Swank was very good but Benning was amazing from start to finish, she lit up the screen and surpassed her Grifters and American Beauty performances. I feel that Swanks performance was too in vein of Boys Dont Cry and the academy should not just hand another oscar over to her too quickly as apart from her two Oscar winning roles she hasnt had any other great performances [the i know of]. Benning has steadily been working in films for years now and has really honed her skill and talent to become a great actress.This film showed a great actress finding her perfect role and she stole the show.I wanted to laugh scream and cry all at the same time she protrayed a character that many actresses would have played too one layered yet she showed a witty,clever,greedy,loving,beautiful stage performer in all her glory. Benning is a real class act and Swank still has to show more range to impress me enough to call her the new Jodie Foster {as some are calling her}What you do think?
Yes, I agree, and I have heard that Hilary Swank has been heralded as the "new Jodie Foster", and has "pulled off a Jodie" from my friends who were upset that Miss Bening lost the Oscar for "Being Julia". Her role in "Being Julia" I think is one of the greatest roles of the new century, the first that of Ellen Burstyn's "Sara Goldfarb" from 2000's "Requiem for a Dream". Like the audacious "RFAD", "Being Julia" was also a flim which captivated critcs and intellectual audiences, but wasn't seen much by mainstream audiences; nor were the roles for both films the "typicial" norm that you see Hollywood actresses often win for. The Academy seems to love rewarding roles that are portrayed by an underdog character and Hilary Swank's "Million Dollar Baby" has that screaming all over it. But "Being Julia", like Gloria Swanson's "Sunset Blvd" and Bette Davis's "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" and "All About Eve" is a kind of role that because it is over-the top, divalicious, and rather theatrical, its the kind of flamboyant role that conservative judges might find way too bold or distasteful. After all, Julia Lambert, Norma Desmond, Margo Channing, Sara Goldfarb and Baby Jane Hudson were all characters who were selfish, egotistical and over the top. But, it does not mean they shouldn't recieve the Award. It really shoud be of merit, but the Academy loves conservative roles, so they gave it to Swank. Perhaps, by noting, only Vivien Leigh's "Blanche Du Bois" is the only character that has the stature of a "Baby Jane Hudson" who has won an Oscar, way back in 1951.
Go Annette Bening!...and Julianne Moore, Patricia Clarkson, Kate Winslet, Glenn Close, Sigourney Weaver, Helena Bonham Carter, Natasha Richardson, Lynn Redgrave. You are divas that rock, and haven't won Oscars!
Julianne should have won for 2002's "Far From Heaven". Kate Winslet should have won for 2001's "Iris". Glenn Close should have beaten Jodie Foster, for "Dangerous Liasons" 1988. Helena Bonham Carter should have won for 1997's "The Wings of the Dove", instead of Helen Hunt--surprise, surprise, a role in "As Good as it Gets". Lynn Redgrave should have won for 1998's "Gods and Monsters".
Swank will never have the intelligence or range of Bening. Swank's a gritty performer--I was very impressed with her effort in Boys Don't Cry--but you're always conscious of how hard she's working. She's yet to show, & probably never will, that she can shine in a role other than a tragic heroine. Her other performances are unmemorable. She lacks the craft and wit to make less-than-well-written performances sparkle--or to run off with a movie in just a 5-minute scene, as Bening did in Postcards from the Edge--a Meryl Streep movie, no less!
i know its off subject, but since you mentioned Jodie Foster, I am still bitter 20 yrs later that Foster beat out Glenn Close for Dangerous Liaisons!!! Just goes to prove that the best performance usually doesn't win, but the most "showy" perf. Annette was great in this, but she's pretty much great in everything...
A note: I love your post! I watched this film last night, and I just LOVED it. Bening is outstanding - and I really don't understand why she didn't get that Oscar? Her performance in this film stunned me. Hilary WHO??? All the other actresses you mention are great - and not to forget: I was happy to see Helen Mirren's hard work pay off by getting the Oscar for "The Queen".
Annette Bening is a great actress. IMO Hillary Swank is not. Bening is one of a handful of outstanding actresses of her generation. Swank is, again IMO, not one of the top 20 actresses in HER generation.
Sometimes an actor or actress comes along and give a performance that is so wonderful, that it deserves recognition even if there is not much else in the body of work. Mira Sorvino comes to mind, and Emily Watson though she didn't win. Or perhaps the body of work is there, but not widely known -- I am thinking of Juliette Binoche.
At some point the Academy has to stop rewarding flash-in-the-pan performances that satisfy a certain politically-correct attitude. Good films with a gay theme/ pro-abortion theme/ pro-euthanasia theme/anti-business theme/anti-death-penalty theme/ anti-American theme, have a chance to win an Oscar. Good films with a pro-religious theme, or a pro-life theme, a patriotic American theme or a pro-capitalist theme have a zero chance. Everyone knows this -- Mel Gibson knew that the Academy would hate "The Passion of the Christ" no matter how good it was or how he promoted it. (I haven't seen Passion myself, yet.)
Of course the Academy won't change, and instead it will become even more irrelevant. TV viewers will continue to watch to proceedings, but they will be less and less influenced in their ticket-buying decisions. Hollywood appears clueless to the extent that so much of America is disgusted by its products. I expect Hollywood will continue to make, and congratulate itself for making, even more films that mature audiences will not care to view. Roger Ebert might like them... but gradually even Roger Ebert is becoming irrelevant. Too bad.
Although Swank is one of my favorite actresses, I'd say Benning did a better job in Beijing Julia than Swank in Million Dollar Baby. The Oscar should have gone to Benning. There are many superb scences. The last time they were competing though, I still think Swank did better in Boys don't Cry. They should have won one Oscar each maybe.
Or is it similar to what Irons commented on Julia's last performance of the first play (right after Tom broke up with Julia), that it is too drama? By the way why did he say those harsh words to Julia back then? What is his intention, to make her take a braek?
Does anyone also think Benning could be a possible senior version of Naomi Watts? Maybe just me.
I would have voted for Bening, by a country mile. Some critics felt that she was too theatrical and flamboyant in this role, but they are totally missing the point - she was playing a diva actress who can never stop acting for one moment even in her "real life". She is an actress rather than a human being. Swank's character in Million Dollar Baby was a tragic, heartstring-tugging underdog that it was very easy for the Academy to root for. That's why she beat Annette, in my view.
Well said, all you guys! Basically I have those all the reasoning in mind but have yet to express clearly. Swank is far less prolific to deserve two Oscars, if not one. She really stunted me in Boys don't Cry, but when it comes to MDB I kind of had some resistance already. She really should've proved her talent by playing varied roles --- if she really has it. On the other hand, Benning's performance in Being Julia is incredibly subtle, moving and accurate.
If Benning was twenty years younger, chances were she might as well have played Brandon successfully in BDC; as for Swank, I highly doubted that if she was Julia.
Benning was robbed!!!!! 2004 Oscars in acting categories were joke. Don Cheadle and Annette should have won major awards. Some people (Academy included) apparently missed diversity, hidden nuance and subtlety of Benning's performance. Besides being over the top, her character displayed small but how intense moments of sadness, confusion, anger and happiness. Check those scenes where she's looking at herself in the mirror or amazing display of triumph on her face after big sip of a beer in the last scene. Ms. Benning is an amazing actress and it's sad that she still has to wait for her Oscar.
I was rooting for Annette, too !! She was great in the role, an amazing performance by a mature actress ! Plus I am Hungarian, the movie was shot here as well. Annette said in an interview, she liked Hungarian food. :))
The Oscars given to the protagonist actors are so stereotypical in the last years. At least the supporting actors usually deserve their Oscar.
Million Dollar Baby was boring, and Swank as well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts so eloquently. I am here to join the "Annette was robbed" support group. The decision to give Swank the Academy Award over Bening still really bothers me to this day, so much so I have a hard time watching Swank's newer movies without thinking about it. I know I need to get a life, but this was the most illogical decision since Don Ameche got the "I'm going to die, give me an award" Oscar for Cocoon.
As others have pointed out in this thread, I think the only reason I can think of that Swank got the award is because of what her CHARACTER went through, NOT her acting in that character. I know it doesn't make sense, but we see it all the time at the Academy Awards, a sympathetic character wins over a better performance of a less sympathetic character. (Remember Tom Hanks in Philadelphia and Forrest Gump, playing a dying man and a retarded man?) I guess it also matters if there is a physical transformation, though that has little to do with acting, and more to do with dieticians and trainers. So Swank got undeserved votes for beefing up her physique and learning how to box. Then she sealed the deal by spitting up blood in a sad and uncomfortable death scene in the hospital.
But these peripheral parts of the script and her training had nothing to do with how good her performance was. Though she may have deserved a nomination, there is just no comparison to Bening's stunningly layered and nuanced performance in Being Julia. For example, when Jeremy Irons' character confronts her about her overacting, she goes from contentment to abject anger to deep despair in less than three minutes time, all effortlessly and with a deep understanding of what she was doing. I haven't even discussed the pure charisma she exudes in every scene, which is something Swank just doesn't have.
I know I need to get a life, but I'm hoping that the Oscars can eventually find its way to rewarding the best, not the most popular.
I think Swank is taking an unneccesary beating just because she was only able to get two truly great roles. It shouldn't matter she was great in those roles. I think she absolutely deserved her Oscar for Boys Don't Cry. Had Benning beat her for American Beauty I would have been pissed because i felt Benning was the weakest link in that film! And as for 2004. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary or Annette I would have voted for Kate Winslet. And as far as the thing about Swank's being showy I think Swank is a subtle actress! It's Benning's two performanves that were showy!
And Jodie Foster deserved her performance for the Accused (as well as the other one for Lambs) but I can see why some might have wanted Close or Streep or Weaver to win after all that was one hell of a category but Foster is amazing and so raw and powerful in The Accused too. Perhaps that's why they compare Swank to Foster because not only does she take on underdog roles but she is capable of being very powerful and subtle at the same time. I don't appreciate
I just caught Being Julie the other night on the Sundance channel. What a wonderful surprise! I have to say that Benning's characters are more flushed out and "complete" in all the subtleties she adds; which I might add take great skill. It is much harder to play a scene with the small things than the big. From her mannerisms, voice inflections, small facial expressions, movements and gestures, you really lose yourself in the character. That is what makes her so amazing.
With Hillary, as much as I have loved the roles, I always still feel like I am watching "Hillary" to some degree. Though, to her credit, Hillary can do "poignant" scenes very well.
Way to go Annette. I do think she should have won. This performance was fun and a real 'tour de force'. I highly recommend the movie!
You're just right. 2005 was an awful year for the Oscars. The main awards were not deserved at all (except for Blanchett's award), Bening absolutely should have won over Swank. Imelda Staunton also deserved to win, but her film was too small. At the time I remember that I was rooting for Annette. Even Winslet was more deserving than Swank.
I agree with the majority. Bening should have won. Simply put - her performance was better than Swank's. Also, it was too soon for Swank's 2nd Oscar. And it's frustrating that she recieved 2 Oscars for playing a man....well, you know what I mean. Let's see if she can act, while playing a female role for a change. Finally, Bening is older now & has paid her dues in Hollywood & Julia was such a fabulous role. I'm not sure if Bening is going to get another chance for such an Oscar worthy role.