MovieChat Forums > The Animatrix (2003) Discussion > We would have kicked robots ass

We would have kicked robots ass

I just think that humanity would easily defeat the robot army.
Sure in ANIMATRIX it´s said that they couldn`t be defeated by the nukes, but... WHY?
I think the robots would have been blown to pieces


Considering an EMP blast comes of with a nuke then yes they would have been disabled, but apparently they weren't and with a City full of machines whose purpose is to make more Machines, humans would be quite outnumbered and outguned extremely quickly.

Also humans are much much much more vulnerable than manchines, even in the humans optimum fighting environment we would still lose.


Im not talking only about the EMP blasts. Im just saiying that if humanity throws all their nukes to one city it will be blown to pieces.


As more intellgient 01 grows, i am sure that they have a counter measure for possible nuclear threats


No, the thing is, though nukes are immensely powerful, the effects it leaves is not the initial blast that makes it undescribably powerful, its the after effects of radiation, sure Robots can get blown to bits by a nuke, but the radiation will have far less effect on them.


I doubt it. Destroying our own creation maybe very tricky if the creation starts to think for its own and devising its own kind. What i missed in this movie are the three robot laws. What happened to those? They weren't implemented for cost reason or to get better performance (stupid subroutines... just waste reaction time) out of the robots???


you mean the three laws described by Asimov? I mean that what his interpretation of how robots should be created, it dosent mean that these robots were instilled with those ideas. But I didnt think about that and it would make sense to instill these laws, so why didnt they? who knows? its possible, much like in the book I, Robot (not the movie) that programming gets misinterpreted and robots started acting strange.


Would we win???

Consider that human armies need food, shelter, entertainment, etc...if a war drags on or gets bogged down morale amongst the soldiers gets low and they fight less effectively because they're depressed.

And humans fear death.

Self-thinking machines like that don't need food (only occasional maintenance), adverse weather wouldn't bother them, they don't get bored, and they are single-minded, goal oriented. They don't fear destruction and can't get battle fatigue, PTSD, shell shock, whatever you want to call it. And they can't feel pain.

Don't assume just because the story is far-fetched that it is a totally impossible situation. There is a difference between "impossible" and "improbable"


Machines fear death...or at least extinction. Remember the robot that stood trial (BR whateverthehellhisnamewas) because he killed his masters. He did it because he understood death and did not want to die.

But I still think we would get whooped by the robots...


So you build battle robots that don't


Well...for starters -

Lobbing every nuke into one area would destroy the earth, buddy. We'd all pay for it extremely fast.

What is implied by the failure of nukings is this -

The Robots didn't surrender. It did not/does not scare them as it does us. To them, a nuke is no different from a carpet bombing. They have no organs, no flesh which could be easily harmed. Unlike us, they have a high tolerance for temperature change. The scary thing, too, is that they may hold Artificial Intelligence and thus Emotion, but being Machine they must have the ability to over ride such useless things.

We have multiple countries' worth of discarded robots, all residing in a City where most of them work to design newer and better Machines that man alone could not. They probably, in time, would know how to make an effective EMP over-ride chip. An over-ride chip is like an immunity. When the pulse of energy sparks into their system, this chip absorbs it or redirects it from the CPU...the heart and the brain.

But, I think what the Animatrix really meant to portray was that there would be so many Robots that man's plans of annihilation would do very little. We could drop a nuke into a large pocket of Machines, and all it would do is level their buildings and crush only thousands of their 'people'. And this is assuming we nuked the right location(s), and that a few thousand would translate into a few hundred in Human terms.

As someone said before, the rate of "reproduction" would be amazingly high. As shown in the Second Renaissance, where we see the Machines rapidly producing their own kind.

So, in general...

The nukes would do very little, the Machines would sustain the damage, and unlike Humans...

Could live in the radiation, the heat, the hell hole.

No organs, no skin. No blood, no bone.

Just metal and chip...

That leaves us with our fragile selves. Except, we do have one thing they don't...a heart. But that's metaphoric crap for another time.

Realistically - The creation and mass production of AI and Robots will be the end, if not, near extinction of man kind.

As said in 28 Days Later by the Sgt -

"What if he's right? I mean, we Humans..if we look at the history of the earth, have only been here for a few blinks of the eye. What if we were to be whiped out, what then? I think that would be a return to Normality."


The reason the nukes weren't that effective is because a lot of their destructive power comes from the heat blast and radiation (and I'm not talking about the fallout, I'm talking about the initial explosion which lets loose all sorts of loose electrons and protons, etc that causes radiation burns in addition to the heat) - machines aren't vulnerable to these things like humans are.

Additionally, humans have to be trained, exercised, fed, etc. Machines don't. All of the energy we spend cultivating crops, training, learning, eating, sleeping - all of that time machines build more machines which are instantly as capable as those who built it.


True, but at the same time there are ways to avoid detection and fight back through subterfuge. If you can't take them out by troop to troop, you can concentrate your efforts on surviving, expanding and taking out vital installations only. You gain critical advantages and push them as far as they go, and then you move on.

See the Human Resistance movement against the machines in the Terminator movies as an example.


I really don't post much on here but felt deeply compelled to this time. Do you all realize what exactly you're doing? Arguing about whether the robots in a cartoon would have really exterminated mankind.... and we're actually getting serious answers to this. Looks like kloqwerk really took this to heart by giving a surprisingly technical and deep answer. Wow. I applaud your virginity kloqwerk, and respect the fact that you have never seen the opposite sex nude.

"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more..."


Interesting note: not a virgin, have seen a few women nude, and find it funny that this is your measure of adulthood. Once you have reached the point where all you wish to talk about is seeing the opposite sex are truly grown.

Grow up, lprice01.


LOL "grow up".... interesting that you tell me this immediately after you finished your philosophy of war against machines. I'll tell you what.... when Arnold shows up on my front door step, I'll know where to find you.

"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more..."


1.what was the air force doing?

2. firing MIRV missiles, 1 or 2 nuclear submarines could destroy 01 (oh i forgot, nuclear submarines have more than on ICBM)


The EMP would disable everything electric in 01 and there would really be nothing afterward. The factories wouldn't work and neither would any machines.


The solution is simple really: make sure that future robots/AI run on Windows Vista. Problem solved.


you're insulting windows or parodying Day of independence?


Course we'd kick their asses. Two solutions.

A) turn off the power point LOL INSTANT DEATH + 500000000 XP
B) take out their batteries or switch the off button.

Because robots are noobs.


Go watch teminator 2 !!

The answer of course is ... If Arnie is a good robot, robots loose. If Arnie is a bad robot, robots win!


... I was thinking, couldn't the goverment sent out a suicidal mission on getting like about 100 ships, containing EMP to 01 and just destory all electrical objects in there?


Why not just fire all MIRV missiles available=



Unless, of course, the A.I. of Zero-One makes something unpredictable, like, for example, placing the production centers AND storage centers for not-currently-used-machines let's say 200 meters below ground, shielded by large blocks of EMP-blocking metallic plates... ?

I have to say, I'm amazed how many people here try to argue in detail about what would or wouldn't be possible in a futuristic war between man and machine :-)

You are all acting like people from the 50's who were claiming that computers will always be several-storey buildings or multiple-rooms-filled with hardware...

Com'on: In the universe of Matrix, machines were simply so sophisticated they couldn't be stopped by human warmachinery. Period.


Nuclear weapons rely on heat and radiation. Robots have a MUCH higher melting point than us, and they don't feel pain. Radiation causes mutation and pain in humans, but it wouldn't effect robots. This is explained in the movie.


Yeah, but EMP would effect machines.


But I still think that we're very vulnerable and weak when compared to machines.



What about a computer virus?



lol, guess north vietnam had a better AA system.



Quite honestly, both the US and Russia still hold a combined nuclear arsenal of some 30,000 warheads. A large part of those resides in both ICBM's and SLBM's with MIRV warheads. The superpowers of the 2nd Renaissance Era should have had very little trouble in simply carpet nuking 01 and using tactical nukes to wipe out any large concentrations of the Machine army. This would have been made even simpler by the fact that the Machines seemed to lack ballistic nuclear missiles of their own.



have you seen post-nuke-hirushima photos?
Nukes vaporize everithing in their blast radius...



How far does the blast radius of a surface strike extend underground?

/I bring you Sooth/


I think that there will be more humans than machines,more if machine number were too low about the global persecution suffered by them, in a city of the size of new york and new jersey,it very complicated that they could conquer the entire world (and under the world too) more if that city will be bombed by a lot of nuclear weapons,radiation affect machines (it could toast any chip or unprotected electric system,


I need to say that nukes do not actually rely on radiation, they rely on the shockwave and heat flash to to the damage, the U.S. never intended to kill japaneses with radiation, they wanted to vaporize them.



The nukes could have neraly wiped out machines but they could easily rebuild everythin


for many reason.
Clones needs few food(look at empty plates in episode II)
Clones are smart and fearless(at least the first generation)
Clones have airforce,.
Clones have no mercy of anything.
Clone are good in killing all kind of machines(including no humanoid robots)


So as long as they get the Clone Army from Star Wars they have a shot...

Do you base all your knowledge of Clones on what Star Wars says?


And i guess we don't have airforce (and the clones had the LAMEST fictional AF); guess we would have mercy with metal crap, and the SW clones have no idea of battle strategy, they (in all the movies) just charge the target and thus get easily killed by the crab things, and extremely inteligent sentinels are way better than the totally retarded SW droids, and we can't make them grow in less time unless we want them to have collateral genetical illnesses; machines take way less time to be battle-ready; the clones are just expensive cannon-fodder



Calling the droids from SW "retarded" and saying clones have no tactical training is complete BS.

Clone soldiers are NOT cannon-fodder. The Droid Armies are.
Send Navy SEALs head on into an enemy and treat them as cannon fodder, it still doesnt mean they are just that.

We have the military tech TODAY to turn an army like 01 into scrap metal. No one would be stupid enough to start destorying AI robot's and then allow them to go off and build the city of Zero One, let alone come up with operation dark storm just to ensure that even if we did win we would still be screwed.

That fact that the EMP did not destory them is BS. And even when the UN fired more nukes at the machine armies while the battle was going on, the EMP still did not stop them, why? Cos the writers don't know sh!t thats why.

There are tons of other ways to show how machines could take over mankind, and it's clear that they didnt pay much attention to detail when doing the second renaissance.


Yes, the SW droids are morons, they just are there to make us laugh and to show some of them exploding.

The SW clones are obviously cannon fodder, they send their big, bulky gunships without even established air superiority and get owned by the fighters, they charge aganist heavy armored targets and rely only on numbers to defeat them.

If you send a SEAL team to charge aganist 01 machines the result could be
easily predicted.



Looks like the army of 01 is a force of cannon fodder machines charging into the enemy, while EMP blasts take them out.

The only war 01 ever won was in the stock market.

01 army could do this... 01 army could do that...

Care to talk about why the Army of 01 won in the first place?
No you dont like to admit the huge plot holes do you?


"Looks like the army of 01 is a force of cannon fodder machines charging into the enemy, while EMP blasts take them out."

Except that the machines dont care about that....

It looks like the one that dont knows *beep* is you, because most of OUR armament is already EMP protected...

