MovieChat Forums > The Animatrix (2003) Discussion > We would have kicked robots ass

We would have kicked robots ass

I just think that humanity would easily defeat the robot army.
Sure in ANIMATRIX it´s said that they couldn`t be defeated by the nukes, but... WHY?
I think the robots would have been blown to pieces


Don't forget the massive EM-pulses a nuclear blast can generate. I've read somewhere that the first EMP is registered after a nuclear test.


everyone knows that

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



Yeah probably, but if they did, there would be no Matrix. And honestly, exactly what part of the Matrix franchise makes any lick of sense whatsoever?

“If there was a god, I’d still have both nuts.”
-Lance Armstrong


Why are you people taking time out of your day to discuss such a completely pointless and futile topic?




"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



Well...for starters -

Lobbing every nuke into one area would destroy the earth, buddy. We'd all pay for it extremely fast.

What is implied by the failure of nukings is this -

The Robots didn't surrender. It did not/does not scare them as it does us. To them, a nuke is no different from a carpet bombing. They have no organs, no flesh which could be easily harmed. Unlike us, they have a high tolerance for temperature change. The scary thing, too, is that they may hold Artificial Intelligence and thus Emotion, but being Machine they must have the ability to over ride such useless things.

We have multiple countries' worth of discarded robots, all residing in a City where most of them work to design newer and better Machines that man alone could not. They probably, in time, would know how to make an effective EMP over-ride chip. An over-ride chip is like an immunity. When the pulse of energy sparks into their system, this chip absorbs it or redirects it from the CPU...the heart and the brain.

But, I think what the Animatrix really meant to portray was that there would be so many Robots that man's plans of annihilation would do very little. We could drop a nuke into a large pocket of Machines, and all it would do is level their buildings and crush only thousands of their 'people'. And this is assuming we nuked the right location(s), and that a few thousand would translate into a few hundred in Human terms.

As someone said before, the rate of "reproduction" would be amazingly high. As shown in the Second Renaissance, where we see the Machines rapidly producing their own kind.

So, in general...

The nukes would do very little, the Machines would sustain the damage, and unlike Humans...

Could live in the radiation, the heat, the hell hole.

No organs, no skin. No blood, no bone.

Just metal and chip...

That leaves us with our fragile selves. Except, we do have one thing they don't...a heart. But that's metaphoric crap for another time.

Realistically - The creation and mass production of AI and Robots will be the end, if not, near extinction of man kind.

As said in 28 Days Later by the Sgt -

"What if he's right? I mean, we Humans..if we look at the history of the earth, have only been here for a few blinks of the eye. What if we were to be whiped out, what then? I think that would be a return to Normality."


I'm pretty sure we would have been overwhelmed by the number of machines.

But I think we deserved getting plugged into the Matrix, since it was our human fear which started the war. Could have been prevented by never creating AI or acknowledging the robots as minority group / trading with City Zero etc.


The heat generated by the detonation of nuclear weapons is far larger than any metal's melting point. And ionizing radiation, while not hamring their flesh, still permanently destroys motherboards and computer chips. That's not to mention the EMP. So, let's go through the bombing:

Dozens of nukes were fired on 01. Today's strongest nukes are about 20 megatons, which is about a 350 mile radius of destruction. Machines are more resilient, so let's put the radius to 100 miles. Nukes of that time were probably much stronger. So, there was way more than enough firepower to level the city by the blast itself. And back then the machines did not build underground. So...

Blast- Any and all things caught in the blast (5-10 miles) is vaporized.
Heat Wave- All things in about 10 miles melted.
Ionizing Radiation- All microchips within 200 miles of blast point are destroyed.
EMP- All electronics within 250 miles are gone.

Also note that this is from 1 nuke. There were dozens fired, so at this point 01 is devoid of all buildings and electronics. Now, any survivors do not have the ability to make such a large army so quickly. But let's say they did. The Animatrix said that nukes were fired into the army. A single nuke would wipe out a robot army, from EMP, Ionizing Radiation, blast, and heat.

Hope that puts some things out there.

Man, you're lucky you're a main character, or that would have killed you!


All that equals PWNED

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



Yeah, human-made robots were still fighting in the final battle, they were nuked

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



From what I recall, computers of today still cannot operate faster than a brain. They are not expected to pass human brain capacity until 2030 or so. Remember while a computer might be able to do a math equation much faster than you can, your brain is running thousands perhaps millions of operations at once.

Not to mention, where did Zero One get the raw materials to create overwhelming numbers, the "cradle of civilization" is fairly devoid of the materials they would need.



"Ummm....Yes they can. A gigaHz is a billion operations a second. Can you do a billion operations in one second? Yeah I didn't think so. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. "

No, I believe it is you who doesn't. Let's do a little searching, according to Arthur Toga, who holds a PH.D., and wrote the Encarta article for it, the human brain has the capacity of processing 100 trillion (with a t, and you thought billion was special) instructions per second, that far surpasses the measly billion operations per second that a modern computer can handle.

"Again you are wrong. An entire library can fit on a measly CD. A human might be able to fit that much in his brain but he couldn't recall it on a dime like a computer could. Your arguments are nonsense. "

Well, I guess we could take your word, except it is overly simplistic. You are comparing two things that can't be compared, the human brain is in fact a library itself, and the volumous amount of information you store is proof of it. The ability to recall something on a dime isn't that special if you know how it works, you clearly don't.

The processing speed of the brain is significantly slowed because of the incredibly small amount of space it is utilizing to solve said problem. Think about it, do you know how many hundreds of complex operations your brain is running right now, and you don't even know about it (subconciously). Notice you are breathing, or perhaps you are sweating, ever wonder what made you sweat? Those are just the easiest examples, it is also running hundreds of other "programs" and operations and constantly receiving information from billions of nerves. It is also constantly being bombarded by your senses, you might not think they are important, but whether or not you pay attention to them they are still operating at the same capacity. Just one of your eyes is sending ten one-million point images, your ear drums are passing on sound in real time at higher-than-cd quality. If any computer was tasked with these monumental operations, not to mention having to fix all the minute problems that arise and to react, it would crash.

The computer gets the edge in computation because it is built specifically for that. You might respond, but I game on my computer, or type, well, if you know how computers work, that is all based on computation as well. Deep Blue, the computer that faced the world chess champion, used all of it's 3 million instructions per second power, to best him (though ultimately lose 2-1). The Chess champion by comparison, being perhaps the best in his field with a brain very finely tuned to chess, at the higher end, used 1/30th of his brains potential to beat Deep Blue.

"Then why in the hell do we even use computers. It's because they are faster they can hold more memory etc. Think about it. If we were as fast thinkers as computers and could remember just as much WHY WOULD WE EVEN USE THEM? Ask any computer science professor and he'll tell you, We use computers because they are faster, more reliable, and more accurate. If they weren't we wouldn't use them to begin with. '

No, they don't hold more memory. Let me see, now, if I was to take my old computer, and try to install a program that takes up say 560 mb, I wouldn't be able to. You see, my computer is out of memory. The Human Brain cannot run out of memory, there has never been an example of someone's brain being too full (there is metaphor, but that is not substantial). The Brain holds vastly more information at one time than any computer currently operating will at any time, and it's recall considering this vast information is astounding. For instance, we currently calculate that the synapses that connect nuerons in our brain (or, our memory) each can hold 1 MB of information. Sound hefty? No, until you realize we have 100 trillion (again, with a t) of these. So we can estimate the brain can hold up to 100 million megabytes of information.

And yes, they can process simple equations (which is how they work btw) faster than a human can, and are usually more accurate, since they operate on equations, which for the terms of this discussion are always correct. You are making a grossly simplistic argument at best. Just because they are faster doesn't mean they are smarter, for instance, they lack all many problem-solving skills we have, or the ability to learn (at least at the level humans can), not to mention the myriad of things the human brain is capable of that a computer is not. Have you ever stopped and wondered at what kind of computing power it takes to just look at your computer screen. You are aware you aren't actually seeing the screen, you are seeing what your brain is receiving, which is an incredibly complex thing. I'll draw on a source (albeit an incredibly shaky one) for this

"For instance, multiplying two large numbers can be accomplished in a fraction of a second with a typical calculator or desktop computer, while the average human may require a pen-and-paper approach to keep track of each stage of the calculation over a period of five or more seconds. Yet, while the human brain is calculating a math problem in an attentive state, it is subconsciously processing data from millions of nerve cells that handle the visual input of the paper and surrounding area, the aural input from both ears, and the sensory input of millions of cells throughout the body. The brain is regulating the heartbeat, monitoring oxygen levels, hunger and thirst requirements, breathing patterns and hundreds of other essential factors throughout the body. It is simultaneously comparing data from the eyes and the sensory cells in the arms and hands to keep track of the position of the pen and paper as the calculation is being performed. It quickly traverses a vast, interconnected network of cells for relevant information on how to solve the problem it is presented, what symbols to write and what their functions are, as it graphs their shape and communicates to the hand how to make accurate and controlled strokes to draw recognizable shapes and numbers onto a page."



Machines overheat easier than us, and get instantly fried by ionizing radiation, you could instantly kill every machine on a surface the size of the USA with 1 e-bomb at high altitude, nothing is that effective to kill humans; bioweapons take time to kill (and are easily avoided by MOPP suits and other NBC equipment), and nukes have a smaller effect.

And no, tanks are not superior to a man on foot, the ways that a man on foot can destroy a tank without even being spotted are a lot, just think on the nazi children with panzerfausts or the modern ATGMs (altough this is a little off-topic); being made of metal doesn't help a lot aganist API rounds or HEs, not to mention soldiers are also covered in metal DUH!

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"




A PC overheats and crashes more often than a human, yes, i would suffer burnts earlier than the machine, but by then, the machine's circuits would be fried.

And MOPP suits are created with maximum quality standarts, there are no holes. And what about the fact that most of the armored vehicles have NBC protection? NOTHING can get past a tank's NBC shield. And there are some suits that are overpressurised, the air goes out, not in.

And yes, there are lots more ways for a human to die than a machine, but NOTHING kills that ammount of humans instantly.

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



Ok, i'll repeat it again; 1 EMP bomb detonated at high altitude can kill Every machine in a surface the size of USA. Instantly.

And try ripping kevlar and tell me your results, And the mhine would need to expose itself to a sh!tload of enemy fire to cut a hole in a soldier's MOPP suit. I bring back (for the third time) the fact that your theory doesn't apply to armored vehicles NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) protection.

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



If you blow a bioweapon over US, the wind will carry away most of the viruses...

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



actually radiation does have a high effect on the working of current transistors and stuff...but i guess they are using newer ones or something in the future lol



You sir are an ignorant *beep*
01 would not have the slightest chance, if the humans started to nuke them. They would either melt by the extreme heat caused by the blast, or thorn apart by the shockwave. I could have written a lot more to try to prove you wrong, but I am not going to waste any more time trying to make you understand it.

PS: could you please stop writing with caps lock on?


I'll take this cue from a young friend of mine and address this situation in Sarcastic Purple.

The machines, though smarter than us, are idiots. Although they were the basis of the creation of all our attack and defense systems, they would have no idea how to counter it.

What would the machine do if they saw a Nuke with an EMP attached charging straight at 01? They would stand there and sing Kumbaya. They would never expect man to wage war on them especially after they waged economic war on man. Again, they would have been spending that time perfecting the lyrics to Kumbaya.

The 01 we see in the Animatrix is only built on the surface. There would be no need for further digging because that would not be rational. The machines would not anticipate an attack on their way of life and knowing man's history and capability act accordingly. No, they would use that time to sync their vocal emitters to the joyous sound of Kumbaya.

PS: All matrix fans, please sign up for Matrix Mafia(New topic on the page). It's a great forum based game were deception and treachery abound. Plus this version will start 10 years after the fall of Neo and it promises to be a truly entertaining addition to the Matrix universe.

That is the sound of inevitability ; that is the sound of your DEATH .


Sure we could beat the bots, but you have to convince the humans that something shaduy is even going on first whichisn't easy to do since most are either unwilling to believe or just to scared to react as it's been in reality on many situations:)

"It's a Dog-Eat-Dog world & from where I sit, there just ain't enough damn dogs!"


I would just like to point out that after the bombing of 01, there would be a MASSIVE amount of radiation in the air around it for hundreds of miles. Sure, that would kill the people in the surrounding nations, but the ionizing radiation would prevent robots from coming back out of any bunkers they had for a LONG while. During that time human troops in NBC suits could waltz right in and kill any survivors.

The radiation also would prevent the bots from rebuilding for years.

Man, you're lucky you're a main character, or that would have killed you!


Wouldnt EMP screw up ur heart, because ur muscles move by chemical reaction and electric pulses. It could give some people seizures.

Armageddon - Dec. 21. 2012


Why didn't the humans just bomb them once, then when they almost complete rebuiling, bomb again, and so forth.. that is so easy.

Also, considering that they have all those high tech weapons that shoot lightning, why don't they just use emp bombs or something, like in a grenade. Then just arm everyone with them. I think 1 person can take out 10 robots. haha. we win.


Its very complicated,saudi arabia desert doenst have any iron mine,so where 01 cand found all sources to get higher buidings and countless robots,(you cant melt a ford ranger and get a sentinel)


It was a very good film, one of the most haunting of the Animatrix but the way they decided to block out the sun was very a dumb idea.
I mean come on, without the sun, everyone dies! Not just the robots.
I would have used a giant electro-magnet.

Also the way they made the robots sentient was taking a risk wasn't it?
It could either turn out like Star Wars or I, Robot.

The saddest part of all was the way the robots gave humanity a chance to have a peaceful co-existance even though the humans were the ones that were so horible to them in the first place. And they just blew it and now they're all in tubes.

Still it's hard to feel anything for a piece of technology you created that were made only to be slaves.
