MovieChat Forums > Shopgirl (2005) Discussion > Might just be the worst movie I've ever ...

Might just be the worst movie I've ever seen. Ever.

I have lurked IMDB for years, but have never created a thread. Hell, I have never even posted in one. But I feel compelled. And don't tell me to post in the other thread that is already dealing with other peoples' dislike for the film, because this movie is just so bad I have to bring my opinion to everyone's attention.

Last night, I had just finished eating dinner at my uncle's. My friend lives very nearby him, so I decided to stop by before leaving home. It turns out both my friend and her mom were watching a movie that I, earlier in the day, told her would be very very bad. I'm not too big of a fan of a woman doing it with a guy who could very well be her dad.

I walked in about 30 minutes into the film--thank God for that--and watched the rest of the movie with them. The entire time I thought, "No, this will get better. It can't possibly be this melodramatic." Even when you go beyond the disastrous attempts at acting by Steve Martin, you still have to live with the endless scenes of the couple staring at each other for no apparent reason. The acting was just too bad to make those scenes meaningful. And even if you can get past THAT, the whole story is a joke as well. I think my friend's mom said it perfectly: "This movie really shows you how shallow Steve Martin is." And is he ever. I don't know if he thinks he has had some type of unique personal revelation in creating this novel/film, but it certainly isn't a subject that HASN'T been beaten to death over years and years. Go ahead and make a short story out of the plot, but not a God damn film. Give me a break.

I don't want to jump the gun too early, because I know there is a time bias that is factored into my dislike for the film. However, I will say this: There is not any other film that has made me feel this way before...obviously, in a bad way. There are some things you can't "un-see", and this is definitely one of them. I will re-evaluate my decision on whether or not this film is the worst movie I have ever seen in about five or six years from now, when I feel I will be impartial to the extent that my opinion may be accurate and fair.


Seems like you've been outnumbered. I agree with the others who praise this small gem of a movie. I, also, have a hunch that a bit of an older viewer might identify more with it than, say, a 20 year old. I bought the book for my daughter who only read half. And I keep recommending the flick but doubt she'll ever watch it. I watch it *every* time it's on tv. Just strikes a chord with me somehow...about lost love/lost opportunities/changing direction. Ahhhh! Well done, cast.



Agreed. It was awful in almost every aspect. A painfully dull film.


I am watching it right now and have to say I LIKE IT...I rent movies and watch on my laptop and then read review/bloopers, etc while I am setting

But I love Steve Martin. The movie is nearing the end and have to say......well done~


Note: I'd write more than I'm about to, but I'm lazy. Sue me.

I thought in general the story of it was fairly good and the acting in it was decent enough - although I'm not a particular fan of Claire Danes in the slightest; she has annoys the hell out of me and I'm not entirely sure why. There's just... something about her. Anyway - and have come away from it as a big fan of Jason Schwartzman. It was, as I believe the initiator of the thread said, melodramatic on occasion (though I'm adding the 'on occasion' part.) but it kind of contributed to it's appeal (in ways) in my opinion.

I can safely say that although it's not my favourite film, it isn't the worst movie I've ever seen. That honour is reserved for Pretty In Pink.



"Why is there a giant mushroom above the entrance to the shop there?"

"You see, 'Ilac' is an ancient Hebrew word meaning 'mushroom'..."

"...We're in the Jervis. Explain THAT bitch."



I have posted several remarks about this wonderful movie. I adore this movie, because for the most part, I have lived it. I think what you really missed is in the first 30 mins. of this movie. Go back and watch the entire movie, taking particular notice of when "Mirabelle" is in her car and is listening to a talk radio show. I think it is the core of this movie and what Mirabelle is missing and is trying to acheive in her love life. She believes this can happen with "Ray", hence the conversation with her girlfriends. This does not happen with Ray and eventually "Jeremy" evolves into the person that Mirabelle wants. His whole being is for her. Something that Ray could not give her. Something that most women want. A person that will love with all their heart. Someone that will hug you with two arms, holding all of you, not part of you.

As I have said before, you either love or hate this movie. Most people here who love this movie can relate to it, in part and I think are probably older and female as well. You also have to remember that it is just a movie. It may remind some of us of our youth, but in reality, it is just entertainment to some. These are just my thoughts.

***Any spelling errors, I am sorry for. Can't spell to save my life.


Although I don't think that this is the worst movie I have ever seen, I do think that Steve Martin made a mistake trying to make a full-length movie out of a short story. Perhaps it might have made a decent tv length one-hour drama, but it was self-indulgent of Mr. Martin to make something longer of it. There was too much waiting around for reactions. The acting was enjoyable, and there were some great moments like when Bridgette Wilson learns that she slept with the wrong person. But all in all it is far from a good, much less great, movie.

At least that's one man's opinion.



I agree. It was on last night and I tried to watch it. It was so unbearable, I to turn the channel after 50 minutes.

The only thing this film has going for it is Schwartzman. And even his character was so far fetched. Seriously, who acts like that? And I can guarantee the few people out there that do act like that aren't into athletics.

I got the sense that Martin was writing about things he has no idea about. A girl like Dane's character would probably run screaming if some old creep put his fingers around her wrist and said "Now I'm your watch." Yuck!!! No one in their right mind would hang around creepsville central after saying that. Especially after "I think I can see your apartment from my house" Gross.

Most of the dialog was so terrible, it made me laugh.

I used to really like Steve Martin, but after this...



im in the uk and i accidentally vought a regio1 dvd of this film. If you want it mail me on [email protected] and I'll send it to you if you are in america, its of no use to me at all.

Its an ok adaptaion of the book - but please please read the book - its so much deeper than the film. Steve martin in the dvd extras says he thought when writing it that there was no way it could be a film becauise its so internal.. but did it anyway. Various parts are hacked out - like the reason why mirabelle is depressed, her father, and the poverty that both jeremy and mirabelle live with.

Like most films of books - its ok but not great.


I am eightteen years old and male, and I thought this film was beautiful. The art direction and cinematography are georgouse, as is the score. I agree with the sentimant that this film would appeal more to the emotionally inteligent female or to those who can relate to the characters and situations portrayed.

I find that those who feel that nothing happend during the film are probably those looking for a film for entertaiments sake. which is fine, but its not this film.

I saw this with my dad and he said that, although he could understand why one may enjoy the film, it wasn't his thing. He prefers with a certain amount of escapeism involved. Perhaps people don't enjoy this film as its simplicity and subtly are to close to real life.

I though it was beautiful, but it was very simple. I enjoyed its simplicity, but perhaps it doesn't make for good entertaiment.



Your problem is that you cannot possibly judge or appreciate a movie by seeing only the last two-thirds. Could you pick up a book a third into it and presume to understand anything about the characters, theme, or plot? Before you go spouting off on what you think you know about a film, you should see the whole film so you KNOW what you think you know about the film!


I couldn't agree with you more. This movie was terrible. Uch. That Jason Swhartzman character was disgusting. Along with the fact that Steve Martin must be at least 30 years older than the Claire Danes character. The whole fact that that movie's theme was that by simply telling a no good loser to "do It", he will all the sudden become succesful and a "knight in shining armor", is so stupid.

I wanted to take a shower after watching this gross movie.
