MovieChat Forums > Gothika (2003) Discussion > top 5 scariest movies

top 5 scariest movies

this movie succeeded in scaring the living hell out of me, and therefore replaces all of those rings and grudges out there.

1. Gothika
2. Night of the Living Dead(remake)
3. The Grudge
4. The Ring
5. White Noise

Grudge 2 looks to be promising, however.






Sorry, but I can't pick just five....

1. Dead Silence (Those dummies were freaky and I can still hear the music in my head!)

2. The Strangers (Most scary in the sense that it could actually happen).

3. The Ring (I still get creeped out at the first closet scene with Amber Tamblyn and to this day tv's still creep me out)

4. The trailer for "The Unborn" (That creepy old man with the twisted head and the demonic dog freak me out everytime I see it)

5. The Grudge (The stairwell scene and the part on the bus

6. The original Friday the 13th (It was creepy b/c you never saw the killer and it was set deep in the woods)

7. Signs (the alien/birthday party scene as well as the corn field scene

8. The Sixth Sense

9. Darkness Falls

10. The original Halloween

It is easier to critique than create


i couldn't disagree with you more.

this movie was not scary.

the rest (except Night of living dead idk about) are scary.
This one just is not at all.
i could watch it by myself in the middle of a graveyard and i would only be scared cuz i would be in a graveyard by myself.

It might be because Robert Downey Jr. maybe distracts me from the "scaryness" of it but who knows, it just isnt scary to me at all.

Jeepers Creepers, now that movie scars me. I dont know why


For a second I thought nobody was going to mention IT, I thought that was the scariest movie of all time. Probably because I watched it when I was about 12 and it was about a clown who terrorised children :(

Did not think Jeepers Creepers was scary at all. Infact, the second one was rather funny hehe.

I sort of thought the House of A Thousand Corpses was scary, but it's like my favorite scary movie :)

"Without a condom, he's just a prick"...



oh man what a sh!tty list the OP has, the Night of the Living Dead remake is the only good movie on there

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


The only movie I remember really scaring me was "The Hills Have Eyes." Michael Berryman was frightening in that film. I was probably too young.




High School Musical 3. The movie was really scary! The terrible acting and music gave me nightmares for 5 straight weeks.



Wait... What?! There's an 'It 2' ?!
