Sorry, it really was NOT THAT BAD. If you didn't laugh even one time at this movie and you like Jack Black-style humor, you are just lying.
I could see if you don't like Jack Black or Ben Stiller movies or that kind of humor then maybe you wouldn't laugh even once at this movie. Nacho Libre is a good example of pushing that kind of humor -- it was almost a very dull movie, but I liked it. Nacho Libre is similar to this movie. It's a certain kind of humor, kind of a niche, and if you don't like that kind of humor you will just think it's dull or boring. Most of the time I watched Nacho Libre I thought it was pretty pathetic, but overall it was funny. I would expect Jack Black to apologize for Nacho Libre before this movie. But I think he was really too proud of Nacho Libre, look at all his podcasts about it, hahaha.
Mystery Men is another example of a funny movie that is pathetic in parts and in other parts it was very, very strange. Overall it was funny and worth watching a few times, though. It's Ben Stiller or Jack Black-type humor.
And, to cite another example of this kind of humor, Duplex. Maybe this kind of humor is just dark and strange? But, it's still funny and appeals to a lot of people.
Either you like it or you don't, though. And if you don't like these typical Jack Black and Ben Stiller type movies, don't bother watching them just so you can give them low scores and complain about them on IMDB...