man on fire vs taken

very similar films in my opinion, 'taken' edges it on the imdb rating with 7.8, maybe i have to rewatch taken, but i thought man on fire takes the edge with cinematograghy and character development..


No contest...

Taken - 7.5-8/10
Man on Fire - 5/10

although... prior to my recent viewing (July 27th 2015) Man on Fire was a 8.5-9/10. so at one point i would have went with Man on Fire but i feel it's got pacing issues for me nowadays to the point i won't be re-watching it again. Taken on the other hand is still strong.

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


Taken is a better popcorn movie. Man on Fire has more style and substance. Depends what you're in the mood for.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


Personally that is a easy choice.I choose Man on Fire because I prefer Denzel Washington's acting over Liam Neeson's(I don't care if others disagree either).It also helps that Dakota Fanning is one of the very few and I mean very few kid actors or actresses that doesn't annoy me.


Taken aims low and scores a direct hit. MoF aims high and falls short.

MoF is a much better film, well crafted and with some substance. It touches on nihilistic 70's thrillers and it haunts you well after you watch it. Where it fails is in Tony Scott's spastic camera and editing, and gooey 'emotional' music that is supposed to enhance the Creasey/Pita bonding scenes but ends up drowning them in sugar. These shortcomings are frustrating because they hold the film back from being the 'masterpiece' that some here have described it.

Taken is total junk food but thoroughly satisfying. It's hilariously bad when it tries to do drama, it's crude and dumb, but goddam those beatdowns are well executed and brutal. It's perfectly paced and watching Neeson unstoppably shred grubby Euro sex-traders to retrieve his daughter is deeply satisfying to the 'dad' gene.

Both fanatic films for different moods.


Man on Fire.
No contest.


One of the better comparisons on here. Taken is quite shorter and more of a "one vs. all" kind of unrealistic action film but in terms of better movie with more character development and plot, it's Man on Fire.


Taken was better. The editing, story, pace everything was so clean and precise compared to the choppy editing in Man on Fire. The acting was better in Man on Fire though.

Taken - 7.7
Man of Fire - 6.9
