Worst movie of 2003 !

I absolutely hated this film and thought about walking out the theatre numerous times. First off, it was just so incredibly dull. The movie didn't seem to go anywhere. I was constantly thinking: when is the movie gonna get into gear. Second what the hell was this movie about?! A bunch of lame subplots thrown all together.
And third, the "funny" parts were embarassingly bad. The interregation scene was one of the most ridiculous scenes I've ever seen. I mean it's one thing that Ford and Hartnett's characters to act like idiots during the interrogation (they don't want to be there) but the interrogating cops acting like morons was just absurd and made the scene completely incredible.

At least Charlie's Angels 2 had some adrenaline. This flick was just plain BORING!


I couldnt of said it better


omg plzz it might not be the best movie of the year but ya all are just !!!!!!


Yeah, this is the only time I've ever regretted spending my $6.50 to see a movie in theatre. At the time I had wanted to see 28 Days Later with my girlfriend, but she wanted to go see Hollywood Homicide. I hadn't heard much about it, but fromt he previews I wasn't too interested. Never the less I complied. It was me, her, and her friend. They were laughing the entire time, which I couldn't quite understand because quite frankly this was a terrible, terrible movie. The humor was dull, the plot was lame,it was overall just a shitty movie. This was the first time I had ever fallen asleep in a theatre. That's how bad it was. She was pretty pissed about it too, needless to say we're not dating anymore.

Terrible movie.



I thought it was a really good movie. I am a huge Josh fan and that was the reason i wanted to see it t first, but i thought it was really good! Funny too!
