Why the hate?

I can't understand why people disliked this movie so much. I mean I'm can be pretty discriminating when it comes to movies(especially comedies) but my friend and I wathced this and laughed our asses off. We found out later that everyone thought Envy was a piece of *beep* What gives?


I liked the movie! I think it was funny az!! Jack Black was the best in it! I was just like "that guy should be happy for Nick!" he should've been supportive of His ideas... Jack was hilarious!! FLAN anyone>?? hahaha!

~Peace and Love~


I'm notorious for mostly only likeing critically acclaimed films...I actually liked this one...maybe it'll have a nice little cult following...Ya just gotta love Christopher Walken!

I'd give my right arm to be ambitdextrous


great film


I loved this movie!
Everything about it was hilarious. And like the poster a while back said I think people went in for a different film. Most of Jack Black and Ben Stiller's films are ridiculous and obvious humor. While this movie had a darker tone. For me one of the funniest parts was when Ben Stiller shoots "The J Man" (Christopher Walken) with an arrow. And also when people start asking "Where does the poop go!?" and it ruins Black and Stiller. This is an awesome movie and is really really underrated.




I'm watching it now,it's just a bit boring really.



Why the hate? Because it was a comedy and it didn't make me laugh.

Entourage - Best Show on TV


I’m replying a year after all these posts. Haven’t seen the film but am downloading it right now. The ‘user review’ that was highlighted as I logged in says something to the effect that, “when Christopher Walken is funnier than the actual comedy actors... the film‘s in trouble.” Right away I knew, I’m reading the review of an idiot. Walken has always been capable of the darkest, and occasionally, funniest, humor. The rest of the highlighted review here is full of piss poor English. Fluffy words, no typos, just ‘stupidos’... I would take the negative reviews with a grain of salt, or ignore them altogether (not “all together” as the schmuck in the highlighted user review uses).


they think barry levinson is out of fashion, they want to be "in"


this movie kicked ass dont care what anyone says this was a great movie and completely underated

"Why so serious?"


Wow, i just watched it, and im really shocked about the rating.. How can people like this movie this little? Im sad and surprized about IMDB peoples taste.


Because this is probably the worst movie ever. Retarded script, directing worthy of a retirement home patient and stinking acting. A turd of the worst kind.


Some other words of wisdom from chrisnyc1.

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt0297181/board/thread/63041023?p=2&d=15 3557277#153557277

In hell you'll just be sorry that you were so stupid back on Earth.

You pathetic sad moron. You are endlessly stupid and provide no service at all.

Pathetic babbling of a retarded racist. (...)another proof of your stupidity and brain damage caused by fanatical racism (...) why don't you move into a coal mine - everything's so beautiful and black - not a white thing around (...) Typical racist thinking.

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/board/thread/144246621?p=3&d=1 50383260#150383260

You meant 'braindead racist troll'. That's who he is.

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/board/thread/144246621?p=3&d=1 50383155#150383155

Well said but you are talking to a racist troll. Severe brain damage. A typical case I'm afraid.

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt0416449/board/thread/148091314?d=148091314 &p=1#148091314

'Greek' is a Turkish word meaning 'slave'. Why do Greeks submit to being called Greeks in today's world?

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/board/thread/132146150?d=132498846 &p=1#132498846

As a result you see racists who think it's perfectly normal and socially acceptable to be this particular kind of racist.

http://pro.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/board/thread/132146150?d=132726137 &p=1#132726137

Another racist brainless troll sharing his "wisdom".


Some other words of wisdom from vanderghast:


I just don't understand all the hype about "The Godfather". It's such a bad movie, poorly directed and with bad acting. All that violence makes me sick. My vote is 1.


You stupid moron for the last time I tell you I'm right and you're wrong. If you don't shut up immediately you'll be sorry.


"Shawshank Redemption" is one of the worst movies I've seen. The actors are so awful, they don't know what they're doing. And I mean it goes without saying that Tim Robbins would've fallen in love with Mark Rolston, I know I would have. He was such a hot stud. Imagine the two of them making love on Robbin's bunk bed. The director selfishly cheated us out of such a marvelous scene.


I loved this movie. I have similar fantasies to the ones the protagonist had. Sometimes I dream I proudly walk the streets of my hometown wearing only my pink boots. All men eye me hungrily. And the women ask me with amazement what I do to keep my skin so smooth and cleanly shaved.


I simply hated that movie. Everybody in it was so ugly.


My favorite movie is The Piano. That scene where Harvey Keitel boldly shows Holly Hunter what he's made of still makes me drool.


I loved that movie because I love animals. But I love them more than ordinary people do. It makes me blush. I intend to write a book about my experiences. I already have a title: "The Beastmaster".


I loved that movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic". That movie is about me. It's 10/10 for sure. I loved it.


In agreement - I found it quirky and enjoyable... the only good thing about it being ignored (I think it's virtually unknown in the UK) is that I picked up the DVD for the princely sum of £4.
