Well...for starters -
Lobbing every nuke into one area would destroy the earth, buddy. We'd all pay for it extremely fast.
What is implied by the failure of nukings is this -
The Robots didn't surrender. It did not/does not scare them as it does us. To them, a nuke is no different from a carpet bombing. They have no organs, no flesh which could be easily harmed. Unlike us, they have a high tolerance for temperature change. The scary thing, too, is that they may hold Artificial Intelligence and thus Emotion, but being Machine they must have the ability to over ride such useless things.
We have multiple countries' worth of discarded robots, all residing in a City where most of them work to design newer and better Machines that man alone could not. They probably, in time, would know how to make an effective EMP over-ride chip. An over-ride chip is like an immunity. When the pulse of energy sparks into their system, this chip absorbs it or redirects it from the CPU...the heart and the brain.
But, I think what the Animatrix really meant to portray was that there would be so many Robots that man's plans of annihilation would do very little. We could drop a nuke into a large pocket of Machines, and all it would do is level their buildings and crush only thousands of their 'people'. And this is assuming we nuked the right location(s), and that a few thousand would translate into a few hundred in Human terms.
As someone said before, the rate of "reproduction" would be amazingly high. As shown in the Second Renaissance, where we see the Machines rapidly producing their own kind.
So, in general...
The nukes would do very little, the Machines would sustain the damage, and unlike Humans...
Could live in the radiation, the heat, the hell hole.
No organs, no skin. No blood, no bone.
Just metal and chip...
That leaves us with our fragile selves. Except, we do have one thing they don't...a heart. But that's metaphoric crap for another time.
Realistically - The creation and mass production of AI and Robots will be the end, if not, near extinction of man kind.
As said in 28 Days Later by the Sgt -
"What if he's right? I mean, we Humans..if we look at the history of the earth, have only been here for a few blinks of the eye. What if we were to be whiped out, what then? I think that would be a return to Normality."