MovieChat Forums > Being Julia (2005) Discussion > How old are you people who have seen it?

How old are you people who have seen it?

I've been hearing comments that this movie is for "old people". I guess that's because most of the actors are older, but still. Like, I'm 15 and I loved it. Partly because Jeremy Irons is my idol. So how old was everyone when they saw it?


I read the book at the age of 18. So far, this is one of my favourite books. I saw the movie today and totally loved it, too (I am 24 now).


I was 18 when I first saw it.


Shame, I have watched it full only last year. I was 24.
I think it wasn't released in our place ever. So I have to buy a copy.
I really enjoyed and love it!

I am a fan of Annette Bening. :)
"I guess I'm happy when I don't want to be anywhere else but where I am"


I haven't seen it yet, I just heard of it. I think it sounds like an interesting film. I am a huge fan of several older actors, so it's no surprise I want to watch this. I am 18.

"Things we lose have a way of comming back to us in the end" - Luna


i'm 21 and i loved it !!! One of the best endings ever :)


Saw it at 2010,20 years old


Old enough. . .. .




I enjoyed it when it first came out. Now that I'm going through a divorce from a much younger husband, I enjoyed and understood it a lot more.
