MovieChat Forums > Shopgirl (2005) Discussion > Might just be the worst movie I've ever ...

Might just be the worst movie I've ever seen. Ever.

I have lurked IMDB for years, but have never created a thread. Hell, I have never even posted in one. But I feel compelled. And don't tell me to post in the other thread that is already dealing with other peoples' dislike for the film, because this movie is just so bad I have to bring my opinion to everyone's attention.

Last night, I had just finished eating dinner at my uncle's. My friend lives very nearby him, so I decided to stop by before leaving home. It turns out both my friend and her mom were watching a movie that I, earlier in the day, told her would be very very bad. I'm not too big of a fan of a woman doing it with a guy who could very well be her dad.

I walked in about 30 minutes into the film--thank God for that--and watched the rest of the movie with them. The entire time I thought, "No, this will get better. It can't possibly be this melodramatic." Even when you go beyond the disastrous attempts at acting by Steve Martin, you still have to live with the endless scenes of the couple staring at each other for no apparent reason. The acting was just too bad to make those scenes meaningful. And even if you can get past THAT, the whole story is a joke as well. I think my friend's mom said it perfectly: "This movie really shows you how shallow Steve Martin is." And is he ever. I don't know if he thinks he has had some type of unique personal revelation in creating this novel/film, but it certainly isn't a subject that HASN'T been beaten to death over years and years. Go ahead and make a short story out of the plot, but not a God damn film. Give me a break.

I don't want to jump the gun too early, because I know there is a time bias that is factored into my dislike for the film. However, I will say this: There is not any other film that has made me feel this way before...obviously, in a bad way. There are some things you can't "un-see", and this is definitely one of them. I will re-evaluate my decision on whether or not this film is the worst movie I have ever seen in about five or six years from now, when I feel I will be impartial to the extent that my opinion may be accurate and fair.


I am not trying to be critical, I am just trying to understand, since I found
this film to be such a pleasant surprise and far more interesting and
beautifully film than the usual run-of-the-mill Hollywood "Romantic Comedy".
The music and cinematography complimented each other so poignantly.
I felt those feelings. I have experience a situation that was quite similar
when I was younger with an older man who could do so much for me financially
but would not commit to a future. Perhaps because I am older and have
experienced these situations I related to the film in such a profound way. So,
I am curious, how old are you? I've thought about recommending this film to
my 22 year old daughter, but I wasn't sure if she could relate to it
and wouldn't like it because it didn't have a fairy tale ending like most
romantic stories.
The visuals in this film, the "pictures" created within the film
and the moving and sentimental music were both tender and passionate.
This film was charming, authentic and heartfelt. The script was genuine
and the film-making was creative, graceful, sensitive and skillful.
I was quite impressed.


i agree that it wasn't a cookie cutter movie and glad for it. I think Claire Danes has come a long way from My so called life (which was a wonderful show).. Steve Martin was ok. he's a bit droll but good for the part.

I just saw it again for the second time and liked it better. It wasn't all about sex and violence. But i'm not the mainstream movie goer. I like off the beaten path movies like this one.


Hear, hear! I agree with your assessment completely of this movie. I REALLY like it, and I watch a lot of movies. Maybe it's because I am older and I can relate more. Maybe it's because I can appreciate very good acting more. It is very good acting especially by Claire Danes. I had never been a big fan of hers before, but I really like her here. She shows tremendous range in stying nothing. The looks on her face shows her evaluating the two men and their actions. She is torn between the obviously well-mannered and mature Ray Porter (played well by Martin as the guy who was likely geeky earlier in life and has found the benefits of money and power). The fact that Martin is a little uncertain too as he talks with this obviously younger woman doesn't make him a superman or someone who immediately wins the race with the younger and immature Jeremy. It's not a slam dunk and shows Mirabelle's quandry. I can watch this movie again and again because I like the people involved and care about what happens to them. Mirabelle is someone who would be a good date, and a great long term relationship because she is grounded, intelligent and creative. Danes was also very good as the breath of fresh air sister in The Family Stone. There are FAR worse movies to choose than this underrated one.


It took me a while to pick this up at the store but finally i did and i'm glad for it. I'm 22 myself and even though i can't relate relationship wise with this movie in my real life, i was left with that nice tweaking feeling inside after having watched an expectedly good film. I am a fan of Steve Martin but i liken him more in roles like Father of the Bride, so maybe in that way i was apprehensive in believing him be serious and reserved Ray Porter. But, he pulled it off well and i actually do look forward to seeing him do more roles similar to this.
All in all i'm quite pleased with this movie - not for everyone but it's good quality in my books.


Well said, "exlunna", my 22 year old daughter just watched it last night,
but it's too early to call her to find out what she thought. You sound
mature and educated, not that those are qualifications to appreciate the
film but just wanted to share that with you. Good review!


Sentimental17 said, "The music and cinematography complimented each other so poignantly.
I felt those feelings."

I completely agree. I don't know what the person who started this thread is talking about...I have been interested to see this movie for a long time since I really love Steve Martin in anything and everything that he does. I finally watched it, in fact, just finished watching it...and WOW. I absolutely loved this movie. It was so touching and felt so real, and the music complimented the film in such a beautiful way.

Can't even think of anything else to say. Maybe it's not the type of movie for everyone...I can't imagine it really being a movie that certain guys would like (like guys that would rather go watch Die Hard or something). Maybe those people just have no taste in what a good film is.


I definitely believe that this is one of THE most underrated films ever. I know that there are things about it that aren't exactly perfect, but I find that even more endearing. Because life isn't like a neat little package... it's uneven and unpredictable, there are no happy endings, and people are flawed & often contradictory -just like the characters in the film.

One of the things I love most about 'Shopgirl' is how Mirabelle is a little awkward and she isn't tremendously funny or witty. She is quiet and sincere and unique, but she is not glamorous or unrealistically beautiful in the way that most movies seem to depict their heroine.

And I have to agree that the cinematography in this film was gorgeous. And both the casting and costumes were great too.
...Just love this movie!!

everyone...pretend to be normal



I agree...

I feel bad about saying this but: the more I read, the more it seems like people who didn't like this film, just didn't get it.

I agree that Steve Martin was droll, and probably not the best pick for this roll, and also the voice overs didn't really work for the film... but I liked it


youre obviously an idiot who can't understand a good movie. why dont u go watch an action flick or some teenage comedy you stupid american pig.



absolutly the worst film i have ever seen in the entire world. What was the point in it? Some peverted old man lusting after a young pretty thing? Stick to playing the funny dad character ewww!!


I think the point was to show how some people can make bad choices for the wrong reasons, and how they can despite their choices come around to the right people in the end -- or, that is, the beginning. Everyone in this movie made some sort of progress, which I think was really the point.

Then again, perhaps the point was to break my heart with Claire Danes' unspeakable beauty, which it certainly did.

You think this was the worst movie you've ever seen? You have a long way to go. Try "Zardoz" for a start.



I just watched this movie last night, I thought it was wonderful.
Jason Schwartzman was so great...
Guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions...and that was mine....


It has nothing to do with his/her being American. And why abuse someone for an opinion you don't agree with? The boards are not for that, they're for discussion. You degrade the boards, yourself, and the poster by referring to them as a "pig", and you show less intelligence than the OP.


OMG I have seen far worse moivies. So this wasn't great or fantastic, there are a lot worse films made than this one LOL


wow it really wasn't that bad. i think you need to calm down
it really annoys me that you thought there was no good acting
in this film because i thought it was very good. not the BEST
ever, but it was very decent. i think you may have missed the
big thing about this movie, is that steve martin is SUPPOSED
to act far away and distant from Claire Danes. the staring
scenes were quite appropriate and i thought it showed what
an a-hole steve martin's character was.
sure the story line isn't that original but hasn't been
beaten to death and if you think this is the worst movie
ever, trying watching Armageddon.
i think your standards are just a litte too high, buddy.

Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything...


Why does it annoy you that the original poster didn't like the acting?


If this was the worst movie you've ever seen, then you are a very lucky individual.

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?


I feel like the entire movie nothing happend. It was like watching a river slowly passing by, while you stand at the side and watch the river slowly passing by... I was totally shocked as it appeared to have some action when this other girl tried to find out who the rich guy is and tried to get him too. But other then that I didn't feel like anything was going on and it was supposed to by a period of several month?! just funny. I liked it anyway. Because watching a river slowly passing by can also be of some value. :-)


I agree with this sentiment completely. Let me start with a qualifier: I prefer movies "off the beaten path" as well. So needless to say, I was slightly intrigued by this movie. Well as Sovok put it, Shopgirl was as enjoyable as a "river slowly passing by." There is hardly any character development; I could not care less what happened to Steve Martin or Claire Danes' characters in the end. The dialogue was spotty, the plot was almost nonexistant and the narratives bash the viewer over the head. In essence, this movie is a contrived and inferior reproduction of Lost in Translation. Watch that instead.



I am old and I am critical. I like Oscar worthy movies, but also foreign flicks, arthouse type of movies and happy endings sometimes. All of that being said, this is a movie I saw in the theater and loved. Not a big blockbuster or with an expensive budget, obviously, but a small little gem of a movie...a pleasant surprise (like this year's Waitress was). And whenever it's on tv, I watch it again and again. Because it's worth it.
So you may think it sucks but I totally disagree.


i'd have to say i agree, right now anyway (i ATTEMPTED to watch it last night; got through an hour and ten minutes of it before i rescued my brain from potentially permanent atrophy and shut it off): this is the worst movie i've ever seen.


Truly one of the WORST movies I've ever seen. I remember watching it and thinking, "When the hell is this going to end??"

That's just my opinion. I'm only surprised that so many others feel differently.
