MovieChat Forums > Wicker Park (2004) Discussion > who completely sympathized with alex?

who completely sympathized with alex?

I mean, she saw/knew him first (in a way). I know it's a childish logic, but to the ladies of this forum, don't you think Alex had every reason and rights to do what she had to do? It happened to me before. And I did the exact same thing (except I didn't steal my friend's name and apartment and her life). But yeah.


Quote: I mean, she saw/knew him first (in a way). I know it's a childish logic, but to the ladies of this forum, don't you think Alex had every reason and rights to do what she had to do? It happened to me before. And I did the exact same thing (except I didn't steal my friend's name and apartment and her life). But yeah. /Quote

No, no no no, HELL NO. N-o-b-o-d-y has the right to do what this character did. The focus of one's love (or obsession) IS NOT an inanimate object that one can claim simply because s/he saw him/her before someone else did. KWIM? I can empathize with how she feels, definitely. AndI don't think love is always selfless, either. But unless you have a brain abnormality, you are responsible for your actions. If you act in a destructive manner, you don't deserve sympathy, nor do you deserve what you want most. You're entitled to your feelings, sure, but you're not entitled to screw with someone else's life.
Some people have an overdeveloped sense of *entitlement*, and when they act on their impulses, thinking they deserve and are entitled to what they want, they need to be knocked down a few pegs.

Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards. ~Lois Bujold


Yes and No. I felt sympathetic until she started screwing around. If it was me I would have told Lisa that HE was the guy that I liked. She would still end up with him probably but that's life. He would always be into Lisa more anyways. Plus the stuff she did was just plain rotten.


Only felt bad for Rebecca & Luke.
Could hardly sympathse with alex , the whole movie i was like 'matthew get on the plane to china '


Here's my two pence on this issue :

Love makes people do unimaginable things.

Alex has the guts to do what she did to win her love back... its wrong, we audience understand that, but it's "survival instinct"

Most of the time, survival instinct and morality just dont go well together. In fact, they contradict one another. For example, its wrong to bootlick your boss to get to the top, but people still do that in order to survive in the corporate world.

and i must say that, in real life, Alex would've gotten the guy. Most guys are the "out of sight, out of mind" type, and is hardly the type who'd stay obsessed over a memory of a girl he met once upon a time.

Last movie watched - T4 10/10
Great movie! Watched it 3 times on the big screen already!


It's a tough question. I both sympathized with her and was angered by her. There aren't any easy answers to this movie. I think the way Alex kep those two apart was awful but she also goes out with the other guy and in effect uses HIM. So in the end she kind of betrays everyone.

I felt terrible for Lisa who genuinely thought Alex was her friend and had no idea what she was doing behind her back. I also did feel sorry for Rebecca who is jilted almost as an afterthought. These are pretty complicated characters but the one I felt the sorriest for was Lisa.


and i must say that, in real life, Alex would've gotten the guy. Most guys are the "out of sight, out of mind" type, and is hardly the type who'd stay obsessed over a memory of a girl he met once upon a time.

Alex was a terribly immature selfish person, no sympathy whatsoever for her.

Most guys have that one girl that "got away". After that one girl, then they'll become the "out of sight, out of mind" type, as they never want another girl to have that power over them again. If that girl pops back into their life at all, it can cause absolute chaos. Thats why I felt sad for Rebecca, and how true it was when she said something like "so I'm not the that could ever break your heart". Its true, theres basically always just one girl that could ever really break a guy's heart. Doesn't necessarily mean she's the right one though. I know the girl I'm with now is far better for me than "the one that got away", but no girl could ever break my heart the way that one did. It's screwed up.

I think Josh hartnett would have been just as happy with Rebecca as he would be with the blonde if she never popped back into his life. But Alex was just a monster, and he never really had any real feelings for her, she was just trying to force him to.


Alex has the guts to do what she did to win her love back... its wrong, we audience understand that, but it's "survival instinct"

How can she "win back" the love of somebody that's never met her? Remember, she began interfering and deleting answering machine messages before Matt had ever even laid eyes on her.

I might could go along with everyone (but probably not) with the whole "all is fair in love" motto except there is no way Alex was in love or had any love for Matt. Most it could be called would be an obsesdive crush on an absolute stranger. The equivalent of being 13 years old and staring at a Justin Timberlake picture but never even being in the same state he's in. No chance of even getting an autograph. I'm not saying Matt was out of her league. Just that she was delusional sonce she had never even introduced herself but she felt she had the right to delete his phone messages in order to breakup his relationship. If she wanted to get dolled up, and ask him out for coffee and try to charm him away from his relationship - even though she's horribly betraying her friend - at least that wouldn't be psycho!

At the end of the movie I was wishing there were laws to allow people to be put in jail for this type of behavior.


Well anyone who would betray a best friend like that, in my view IS mentally unstabile. So it wouldn't surprise me if ALex was. Did she truely want Matt or did she want him because Lisa had him and she had her own feelings of jealiousy and perhaps even hatred toward Lisa? I only felt sorry for her slightly because, although what she does is beastly, it does appear toward the end she feels some guilt and at least confesses which is more then alot of people do in real life. I think Alex was envious of Lisa for both her acting abilities and her ability to attract men. She however didn't love Matt, she wanted to OWN him. And using his best friend didn't exactly help matters.

I would have liked to see Lisa's reaction to Alexe's confession near the end. Unfortunetly we don't get to see that. But Matt isn't exactly squeaky clean, he dumps his fiancee at the airport as an afterthought. So that's why I said the most sympathetic character was Lisa.


I did. She went through possibly as much if not more pain than Matthew in chasing their obsessions/loves. I wanted it to be her in airport. Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie as is, but in my own perfect world...


yeah, me too. i don't think that what she did was right but i felt so sorry for her. i think, in the end the real lisa wasn't nearly as likable as alex would have been if she had had the just wasn't fair...

'you took something perfect and painted it red'


Well I think Alex is a crazy manipulative b!tch.

Yes, she saw him first. But let's remember that she also immediatly saw that he was interested in Lisa. However, she also was friends with her. It's true that we never really know how close they are becasue I always find it odd that she never actually met Matt as Lisa's boyfriend, but still Lisa seemed like a nice girl. So, Alex could have immediatly told Lisa that he was the one and that would have been it. But ok she is a shy girl so she keeps her mouth shut.
However, after seeing them together she still broke them up. Lisa was her friend and would have come home from Europe eventually, so how would Alex have explained that she is now with Matt?!?! Both, MAtt and Lisa would have found out what was going on, so this would never have worked.

Still, let's say she made a mistake. But she then had two years to think about that and still continued to keep them apart.



Your post:

Lisa was her friend and would have come home from Europe eventually, so how would Alex have explained that she is now with Matt?!?! Both, MAtt and Lisa would have found out what was going on, so this would never have worked.

made me realize why I have ZERO sympathy for Alex but I wasn't articulating it well - because, as I've said many times in this thread, Alex had never met Matt, and never tried to meet him other than taking her camera to his shop for repair which MIGHT have been an attempt - then she did all this damage to his relationship without even hoping she would step in and become his girlfriend.

If we examine what was shown to us, Matt came across Alex completely by accident. She didn't lure him. He was searching for Lisa. Yes, she acted on her fantasy once Matt was alone in "her" apartment and asleep on "her" couch. But there was never any indication that she would ever work up the nerve to try to be with him in any real relationship. If so, she would have never let him believe her name was Lisa because it would be revealed as a lie if they ever did get together. This knowing/thinking she could never be with him just makes her actions of interfering deranged. If she had interfered because she did actively go after him to win him, while despicable (because he's a stranger who doesn't know her and her friend's boyfriend), at least it wouldn't qualify her as a psycho.


Not me. It's obvious she wasn't his type; he liked natural blondes. And as shallow as he may seem, you still gotta live with it and move on to somebody who goes for your "type."




I can't believe anyone would sympathize with her, she was a complete psycho. What she felt for Matt wasn't love, it was lust. That doesn't give her any right to manipulate and betray her friend, the guy she's supposedly in 'love' with, as well as his friend. Plus who's to say their relationship would have gone any further than the infatuation she felt for him? She never even talked to the guy. It wasn't worth what she was doing, and in the end she deserves to end up alone or better yet, do herself a favor and get some therapy to overcome her shyness and inability to approach potential love interests. Stealing someone's identity and stalking their (ex)boyfriend? I'd say that's going too far. Maybe she'd be more sympathetic if she had tried to talk to Matt while he was with Lisa and seen if anything would happen. It would still be a horrible thing to do to a friend, but it wouldn't be so drastic or deceitful.
