Swank or Benning

Swank was very good but Benning was amazing from start to finish, she lit up the screen and surpassed her Grifters and American Beauty performances.
I feel that Swanks performance was too in vein of Boys Dont Cry and the academy should not just hand another oscar over to her too quickly as apart from her two Oscar winning roles she hasnt had any other great performances [the i know of].
Benning has steadily been working in films for years now and has really honed her skill and talent to become a great actress.This film showed a great actress finding her perfect role and she stole the show.I wanted to laugh scream and cry all at the same time she protrayed a character that many actresses would have played too one layered yet she showed a witty,clever,greedy,loving,beautiful stage performer in all her glory.
Benning is a real class act and Swank still has to show more range to impress me enough to call her the new Jodie Foster {as some are calling her}What you do think?


There is very little that impresses me about Hilary Swank at all, let alone either of her two Oscar-winning roles.

I think that she won in 2000 because of the role. Yes, playing someone like Teena/Brandon had to be difficult, but if you look at her acting in Boys Don't Cry, just the acting, it's really nothing special. That award was given to Teena/Brandon, not to Hilary Swank. To people who criticize Bening of overacting in American Beauty, they clearly don't understand Carolyn Burnham: she is overbearing, overly critical, overly career- and success-obsessed, and Bening NAILED it. Whereas as both Swank's and Bening's roles drew a lot of attention that year, only Bening's performance lived up to the character.

As for Million Dollar Baby, Swank delivers a very wooden performance. Perhaps the Academy was distracted by her physical transformation (as they were with Charlize Theron. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic performance and she completely deserved her Oscar in my opinion, but I wish that most people weren't as interested in how different Theron looked, and instead focused more on her great acting) and the tragic character she played. Again, the Academy went with a poor, trashy woman in a gender-confused role with an unfortunate life and death. While Bening was certainly the better of the two that year, my vote would have gone to Kate Winslet for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; it is, in my opinion, her best acting to date, and with a resume and reputation like Winslet, that's really saying something.

As for Hilary Swank being the new Jodie Foster, this is just the talk of Swank's agent and clueless writers who want to spark some interest. Other than the fact that they have both won two leading actress Oscars at a relatively young age, there is little that the two have in common. Swank doesn't have half the talent, class, skill, or range that Jodie Foster has.

This turned out to be more of a rant about Hilary Swank, but oh well. It needed to be said somewhere.

"And like that, poof. He's gone..."


At the time of the Oscars, I had only seen MILLION DOLLAR BABY, but just saw BEING JULIA a couple of weeks ago, and Bening definitely should have won. I also agree that Swank deserved her first Oscar for BOYS DON"T CRY but the second one not so much. If anyone deserved an Osca for MILLION DOLLAR BABY, it was Clint Eastwood...it was the best performance of his career.


I thought Hillary was amazing in BDC she deserved that Oscar, her performance really moved me. She was also very good in MDB but I've just seen Being Julia and I have to say Anette deserved that Oscar. Before seeing Julia, I thought Kate deserved to win for ESOTSM, but now that I've seen Being Julia I have to say Anette's performance was too good. 2005 Oscars are the ones that I dislike the most, I mean Cate Blanchett....for The Aviator???? She has so many other Great performances and they give her the Oscar for The Aviator????? Anette was amazing and I think she should've won the Oscar.


Winslet. But Bening is a close #2. Swank sucks arse.



Having seen both, I definitely prefer Bening. A better performance and a better and more versatile actress as well. Winslet, Thurman and Staunton gave all stronger performances than Swank IMO.
