap too seriously. Perfectly over the top, mean, and relentless. Hellraiser is about the cenobites, just shut up and accept it.

Hellbound: Hellraiser II - a masterpiece of horror-fantasy. Agreed.

Hellraiser - Clive Barker hates that this is what he'll be remembered for so he abandoned the series and let Rick Bota ruin everything... Nightbreed and Lord of Illusions should have been directed by Anthony Hickox. Clive Barker is a mediocre filmmaker, and his ego ruined the franchise.

Hellraiser: Bloodline - Big let down after part three, but a hard act to follow. It had some cool writing and new cenobites. I love outer space.

Hellraiser: Inferno - Last Hellraiser movie to have the original music. Straight to video but almost transcends. It's the worst one of the 5 but has some cool moments.

6-8: Suck my di*k Rick Bota.


Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth - Pinhead finally let lose and not taking Clive Barker's artsyfartsy crap too seriously. Perfectly over the top, mean, and relentless. Hellraiser is about the cenobites, just shut up and accept it.

You do realize that Barker invented the Cenobites, wrote the original story, had the final say in casting, directed the first movie of the series, and has since worked on bringing it back to its roots, right?

If you're looking for just a gorey horror flick, you should probably go watch all the John Carpenter reinstallations. I hear The Fog turned out nicely.

Hellraiser definitely is not about the Cenobites. If you believe that, than you haven't understood any of it.


I recently watched through all the films to make sure about my opinions, and I more than consider to change my mind.

1. Inferno - Extremely well done thriller!
2. Hell on earth - Feels a lot Freddy Krueger-ish, this one. Much more entertaining though.
3. Hellraiser - A classic with some strong qualities.
4. Bloodline - Entertaining and brutal...
5. Hellbound - It has its moments... but it can't be more American.
6. Hellseeker - Not very good, although it could've been on par with some of the above.
7. Deader - Bad, although it's better than Hellworld.
8. Hellworld - Stop making films, Bota!



Well, think I had too high expectations on this movie (many here think it's the very best of the series)... but I surely felt it was overproduced and filled with pitiful horror clichés, like in Hollywood B-movies. Can't really explain better, since English is not my native language.


I've only seen the first four theatrically released HELLRAISER films.

The first HELLRAISER is really the only one that matters of the four. It is a really good and often underrated horror film.

HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II was just a terrible film. No redeeming qualities,IMO.

HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTH was decent while HELLRAISER: BLOODLINES was a train wreck. That was a bad one.

As for the remaining HELLRAISER films, I won't even bother with them. I despise DTV horror films and I would imagine sequels 5 through 8 will be no better than the previous three sequels.

Just my thoughts and opinions ...
