What an amazing cast!

Mads Mikkelsen, Ray Winstone, Joel Edgerton, Clive Owen, Ray Stevenson, Stellan Skarsgård, and I'll even throw in Til Schweiger cause I'm personally a fan of his. I couldn't help but post on what an amazing, well rounded cast this is. As huge fan of The Expendables (bye bye to my credibility), I must say that these casting choices definitely rank among the best and trump said movie.

What are some of your favorite action movies where the cast is stacked like this? Would really like other recommendation :) Thanks in advance


Watching it now. I didn't know who Mads was when this came out. Makes it all the sweeter.


I will give the cast credit, all too often when you get a cast of big name actors, they ham it up and compete and dont take the movie seriously. Like in all those silly "Oceans" caper movies.

Everyone here kept a straight face and did a good job, except for Knightly who doesn't have the capacity to do a good job. But at least she kept a straight face.




I thought Iaon Gruffudd was the standout, expected him to become a bigger star after I saw this back in the day, good actor.




He really only did the F4 movies.


He was great in the Hornblower TV series.
