MovieChat Forums > Shopgirl (2005) Discussion > Might just be the worst movie I've ever ...

Might just be the worst movie I've ever seen. Ever.

I have lurked IMDB for years, but have never created a thread. Hell, I have never even posted in one. But I feel compelled. And don't tell me to post in the other thread that is already dealing with other peoples' dislike for the film, because this movie is just so bad I have to bring my opinion to everyone's attention.

Last night, I had just finished eating dinner at my uncle's. My friend lives very nearby him, so I decided to stop by before leaving home. It turns out both my friend and her mom were watching a movie that I, earlier in the day, told her would be very very bad. I'm not too big of a fan of a woman doing it with a guy who could very well be her dad.

I walked in about 30 minutes into the film--thank God for that--and watched the rest of the movie with them. The entire time I thought, "No, this will get better. It can't possibly be this melodramatic." Even when you go beyond the disastrous attempts at acting by Steve Martin, you still have to live with the endless scenes of the couple staring at each other for no apparent reason. The acting was just too bad to make those scenes meaningful. And even if you can get past THAT, the whole story is a joke as well. I think my friend's mom said it perfectly: "This movie really shows you how shallow Steve Martin is." And is he ever. I don't know if he thinks he has had some type of unique personal revelation in creating this novel/film, but it certainly isn't a subject that HASN'T been beaten to death over years and years. Go ahead and make a short story out of the plot, but not a God damn film. Give me a break.

I don't want to jump the gun too early, because I know there is a time bias that is factored into my dislike for the film. However, I will say this: There is not any other film that has made me feel this way before...obviously, in a bad way. There are some things you can't "un-see", and this is definitely one of them. I will re-evaluate my decision on whether or not this film is the worst movie I have ever seen in about five or six years from now, when I feel I will be impartial to the extent that my opinion may be accurate and fair.


First of all, this film is an adaptation of one of the most original and deep books ever written. This is so because it is such a realistic depiction of how men and women are - how they are different, sometimes shallow, sometimes selfish, but always real. It is amazing to me how well Martin can write as women. I'm curious - do you find movies like Closer or The Squid and the Whale to be shallow? To me, they are beautiful and deep because they are real - no heroes, just real people. I think that you are juyst shallow and have no appreciation for art or reality. Maybe next time, rent something like the Date Movie to fully please you.


Well said...Thank you


I'm not one to hurl insults at people for their opinions, so please don't take this as me trying to insult you when I say that it seems you're the shallow one here. If you look at this movie and all you see is some old guy trying to bang a younger woman, then you missed the point entirely.

The future is just a f-ing concept that we use to avoid being alive today.


My friend rented this off Netflix and had me and a couple other friends watch it. I want that time of my life back. This was one of the worst films I have ever seen. That last bit of narration really made me want to stab Steve Martin in the throat.


i agree. it's kind of boring. actually it's very boring. i don't see how people think this is a "deep" movie. and just because i don't care for this movie doesn't make me shallow. i thought closer was a fairly decent movie. definitely not that best but not nearly as bad a shopgirl. sorry i would never recommend this to anyone.



And that is why you are the one sitting behind a computer being far too critical of one of the most talented actors ever and NOT making the big money for playing breathtaking roles in original screen plays.

Sure it's not the most UNIQUE film ever. But Steve Martin brought something amazing to the film. It's far from being 'the worst film ever' but of course you have your opinions.

That just leaves that AMAZING hunk of sexy for me to dream about. (:


Uh, and you aren't sitting in front of a computer and are instead making a lot of money on screen? Steve Martin had maybe one good movie in him and should have disappeared after it. I give the perv credit for recruiting Claire Danes into his nasty scheme, but this is a revolting piece of trash




I never trust a review that says worst movie they've ever seen. You're either an idiot or you don't get out much. I've seen movies far worse than this . . . as in epicly worse than this . . . many that were epicaly worse. What's worse is that your review covers a movie where you missed the first 30 minutes. Sigh . . . do us a favor and go back to lurking.



Your post screams "I'M REALLY STUPID"

This is a grown-up movie for people with brains.

That is all.
